2014-12-02 Minutes Council Playing Fields Committee Meeting of Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Councilman Peter Rosso called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Town Manager’s Conference Room with the following individuals present: Peter Rosso, Brenden Luddy, Jim Capodiece, Art Simonian, Art Volz, Len Zielinski, Leo Veleas, Frank Naples., and Denise McNair. The Committee began by discussing Percival Field and the need to fix the back stop at that location. Art Volz had gotten a quote to fix for $5000 from both NB Fence and Frankson Fence. There is no money in this year’s budget for this specifically but he would check to see if other fence money could be moved around to accommodate these much needed repairs. The infield lights at Zipadelli field needed to be improved/cleaned. Discussion was held that perhaps cleaning could be done immediately and Jim Capodiece offered to find out the cost of such. Leo Veleas indicated that there should be at least 8 light poles (instead of 6) as it is not lit enough. Mosco Lights may be able to come down and give a cost estimate for additional lights. A good playing surface is also needed. While some work has been done already, more is needed. The dirt mixture may need to be looked at to get the right dirt for Zipadelli field. Len Zielinski pointed out that soccer uses the outfield there and that is not an ideal situation. There are only 2 regulation Baseball fields which is part of the problem. Other issues are that soccer needs more fields and lacrosse is growing as a sport. The issue of shared vs. dedicated fields was discussed. A synthetic inside track would be good as well. Len suggested a survey of all the teams in town be done to determine numbers and demand. Other Matters – None discussed. The committee felt a meeting should be scheduled for a Tuesday in January. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Denise M. McNair Town Manager