1998/04/07 Approved Minutes • i,R1.IN c° TOWN OF BERLIN °'' iii % INLAND WETLANDS 3 VA. C+ AN D ° ; !'.� WATER COURSES COMMISSION tip, R b`' 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 °RpORATEO\1 APRIL 7, 1998 The April 7, 1998 regular meeting of the Inland Wetland and Water Courses Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. in Room 8 of the Berlin Town Hall by Commissioner Ray Jarema. PRESENT- Commissioners Ray Jarema, Connie Marshall, Mark Morin, Cleveland Huggins, Ralph Simeone, Joseph Porcaro and Mr. James Horbal - Agent to the IWWCC. ABSENT- Commissioners Warner, and Bove. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES The following corrections were noted for the minutes of 3/3/98: Page 5 - 1st paragraph should read...The Commissioners took a 5 minute break. Page 7 - 5th paragraph...sedimentation was misspelled. Page 7 - 6th paragraph...funding was misspelled. Several members noted that they did not have enough time to review the minutes as they received them today. James Horbal stated that there was a mailing problem on Friday which prevented commissioners from receiving their packages in a timely fashion. Commissioner Morin made a motion to table the acceptance of minutes to next month's meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Porcaro. All in favor. Motion carried. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS Alan Borghesi asked to be put on the agenda this evening for Application 98-08W. Commissioner Huggins made a motion to add item 5. Application 98-08W. Seconded by Commissioner Morin. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Morin made a motion to table the"Election of Vice Chairman" to take place after item 5. Seconded by Commissioner Huggins. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Jarema read the legal notice of public hearings to be held this evening. • -2- PUBLIC HEARING 1. Application 98-03W Proposal by Barbara H. Orcutt to discharge drainage into a Wetland area on Lot 41C/Block 54, Hall Lane. Bart Bovee, Professional Engineer of MBA Engineering, stated that the property is entirely agricultural. Approximately 4.5 acres is designated as a salt type wetland. There will be no construction occurring within the wetlands. Presently Hall Lane pitches toward the east. The peak runoff for a 25 year storm is 15 cfs. A double catch basin structure will be put in at the cul- de-sac. There will be no impact on residential structures. Open space will be retained toward the rear of the lot. Commissioner Porcaro questioned about the peak runoff being 15 cfs? Mr. Bovee replied that when the area is close to the brook the idea is to get it into the brook as quickly as possible. In a 3 acre area the retention of water is relatively small. Commissioner Porcaro asked about the pond. Mr. Bovee stated that the pond acts as a sedimentation base. Mr. Horbal stated that buffer plantings could be planted along the wetland line. Mr. Bovee stated that buffer plantings could be added. Mr. Horbal stated, "A denser buffer on the northerly portion of the property could be added." Mr. Bovee stated, "An oversized grid separator and biofilter will be installed." Commissioner Simeone asked if 2 catch basins would be installed side by side. Mr. Bovee replied, "Yes and serve as a double structure." Commissioner Simeone asked, "What size pipe will be used?" Mr. Bovee replied, "A 24 inch R.C.P." No comments were heard from the citizens. Mr. Horbal suggested that there be buffer type plantings installed on lots C2 and C4. • -3- Commissioner Morin made a motion to close the public hearing on Application 98-03W. Seconded by Commissioner Simeone. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Morin made a motion to accept Application 98-03W with standard conditions and with the understanding that buffer plantings be established in accordance with Staff. Seconded by Commissioner Huggins. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Application 98-05WF Proposal by Benjamin Ancona to construct a residential dwelling within a flood hazard zone on Lot 67J, Block 91, Lower Lane. Mr. Horbal stated that he received a phone call from Mr. Ancona requesting that the hearing be postponed to next month (5/5/98). Commissioner Jarema stated that the commission would entertain comments from the public. Matthew Gut of 160 Lower Lane stated, "I am requesting that the commission deny this application with the information that was provided previously. I feel there is sufficient info that would justify denial as per your files." Lewis Roblewski of 173 Lower Lane stated, "How can Mr. Ancona be allowed to build in the flood area? He can sue the Town and all that are involved." Joe Sytulek of 186 Lower Lane stated, "I can't walk into my backyard when it rains. The water comes up to the bottom of my pool. Who's responsible if I get water in my house?" Mr. Gut stated, "With each storm the water becomes worse. Adding in more homes will cause the water to rise further and further." Mr. Horbal stated, "We cannot deny Mr. Ancona the right to file an application and be heard before the board." Charlie Satkowski of 152 Lower Lane stated, "The applicant approached me and I showed him pictures of the property when it has rained." Commissioner Huggins made a motion to continue the public hearing to 5/5/98. Seconded by Commissioner Morin. All in favor. Motion carried. • -4- REGULAR MEETING 1. Application 97-23WF Proposal by Carl A. Ciarcia, Jr., to place fill, utilities and construct a roadway within a wetland area on Lot 2, Block 118, Orchard Road. Rod Hewitt, Professional Engineer of MBA Engineering represents the applicant. Mr. Hewitt stated that the applicant is proposing 7 building lots to the south of Orchard Road. The property is landlocked other than to put in a road to get into the area. Chairman Michael Balinskas was seated at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Hewitt stated that sedimentation and erosion control procedures will be used. George Logan, Soil Scientist, stated that Gill's Pond tested as a moderate to moderately high (Class A)water quality. Mr. Logan stated that the mitigation proposed is to enhance the vegetation which would include a 7,500 square foot area to consist of shrubs and plantings. Commissioner Jarema asked about the amount of fill to be brought in. Mr. Hewitt replied, "One thousand cubic yards." Chairman Balinskas asked about the net impact on wetlands. Mr. Logan replied, "There is a loss." Chairman Balinskas stated, "There is no balance to the wetlands." Mr. Hewitt stated, "Shuffling the site eastward will improve that. Morgan suggested that we move the roadway so that the entrance would be from Orchard Road." Mr. Hewitt further stated, "We felt that the current plans show a lower impact on the site." Chairman Balinskas asked, "What will be mitigated for a quarter of an acre?" Mr. Logan stated that the area outside of the easement will be enhanced to carry red maple swamp. No other areas to be enhanced on the easterly side because of the steepness of the slopes. Chairman Balinskas stated that he felt that the commission was looking for either 1/4 or 1/2 of an acre to be mitigated. -5- Carl Ciarcia stated that there is nothing in that area to mitigate. It was noted that anything above 1/2 acre of mitigation needs to be presented before the Army Corps of Engineers. The sketch layout still needs to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hewitt stated that there is always a chance that going before Planning and Zoning may prompt them to make changes and to shift the road 20 feet which will not make much difference. Mr. Horbal asked if the application was submitted to planning as of yet? Mr. Hewitt stated it has not. Commissioner Morin felt that the amount of fill going into the wetlands area is substantial. Commissioner Porcaro felt that this was a sensitive area. Commissioner Jarema stated that he felt better with a '/2 acre mitigation taking place. Mr. Ciarcia asked, "If there is no mitigation area on site then what are my alternatives?" Chairman Balinskas stated, "You could mitigate on the back corner of the property." Mr. Logan asked, "Does the Town have any wetlands that need restoration or enhancements?" Mr. Horbal stated that he would look into it. Mr. Horbal further noted that there is nothing to prohibit you from applying to the Planning and Zoning Commission at this point. Mr. Ciarcia stated, "We will work on the mitigation plan and come back next month." Commissioner Morin made a motion to table Application 97-23WF until 5/5/98. Seconded by Commissioner Jarema. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Application 98-06F Proposal by Joseph L. Pandolfe to create a vehicle storage area in both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lot 2A, Block 76A, 525 Christian Lane. Fred Clark is the Civil Engineer on this project. -6- Mr. Clark noted that the site is located a 'A north of Deming Road. There is no wetlands soil on this site. Mr. Horbal stated that the property contains wetland type soil and that it's a disturbed area. Chairman Balinskas stated that there is a zero impact on flood storage. Chairman Balinskas asked what type of vehicles will be stored here? Mr. Clark stated, "Exclusive cars that have operable resale value." Commissioner Porcaro stated that he was concerned with the soils on the site. Commissioner Morin made a motion to table Application 98-06F until the 5/5/98 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Porcaro. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Morin made a motion to break at 8:50 p.m. and to resume at 9:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Porcaro. All in favor. Motion carried. The Commission reconvened at 9:02 p.m. 3. Application 98-07WF Proposal by Shelco Filters/Robert LeConche to construct a manufacturing facility in a flood hazard area and discharge drainage into a wetland area on Lot 3B, Block 81, Christian Lane. Robert and Debra LeConche, applicants, are both present this evening. Mr. LeConche stated that the parcel is about 6.5 acres and is located on the easterly side of Christian Lane. Willow Brook is on the southerly border. Mr. Clark stated that the existing elevation is at 46 feet and the offsetting fill will be placed toward the rear of the property. Chairman Balinskas suggested to flip flop the building like a mirror image and have the river be part of the front yard. Mr. Clark stated that the area is always wet and that the distance needs to be 50 feet or more from the bank. Mr. Horbal suggested that commissioners walk the site. -7- Commissioner Simeone asked to have the wetlands flagged so that commissioners could walk the site. Commissioner Simeone made a motion to table Application 98-07WF to the 5/5/98 so that commissioners could walk the site. Seconded by Commissioner Morin. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Simeone made a motion to deem that a public hearing is not necessary for Application 98-07WF. Seconded by Commissioner Morin. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. OTHER BUSINESS TO COME PROPERLY BEFORE THE COMMISSION a. Application 93-13W(Fox Hill Land Company) -Discussion Lou Valentine, applicant, is present this evening. Commissioner Morin made a motion to schedule the public hearing to hear the revised plan with the understanding that the revised plans be in hand to Mr. Horbal by 4/24/98. Seconded by Commissioner Simeone. All in favor. Motion carried. b. #31 Pebble Brook Court-Discussion Mr. Horbal noted that the applicant was in earlier, however he could not stay for the meeting this evening. c. Correspondence Correspondence was received from the following: 1. Mattabessett River Watershed Association 2. CT Dept. Of Environmental Protection regarding an educational publication on Forests. 3. Letter from Bonnie Therrien regarding the Manafort site. 4. A copy of the existing budget and where we stand. 5. Letter from Mrs. Pac on Lower Lane d Application 98-08W- 114 New Park Drive Alan Borghesi, Civil Engineer, is present this evening. Mr. Borghesi would like to enhance the property by installing 3 loading dock areas and additional parking on the site. This would be to accommodate his tenants. -8- Mr. Borghesi noted that the wetlands have been staked by a soil scientist. The property was surveyed as well. Mr. Borghesi noted that the minor drainage does not impact the wetlands. Commissioner Huggins asked how much fill would be required? Mr. Borghesi replied, "About 250 cubic yards." Mr. Borghesi will also be installing a new handicap accessible sidewalk. Commissioners will walk the site. Commissioner Huggins moved to send Application 98-08W to public hearing on 5/5/98. Seconded by Commissioner Jarema. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Morin requested that the entire information packet be sent to commissioners earlier in the week for reviewing purposes. Mr. Horbal stated that it was impossible to do this as there would be numerous changes. Commissioner Morin asked if meeting minutes could be sent earlier. Mr. Horbal said that this could be done. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Commissioner Morin made a motion to elect Ray Jarema as Vice Chairman of the 1WWCC. Seconded by Commissioner Simeone. Five in favor. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Morin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Porcaro. All in favor. Motion carried. -9- Respectfully submitted, -7,45:27„--"Zez-Z. Tina M. DeGrandi Recording Secretary cc: Commission Members James Horbal, Agent to the IWWCC IWWCC file Bonnie Therrien, Town Manager Linda Olson, Mayor rn rr7 `--' t •• r O F.J C)