2014-04-29 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES OF TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 234 KENSINGTON ROAD, BERLIN PECK LIBRARY COMMUNITY ROOM, 7:00 P.M. APPROVED MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: David Cyr, Chairman Steven McLarty Michael Baczewski Sean Taylor Peter Campanelli ABSENT: Ed Egazarian, Vice Chairman Bob Sisti, Treasurer STAFF: James Mahoney, Economic Development Director Sheel Patel, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Jane Didona, DALA Ron Dagon, Luchs Consulting Engineers, LLC Director Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 1. PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION Jane Didona, of DALA, went over the existing layout for Main Street. She then presented the proposed concept plan for the area. A major goal for the new layout is to make Main Street more pedestrian friendly. This will be done by adding a median to the road and potentially ornamental street lights, planters, and trees. Director Mahoney provided an update regarding the Façade Grant Program. So far, four projects have been approved. Pastry Shoppe used the façade program process to help with updating their building. The Train Station Boulevard grant was awarded to the Town of Berlin in early April. Bidding will begin in mid- May, awarded in August, and construction will begin in the fall. 2. QUESTION AND ANSWER DISCUSSION One business owner asked if the planters that will potentially be installed be moveable. Jane Didona stated that they could be made moveable or they could be attached to the wall, depending on their location. Another business owner asked if underground wiring for the utility poles was an option. Director Mahoney stated that it has been looked into but the cost for doing so would be too high. Mr. Dennis Kern asked what would stop weeds from growing in the medians if the materials are permeable. Jane Didona stated that it depends on the materials that are used. Brick is more likely to have weeds grow through it. 3. DISCUSSION OF ZONING AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE POCD Director Mahoney presented the zoning amendments to the commission. These covered the Village District, Kensington Overlay, and TEDS 10- Berlin Turnpike, south of Meadow Lane. 4. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Campanelli motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 pm. Commissioner McLarty seconded and the motion was unanimously passed. Respectfully submitted, Sheel Patel, Secretary