1993/10/20BERLI~ PLANNING~COf~4ISSION - 4 - OCTOBER 12, 1993 g. Discussion was held with Joseph Tricka regarding co~letion of public improvements in the Heritate E~tate~ ~ub~ivisfon. A ~tion va~ ~de by Hr. Query, seconded by Hrs. Carey and voted unanimously to require ~r. Tricka ~o report to ~he Cosislion in 60 days regarding status of his Letter of Credt~ iros ~he bank. h. Discussion of co~letion of public i~rove~n~s in ~he Sun~adov subdivision, Hichael Dauria. No discussion or action sas ~akenl this i~em ~ill be placed on the next a~enda. i. A mo~ion ~as made by Hr. ligwn~, seconded by Hrs. Carey and voted unanimously ~o completely release the bond of Rober~ ~us, Northfield La~e · J. A ~on ~as ~ad~ by ~s. ~l~y, seconded by Hr. ~ery and vo~ed unanimously ~o ~u~hor~z~ pa~n~ ~o Rod H~ ~or ~rk co~le~d ~n ~he R~S subd~v~z~on ~n an a~oun~ as approved by k. Letter from John R. Anial~ski concernin8 co~letion of sidewalks in the ~oods ~d~e subdivision. Hr. Voelker viii alain request Hr. Alber~ at~end ~he nex~ seeting ~o discuss ~he 1. Request for bond release, Richard A. ~ngo, ~i~h Road. No action vas ~aken. I ~tion'vas ~de by Hs. gilty, s~conded by Hrs. Catty and vo~ed to co~letely release the bond of Richard Parks, Quail Run. n. A ~o~ion vas ~de by Hrs. Car~y, seconded by ~. ~iley and voted unanimus!y ~o add ~his item ~o ~he agenda. ~a applican~ proposes a'revision the Richard Pepin subdivision, Norton Road.~o ta~ a Oor~ion oi land from Loc 1 and ~ive i~ ~o ~ I-F. A ~ion ~as ~de by ~s. Carey, seconded -~ c.. by,Hs. ~iley and'voted unani~usly to approve the revisions. t~' o[~f A ~t~ vas ~de by Hr. Zi~n~, seconded by Ns. ~iley and voted' ~ ;~% una~!~sly to add this ires to the asenda. Hr. Voelker requested ~he a fOil'{nS be ~dded to the 199a-95 Planning ~lssion budget: c.~ ~ ; '~:~$!000 for line i~ lducation i Training I~'} : -~ $~000 for Consultants~ '~lch are n~ed~d especially for t~fordable - .) housing appeals ,;, A'~'~[on ~as ~de by ~rs. Carey, seconded by Hs. ~iley and voted unanl~usly ~o approve ~he above budge~ p. A ~tion ~as made by Hs. ~iley, seconded b~ ~, qu~ and voted unanl~usly to add this i~em ~o the a~nda. Discussion ~as held on ro~a~ion o[ al~ernates for sea,iai when reeler ~mb~rs are absen~ or disqualified [rom individual a~enda i~e~. I~ vas ~he consensus o~ the ~ssion ~ha~ alternates be rotated each ~etini and the ~op person on the list be seated for any reeler ~e~ber who is absen~l, th~ next cwo alternates on the lis~ will be rotated during ~he ~ee~ing [or individual lte~ when needed. The ro~a~ion order for each ~ee~in~ viii be included rich ~h~ agenda. The ro~a~ion system ~ill begin with the [ollo~in~ order: Hiss ~sklll, Hs. ~tley, ~r. Ed61son. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joan Carey, Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed October 16, 1993 BERLIN PLANNING COHNISSION The special meeting of the Berlin Planning CommisSion was called to order at 7=10 P.M. on October 20, 1993 by chairman Dennis Kern. Those present were Timothy Zigmont, Joan Carey, Susan Wiley, Town Planner William Voelker, and Recording Secretary Sharon Guite. Paul Query, Gale Porter, Ronald Edelson and Eileen Meskill were absent. Barbara Edelson was present as a member of the audience. 1. Review of abandonment of portions of Wethersfield Road and "Old Highway" in accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Staff recommended the Commission act only to discontinue portions of Wethersfield Road and hold off to a later date abandonment of TOld Highway" and distribution of portions of Wethersfield Road. A motion was made by Mrs. Carey,. seconded by Ms. Wiley and voted unanimously to recommend to the Executive Board in accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes discontinuance of portions of Wethersfield Road, as recommended by the Town Engineer. 2.Review of proposed Zoning Regulations and amendments to the Zoning Map. Heavy Industry (HI) and Light Industry (LI} zones have been consolidated into one zone called General Industry (GI). Individual lots currently zoned LI and to become GI were pointed out by Mr. Voelker on the map~ 'Planned Shopping 1 and 2 zones (PS-l, PS-2} have. been consolidated into PS-A~ Planned Shopping 3 and 4 zones {PS-3, PS-4) have been consolidated into PS-B. The PS-B zone regulations have been amended to limit any individual building to 300,000 square feet. Planned Elderly Development zone (PED) has been eliminated '~' from the regulations because it severly limited development 6.. potential. There is currently only one location where the ~'~ ~:;~ PED ~ne is used~ Middletown Road-Wilbur Cross Highway. The'~ddletown Road portion will revert back to R-15, and the~Wilbur Cross Highway portion will revert back to R-43. E~ R~ta~l Business zone (RB) will be changed to Commercial -~ ~re'~District i and 2 (CCD-1 and CCD-2). Mr. Voelker [~ ~bihted out on the map where CCD-1 and CC~-2 are located. Planned Office Development zone (POD) is recommended for 4 separate areas. POD is a much more environmentally sensitive zone than Office Lab (OL), therefore south Chamberlain Highway areais reconu~ended to be changed from OL to POD. Mr. Voelker stated that restricted access to a state highway in the POD zone needs to be added to the regulation. The new Office Professlonal zone (DP) allows office use with Special Permit in the R-IS zone. DP zone is shown PLANNING COMMISSION - 2 - . OCTOBER20, 1993 on the map in only one location~ northerly end of High Road. The R-15 zone was changed to eliminate 2-family option. The 2 new policies in the residential zones as described on pages 136 & 13~ were discussed. Item T., Assessory Dwelling Units, ~2, Applicability, states that an accessory dwelling may be established in an existing house which is 5 or more years old. Mr. Zigmont questioned why new construction could not be included in accessory dwelling units. It will be discussed further at a future meeting. Mr. Voelker pointed out on page ~05, Earth Removals, that new regulations tie excavation of land to land development specifically. The next special meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 26, to continue review of the ~oning Regulations and amendments to the Zoning Map. A motion was made by Ms. Wiley, seconded by Mrs. Carey and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9~00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joan Carey, Secretary Sharon Guite, ~ecording Secretary Typed October 21, 1993 J