1997/04/01 Amended and Approved Minutes OEa��N TOWN OF BERLIN INLAND WETLANDS !lid AND o i‘ c WATER COURSES COMMISSION 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 RpORAlE° APRIL 1, 1997 The April 1, 1997 regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Engineering Room, Town Hall, by Chairman Michael Balinskas. Present were Vice Chairman James McCarthy, Commissioners Ray Jarema, Charles Warner, Connie Marshall, and Ralph Simeone, and Assistant Town Engineer James Horbal, Agent to the Commission. Excused was Commissioner Joseph Monzillo. Commissioner Lang arrived and was seated at 7: 13 p.m. Commissioner Mark Morin was present but not seated. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Page 1 - 1st paragraph it should be noted that Connie Marshall was present at the meeting of 3/4/97. Page 2 - 8th paragraph it should be noted that the plunge pool was recommended by the Engineering Department. Page 2 - last paragraph should read Mr. Casezza is proposing a larger driveway in order to be able to turn around due to. . . Page 3 - 9th paragraph should read. . .received a letter from this commission's agent and stated. . . Page 4 - 1st paragraph should read. .This plan will not reflect what the DEP is requiring. Page 4 - 4th paragraph should read. . . it was then that he realized the plans were not the approved drawings. Commissioner Warner made a motion to accept the minutes of March 1, 1997 as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Jarema. All in favor. Motion carried. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Application 97-04W Proposal by the City of New Britain to construct playing fields and related appurtenances within wetland areas on Lots 77B and 77C, Block 23, Farmington Avenue. _ -2- Chairman Balinskas read the legal notice into the record regarding the public hearing being held on Application 97-04W. Peter Ledger of the City of New Britain stated that the proposal this evening consists of the fourth site for the project which is an alternative plan. Mr. Ledger further stated that the new application addresses priority needs and wetland issues. The proposal includes the filling of 10, 000 square feet of wetlands near the highway and in exchange a 20, 000 square foot area of new wetlands will be created. Clarence Corbin, Acting City Engineer stated that the proposal includes a football field, currently the soccer field, improved drainage, installation of subsystem drainage, retaining the general sloping nature and characteristics of the site. Also the football field will be raised about 1 foot. A drainage ditch will be added along with the reconstruction of the existing temporary bridge to be made permanent. The bridge will be a pre-engineered wood decking, approximately 20 feet in length and 8 feet wide and will be bolted down. The bridge will be used to accommodate the coach's truck and the water will flow under the bridge. There will be a gravel parking lot. A 15" storm drainage pipe will be used to tie in the subsurface drainage system. Bob Russo, Environmental Scientist of UHP in Middletown stated that there are 2 types of wetlands on this site. On the eastern portion of the site there are natural wetlands and on the western portions there are isolated pockets which are created wetlands. In the natural wetlands there is diverse vegetation. Mr. Russo further stated that the soil is of a sandy and permeable nature. Mr. Russo said that the created wetlands in line with the surface water flow and the wetland will be kept wet through the ground water discharge. Chairman Balinskas asked what the estimated water flow into the mitigated area would be? Mr. Corbin stated that the water flow would be 8 cfs designed for a 25 year storm. Commission Lang stated that she is not comfortable with voting or commenting on this application as she is on the Board at Hungerf ord. Eddy Arbor of Berlin asked how the lights would be positioned on the field. -3- Mr. Ledger stated that there will be 4 lights facing inward on the field. Mr. Campagna of 164 Newton Street in Kensington asked if another site could be used instead of this one. Mr. Ledger stated that the other 3 sites were not favorable for various reasons. The site needs to be close to Willow Brook Park and New Britain High School. - Mr. Campagna suggested that there is property near the high school and possibly New Britain Machine's property. Mr. Campagna disagreed with the current site of the proposal. He further asked how much this project will cost. Mr. Ledger stated that there is a budget of $500, 000 for this project. Vincent Durante if the field will be used for anything other than football. Mr. Ledger stated that the field will be used for soccer and field hockey. The field will be utilized from late spring until mid November. Kathy DeMarco, representing the Friends of Hungerford, stated that the group is definitely pleased with the City of New Britain's proposal. (Refer to Vacinity Map, Hungerford Park, Wetlands Application, Farmington Avenue, Berlin, CT - Scale 1"=50 ' . Designed by: P.T. Drawn by: J.F.P. Checked by: P.T. /C.W.C. Dated: March 10, 1997. City of New Britain Bureau of Engineering - Clarence Corbin, Acting Director, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, CT. Also refer to Hungerford Park Sports Fields Drainage Map is using a scale of 1"=40 ' for sheets 5-10. Designed by: J.P. Drawn by: R.P. Checked by: J.P. Dated: March 1997. City of New Britain Bureau of Engineering - Clarence Corbin, Acting Director, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, CT. ) Clyde Selner of Berlin stated that the proposed site for this project enhances Hungerford Park and promotes wildlife and the plan also helps to control sediment runoff better. This has a less detrimental effect than the previous application. There is no detrimental downstream effect. Sal Gozzo, Newton Street, Kensington stated that if in another 2 years the City of New Britain wants to add more fields to the proposed project site, what happens at that point? Chairman Balinskas stated that the City of New Britain would have to come before this Board. -4- Mr. Ledger stated that he cannot see any reason why the City of New Britain would come back to this board in the future regarding Application 97-04W. Commissioner Marshall made a motion to close the Public Hearing for Application 97-04W. Seconded by Commissioner Jarema. Five in favor. One abstention by Commissioner Lang. Motion carried. Commissioner Warner made a motion to approve Application 97-04W with standard conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Simeone. Vice Chairman McCarthy made a motion to amend the motion for approval requiring the as built drawings show the mitigated wetland area for Town mapping purposes. Seconded by Commissioner Warner. Five in favor. One abstention by Commissioner Lang. Motion carried. Chairman Balinskas stated that now we return to the motion to approve Application 97-04W which was made by Commissioner Warner and seconded by Commissioner Simeone. Four in favor. One abstention by Commissioner Lang and one opposed by Vice Chairman McCarthy. Motion carried. Vice Chairman McCarthy asked if there was a curb in the parking area. Mr. Ledger said that there were no plans for a curb, however curbing could be added. Chairman Balinskas recessed the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Chairman Balinskas called the meeting back to order at 8:50 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 1. Application 97-07WF Proposal by CRP, LLC, to place fill and regrade within both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lots 3A, 3B, 4A and 12Z, Block 76A, Christian Lane. Bart Bovee, Engineer of MBA Engineering, to speak on behalf of the applicant, David Manafort. Mr. Bovee stated that the piled material has been removed per our discussion last meeting. He further stated that this plan is proposing to construct a building to store the applicant's equipment. Mr. Bovee said that the DEP is ready to act conceptually on this plan. The proposed pond will be used as a shallow -5- Chairman Balinskas asked, "How deep is the pond going to be?" David Manafort stated that the deepest area is 40 feet. James Horbal, Agent to the Commission, recommended holding a public hearing for this application. Commissioner Simeone presented pictures of waterflow through the site. Vice Chairman McCarthy stated that this application sounds like a significant activity with a wetlands area. Vice Chairman McCarthy made a motion to work Application 97-07WF in conjunction item 4b. listed later on agenda, with the notice of violation for Application 92-15WF. Commissioner Simeone asked if the violation issue will be worked out within a month? Mr. Bovee stated that it would. Commissioner Warner made a motion to go to a public hearing on May 6, 1997 for Application 97-07WF. Seconded by Commissioner McCarthy. All in favor. Motion carried. 4b. Application 92-15WF - M.B. Associates - Notice of Violation David Manafort stated that a silt fence will be put back up with hay bales. Everything else has been removed from the flood plain area or disposed of. Mr. Horbal stated that staff has received remarkable updates regarding violations, and considerable progress has been made on behalf of the applicant. 2. Application 97-08W Proposal by George J. and Elizabeth Pawlak to construct a sanitary sewer within a wetland area on Lot 28A, Block 108H, Jeffrey Lane. Ed Szcepanik to speak on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Szcepanik stated that water will be accessible on Four Rod Road in the future. Mr. Horbal stated that from Staff's point of view there are no concerns. Chairman McCarthy made a motion to approve Application 97-08W with standard conditions and the condition being no building -6- permit is be approved at such time for Lot 28A. Seconded by Commissioner Warner. All in favor. Motion carried. (Refer to Sewer Layout Map, Lots 28, 28A, 28B for George Pawlak, Four Rod Road, Berlin, CT. Roderick D. Hewitt, Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors, Kensington, CT. Dated: March 11, 1997. File name: E: \DRAW\92093\SPLIT. Drawn by: RDH/CAD. Sheet No. 1 of 2 , and 2 of 2. Project No. 96052 . ) 3. Application 97-09W Proposal by Sebastian Malespini to construct a commercial structure, parking and appurtenances within a flood hazard area on Lot 5, Block 86, Mill Street. Ed Szcepanik representing the applicant. Seb Malespini stated that he has an existing flower shop in Town and would like to expand it. Commissioner Simeone asked what the parking lot will be made of? Mr. Malespini stated that the parking lot will be made of asphalt. The elevation of the parking lot will be 42-43 . Commissioner Simeone made a motion to approve Application 97-09W with standard conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Jarema. Five in favor. One abstention by Vice Chairman McCarthy. Motion carried. (Refer to Subdivision and site plan - Land of David and Victoria Kiel, Lot #5, Block 86, Farmington Avenue, Berlin, CT. Roderick Hewitt, Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of 470 New Britain Road, Kensington, CT. Plot date: 3/6/97. File name: D: \DRAW\97016\SITE-p. Drawn by: RDH/CAD. Sheet No. SI-1 of 1. ) OTHER BUSINESS TO COME PROPERLY BEFORE THE COMMISSION 4a. Application 94-18W - Priscilla Pasternak - Request for modification of an existing permit. Troy Casezza, the applicant, stated that adjacent property owner is not interested in an easement. Mr. Casezza presented a signed letter from the adjacent property owner stating such. Mr. Casezza stated he is proposing a retaining up to the curb and no hammerhead or turn around for the driveway. He further stated that the retaining wall is 5 feet and slopes down to nothing. Mr. Horbal suggested that the applicant have the limits of the proposed activity and corners of the home staked out for the Commission's review. -7- Mr. Casezza stated that he does not want to invest more money into this property if it's not going to be considered for approval. Chairman Balinskas stated that this is a difficult site to deal with in terms of wetland issues. Commissioner Lang made a motion to go to public hearing on May 6, 1997. Seconded by Commissioner Simeone. Five in favor. One opposed by Commissioner Marshall. Motion carried. Chairman McCarthy read the conditions of the previous approval of this application to Mr. Casezza. Mr. Casezza stated that an exact footprint was not specified in the conditions of the previous approval. 4c. APPLICATION 90-03WF - Lombardo Enterprises - Notice of Violation Peter Lombardo submitted the requested copy of the regulations from the DEP. Mr. Lombardo stated that he could not give much information regarding this application because Rod Hewitt was not available this evening to represent him. Chairman Balinskas stated that this application will be addressed at the next meeting. 4d. Application 93-04W - Kensington Health Care Center - Request for transfer of permit and extension of construction commencement period. Mr. Waldman was unable to attend this evening. Vice Chairman McCarthy made a motion to transfer the existing permit under Application 93-04W from The Kapsan Group back to Arthur Waldman d.b.a. Warm Springs Mortgage and extend the construction commencement period for Application 93-04W for another 2 years, as requested by the applicant, with standard conditions, and that any changes made to the prints be approved by this commission. Seconded by Commissioner Marshall. All in favor. Motion carried. -8- ADJOURNMENT Vice Chairman McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:23 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Warner. Al]. in favor. Motion carried. Respectively submitted, Tina M. DeGran Commission Secretary cc: Ida M. Ragazzi, Mayor Bonnie Therrien, Town Manager Commission Members James Horbal, Agent to the IWWCC J �