2015-03-19 TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES th Minutes of Meeting, Thursday March 19 2015 Engineering Room/8 @- 6:30 PM Town Hall Call to Order & Roll Call – Members Present: 6:30 PM - , Andrew Chatlas, Barbara Cesanek, Peter Zera, Doug Truitt, Staff Liaison and Chair Robert Dombrowski. Audience of Citizens – None th Approval of Minutes — 8 2015 A motion was made to approve the minutes of January by Robert Dombrowski and seconded by Barbara Cesanek Old Business – A.Berlin Disability Guide – The Commission worked on finishing touches of the guide and will be ready for posting on the Town of Berlin website. Also a final print will be available for the schools and municipal buildings in town that could use the resource. B.Mission Statement – The board members going to look into the history of having a mission statement and check with other towns to get recommendations. New Business- A.New Member – Peter Zera a town resident and Volunteer Fireman at the South Kensington Fire Department has joined the group as a new board member. Welcome Peter!! B.Emergency Preparation Training Opportunity - Robert Dombrowski obtained some information on this training. Unfortunately the Grant for this training has run out. The head of the training is willing to give the commission training materials. Perhaps they may do a train the trainer session for the board and possibly Berlin Police or Volunteer Firemen can attend. That way they can then become trainers themselves for others interested in learning about Emergency Preparation. Commission for Persons with Disabilities Minutes th March 19 2015 Page 1 Commission Communications – A.Town Non-Emergency Calls Issue – Doug Truitt is on a subgroup EMS committee that is looking to decrease 911 calls for non-emergency situations because 911 is over used. A presentation was given at the senior center on this issue last month and the PowerPoint is available to any 55 and over community that is interested. The presentation includes resources on how to get information for support in these types of situations. B.Fair Housing Audit - This audit is coming up in the next few weeks. Its purpose is to make sure the town is up to date and compliant with its affordable housing. th Verify Next Meeting – May 14 at 6:30pm. Adjournment--Robert Dombrowski Motion to adjourn was made by and seconded by Barbara Cesanek. The meeting ended at 7:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marlo Thomas Matassa Secretary Commission for Persons with Disabilities Minutes March 19th 2015 Page 2