2015-05-18TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR THE AGING Minutes of Monday, May 18, 2015 * Berlin Senior Center * 7:00 P.M. APPROVED Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Chairwoman John Varley Frank J. Slogeris Richard Krause Donald Geschimsky Staff in Attendance: James Capodiece, Director of Community, Recreation & Park Services Tina Doyle, Senior Center Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Guest: Sandy Boufford 1. Call to Order: Chairman Gombotz called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Present: Barbara Gombotz Chairman, Donald Geschimsky, Frank Slogeris, Richard Krause, John Varley. 3. Approval of Minutes - March 16, 2015: Commissioner Krause made a motion to accept the Minutes of Monday, March 16, 2015, as written. Commissioner Slogeris seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted. 4. Audience of Citizens: Ms. Boufford attended the meeting to observe the commission. S. Senior Center Director's Report - Tina Doyle: Senior Center Director Doyle reviewed her report and provided additional information. She noted that the first distribution from the Myrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center Fund for $10,330 is on the Town Council agenda for acceptance tomorrow night, May 19th. The funds, in Commission for the Aging — May 18, 2015 Page 2 addition to the items stated in Director Doyle's report, can also be used for transportation. Director Doyle stated that Father Robert of St. Paul's Church has designated a portion of the churches Annual Appeal to go to seniors and it will come to the Senior Center for program use. Under Current Activities, Director Doyle noted that 260 blankets were donated for the Warm for the winter Blanket Drive and they were cleaned, folded and donated. Report from Senior Center Director Meeting Date: MAY 18th, 2015 Svecial Programs for March 2015: 3/16 CFA Meeting 7 3/17 AARP Chapter Meeting 47 3/18 Berlin Historical Soc Story Share 59 3/19 Watercolor Painting Class 2 3/19 Tax Aide 22 3/23 Garden Club 12 3/24 Movie 13 3/25 Book Club 6 3/25 Watercolor Painting Class 5 3/26 Tax Aide 9 3/26 Energy Assistance 8 3/27 Senior Golfers Meeting 4 3/30 BESB Presentation 18 Attendance for Special Programs - March 2015 Renter's Rebate Total Senior Center Attendance for March 2015 Svecial Programs for Avril 2O15: 4/1 Matter of Balance 8 4/1 Watercolor Painting Class 6 4/2 Tax Aide 28 4/7 CRIS Radio Presentation 9 4/8 Matter of Balance 11 4/8 Watercolor Painting Class 5 4/9 Tax Aide 34 4/10 Timberlin Senior Men's Golfers Assoc. Mtg 75 4/13 AARP Bd Mtg 8 4/13 Energy Assistance 10 4/14 Movie 6 4/15 Matter of Balance 10 4/15 Watercolor Painting Class 6 4/15 Renter's Rebate 13 212 1,831 Commission for the Aging — May 18, 2015 Page 3 4/20 Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 4/21 Beading Class 4/21 AARP Chapter Mtg 4/22 Matter of Balance 4/22 Watercolor Painting Class 4/22 Renter's Rebate 4/23 Energy Assistance 4/24 Ctr for Healthy Aging Presentation 4/28 "Free" Manicures 4/28 Care 4 U Pharmacy Presentation 4/29 Spring Presentation Program 4/29 Watercolor Painting Class Total Programs for April, 2015 Monthly Total for April, 2015 Special Programs for May, 2015: 5/1 Dental Cleanings 5/5 Berlin VNA Presentation 5/6 Matter of Balance 5/6 Book Club 5/6 Watercolor Painting Class 5/8 Catch Nutrition Program 5/8 Dental Cleanings 5/11 AARP Bd Mtg 5/12 Food Safety Program 5/12 Renter's Rebate 5/13 Matter of Balance 5/13 Watercolor Painting Class 5/14 CFA Social 5/15 Catch Nutrition Program Total Programs for May, 2015 Monthly Total for May, 2015 To: Commission for Aging Members From: Tina Doyle Re: Senior Center Director's Report 23 7 45 10 6 12 5 12 5 8 60 6 5 14 11 6 5 8 4 6 8 11 8 5 107 7 428 1,862 205 948 Senior Center Agency Fund: The balance is $4,652.59 as of today, May 18th, 2015. All donations need to be approved by the Town Council. Myrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center Fund: We recently received our first distribution from this donation. The funds were allocated to the following accounts - Furniture, Computers, and Programs. Some of the funds will be used to purchase new 6 ft Commission for the Aging — May 18, 2015 Page 4 lightweight tables, a computer for the craft room (public use) and one for the front desk. Berlin Police Dept. Union Donation - We recently received a donation of 10 IPADS, Apple Care for each IPAD and 6 covers. The total donation cost approximately $5,000. MYSenior Center - The Center has purchased the MYSenior Center software program through a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain. We have received the equipment and will start the installation and training for this software program in July. Trainings: LGBT Aging Advocacy - "Providing Open & Affirming Services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Elders" training through CCCI (CT Community Cares Inc.) on Monday, April 13, 2015. Upcoming Trainings: CASCP Annual Conference - held in New Haven on Friday, June 5th. Workshops include Learn the Art of the Ask (fundraising) and De -Clutter to De -Stress. Webinar Training - U.S. Department of Justice and Fraud Schemes Targeting Older Americans training on Wed, May 27th. CAMAE Municipal Agent Dap - hosted by the Berlin Senior Center on Wednesday, June 10th all day. The topic for the day is "What do Municipal Agents Do?" "Bullying and the Older Adult" - held at Masonicare's Ashlar Village in Wallingford on Thursday, June 11th. Current Activities We held a breakfast for the students and teachers from the Transition program at Berlin High School for all their help with our Warm for the winter" Blanket Drive. We have the Historical Society doing another program at the Center on Wed, May 27th at 1pm entitled Story Share: Part Two Remembering Downtown Kensington (Main St, Farmington Ave and New Britain Road). Chris Kelly, from Cris Radio donated to the Center a "free" internet radio. It is located in the library and is for people with print disabilities. The funds are from a grant from the North Central Area Agency on Aging. Commission for the Aging — May 18, 2015 Page 5 We have another Watercolor class being offered at the Senior Center. There are five students and they love the class. All our spots for Free Dental cleanings are full for our 4 dates in May and our 2 dates in September. As of today we have had 74 people apply for the Renters Rebate program. The program runs from April 1st until October lst. Applications are done at the Senior Center by Jayme Miller, the Town's Social Worker, Jane and I. Recently I did 38 applications at Marjorie Moore Village. I am currently taking applications for the Salvation Army Camp Connri. It will be held Aug 3rd - Aug 7th at Camp Connri in Ashford, CT. We go with the Southington Social Services. We have 5 spots available for Berlin Seniors. 6. Mission Statement Discussion - R. Krause: Commissioner Varley submitted a revision of Commissioner Krause's draft Mission Statement incorporating both Commissioner Krause's ideas and additional suggestions. After discussion, the Commission selected Commissioner Krause as Chairman of the subcommittee to finalize the Mission Statement. Commissioners were asked to review the three suggested documents: Director Capodiece's March 17th notes, Commissioner Krause's document and Commissioner Varley's suggested revision and come up with a finalized document. 7. Update - Proposed Senior Housing - Percival Avenue: Chairman Gombotz was unable to contact Housing Authority Chairman Joe Bajorski today but she will try to get an update for the June 15th meeting. S. Commission Spring Social - Map 14, 2015: Chairman Gombotz attended the Spring Social and felt that it was a wonderful success. The dinner provided by the Andrews House was very good and the entertainment was excellent. The UPBEAT Group from Berlin High served and helped out and the three bus drivers needed to transport the seniors also helped out in the kitchen. 9. Many Good April Programs at Center: Chairman Gombotz stated that she had attended several programs at the center during April and May and found them to be very informative and she encourages seniors to participate in the various programs. 10. Discussion - Elevator needed at Berlin Peck Library: Commission for the Aging — May 18, 2015 Page 6 Chairman Gombotz will be attending the Town Council meeting tomorrow night to emphasize the importance of having an elevator installed at the Peck Library. Chairman Gombotz has had several requests from seniors who have had difficulty walking up or down the hill at the library, especially if they use a walker. The Library Director, Helen Malinka, will be asking the Town Council for permission to seek grants to fund the installation of an elevator between the Community Center and the Peck Library. 11. Old Business: Commissioner Krause noted that the late Al Nieman worked hard and diligently to put the present Senior Center together and it is clear that with the present population and the growing number of seniors that the existing building has been outgrown. Commissioner Krause has collected several articles regarding the new senior centers that have been built or are planned in adjacent towns. The Commission for the Aging, Park & Recreation Commission, Berlin Housing Authority and Library Board all seem to be on board to plan for a combination Senior/ Community Center to serve the needs of all age groups. The present Senior Center has had to move some programs to the Community Center because of space limitations and crowding at the Senior Center. Commissioners realize that it will take a great deal of time and planning to achieve the goal of a new facility, but a start has to be made somewhere and they are hoping for input from a lot of groups. Chairman Gombotz will be contacting the Mayor and Town Manager to set up a meeting to discuss the issue. 12. New Business: Sandy Bouffard questioned whether there was a solution to transporting seniors from the upper parking lot to the center when there is a special program or social. Many seniors do not attend because they have trouble walking from the upper parking lot. She asked whether the town could purchase a golf cart or have the senior town car shuttle seniors to the building after they park their car. Senior Center Director Doyle said that she will look into this request. 13. Motion to Adiourn: Commissioner Geschimsky made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Commissioner Slogeris seconded the motion & it was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary