1991/08/27BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of tile Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:O5. P.M. on August 27, 1991 by chairman Cynthia Wilcox. Those present were Dennis Kern; George Southworth; Tim Zigmont, alternate seated for Betty Mildrum; Joan Carey, alternate seated for Claire Larson; and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. Mrs. Mildrum, Ms. Larson, and Gale Porter were excused from the meeting. 1. PUBLIC BEARINGS. Mr. Southworth read the legal notice of the public hearings to consider the following: a. site plan and special permit of Allan 14. Hall for a garden supply center greenhouse facility at Lot 6A & 6B, Block 12, Chamberlain Highway. Bart Bovee presented the plans for a permanent 84'x25' greenhouse to replace an existing temporary greenhouse at the same location. Mrs. Wilcox asked for comments of which there were none. b. Subdivision of Louis Valentine for one residential building lot in the Lamentatio, Mountain Estates subdivision, Section X, located at Lot 5-86, Block 153, Old Wood Road. Rod Hewitt presented the plans which have received IWWC permit for the driveway culvert. Mrs. Wilcox asked for comments of which there were none. c. Subdivision o£ Doris A. Ritchie for one residential lot at Lot 91, Block 10, West Lane. Earl Wicklund presented the plans for the applicant. An existing house and outbuildings are on the lot; one shed will be removed to conform to set back requirements. There were no comments from the public. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Hall site plan and special permit, Chamberlain Highway. The~la,n*m~ta~ll requireme,ts except a 30' buffer between buildings and the r~std~'ntl'~l ~' property line, therefore the property line needs to be remov~d~'.qa m~ti~ was made by Mr. Zigmont seconded by Mr. Soethworth and voted una~fnobs~ grant site plan approval and special permxt for the greenho_~,i.~ubj _eTg]c~ t;~ the following: 1. Removal of the residential property line between Lof~,6A~& 6~) t ..c~. show conformance to Zoning Regulations and no building be issued until this is done. 2. Addition to the map of environmental protection notes appropriate to the existing garden center use. b. Valentine subdivision, Lamentation Mountain Estates. A motion was made by Mr. Soothworth, seconded by Mr. Zlgmont and voted unanimously to grant subdivision approval subject to the following: 1. The bond for pins and monuments, or in lieu of bond, a letter certifying that pins and monuments have been set. 2. Approval of the driveway profile by the Town Engineer. c. Ritchie subdivision, West Lane. A motion was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted 4-1 to grant ~pproval · subject to the following: 1. Nonconforming shed be removed before the mylar is recorded. 2. Bond for establishment of pins, or in lieu of bond, a letter certifying that pins have been established. Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Carey, Mr. Southworth, and Mr. Zigmont voted in favor and Mr. Kern voted against the motion. Mr. Kern was in laver of approval of the application but he opposed the motion because he felt environmental protection notes should be required on the map. d. Subdivision of Edward P. & Josephine Dutkiewiez for two residential building lots at Lot 20, Block 74, between Orchard Road and Metacomet Drive. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to table action. e. Site plan of Michael Cassetta for a 6034 square foot addition to the existing Kensington Hardware store, Farmington Avenue. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Carey and voted unanimously to table action. f. Site plan of Sunny Border Nurseries, Inc. for accessory parking facilities at Lot 9, Block 72, Kensington Road and Orchard Road. The Commission is watttng for comments from the Police Department. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Soutbworth and voted unanimously to table action. g. Site plan of James C. Roche for a heating/cooling contractor's building at Lot llA, Block 83, Deming Road. A motion was made by Mr. Ztgmont, seconded by Mrs. Carey and voted unanimously to deny without prejudice because of an imco~plete application. F h. Petition of Economic Development Director Charles Karno to amend Section 2.00 and Section 4.11 and Section 11.83 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to define and provide regulations for nursing and/or convalescent homes. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth and seconded by Mrs. Wilcox to recommend to the Zoning Commission approval of tile petition. A lengthy discussion was held on the amendment and concern regarding the density as proposed. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox and voted unanimously to amend tile above mot[on to include a §0% limit on impervious surface. Tile reasons for the recommendation are as [ollows: 1. The Commission recognizes the distinction between care of human ailments found in hospitals and the residential character of nursing/ convalescent homes. The revised definition provides a clear dis- tinction between these land uses and provides a framework for regulating each use separately· 2. Lot sizes in retail business zones are relatively small, therelore requirements are appropriate for development of nursing/convalescent homes in this zoning district. 3. The Commission recognizes the consistency of these regulations with existing development policy in the retail business zone. i. Excavation permit application of Norman & Gabrielle Cyr to excavate 1500 cubic yards of material from Lot 13, Block 119, Berlin Turnpike. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mr. Zigmont and voted unanimously to recommend to the Zoning Commission approval of the permit with the conditions as listed on the attached letter. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Site plan of Lindberg Heat Treating Corporation for a 600 square foot addition to an existing industrial building at Lot ?6A, Block 13. Christian Lane. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval. 4. OTHER GOMMISSION BUSINESS a. At this point no citizens wished to speak for the Audience of Citizens. b.' Approval of ~nutes, August 13, l~91 meeting. N~ ~4:tion vas taken. c. Reques~ for release o~ maintenance bond, M&G Associates, Niles ~ourt. d. R~quesC for paYment from performance b~ud, Louis Raseoa, An~ony~ssaro, James Ma~l. No 8ct~on w~s ~aken. - .- e. Request for band ~elease, A~ge~o C~a~lla, Fa~tngCon Avenue. Hr. Kern abstained from ~hts i~em. A ~tton was ude by Mr. So~hwor~h, seconded by Mrs. Carey and voted unanimously to completely release ~ ~17,9~.OO bond. f. A molten was made by ~r. Southworth, seconded by Nr. ~tgme,t and voted unanimously ~o reduce the bond of Earl W~cklund, Vlneyard Acres, ~ecC~ofl VI A from $1~1,372.OO Cc $3~,3~0..00. The .Co~lsston d~scussed the meeting schedule for review of ~he Plan of Development and agreed to mae: o, September 10, as scheduled, for regular co--Caslon bosLness, and to meet on the remalnlng Tuesdays In September Ko dlscuss the Flail of Development. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Carey and vo~ed unanimously to adjourn the meeting a~ RespecKfuLly submltted, George Southwor~h, Act~nS Secre~a~ Sharon Gutte, Recording ~ecreta~ Typed August 29, BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The September IO, 1991 meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by chairman Cynthia Wilcox. Those present were George Southworth; Claire Larson; Betty Mildrum; Dennis Kern; alternates Tim Zigmont, Gale Porter, and Joan Carey; and Town Planner Bill Voelker. 1. OLD BUSINESS Subdivision of Edward P. and Josephine Dutkiewicz for two residential building lots at Lot 20, Block 74, between Orchard Road and Metacomet Drive. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Ms. Larson and voted unanimously to table action. Site plan of Michael Cassetta for a 6034 square foot addition to the existing Kensington Hardware store, Farmington Avenue. Mr. Voelker read a letter from the applicamt requesting a 30 day extension. A motion was made by Ms. Larson, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to grant the 30 day extension. 47J