1990/06/12BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. on June 12, 1990 by chairman Cindy Wilcox. Those present were getty Hildrum, Claire Larson, alternate seated for George Southworth; Dennis Kern, alternate seated for Dorothy Woznis; and Bill Voelker, Town Plaaner. Mrs. Woznis, blr. Southworth, add Philip Bourgeois were absent. 1. PUBLIC HE~JIING. Mr'. Voelker read the legal notice of the public heari,g to consider the foilowing: Proposed subdivision of tile New England Building & Development Institute, Inc., for 2 building lots at Lot 61, Block 24A, New Britain Road and Langdcn Court. Bart Bovee presented the plans. The property contains 12 acres fronted primarily on New Britain Road, with a 50 fact access strip on Langdon Court. The proposal is to divide the property into 2 lots, one containing 8.9 acres which is zoned PR-4, and the other containing about 3 acres zoned RB. Both lots would be served by public water and sewer. Mrs. Wilcox asked for commeats. Mike tlines of 49 Langdon Court asked if studies have been done on traffic, water, and sewer. tie also asked if sidewalks would be included in the development, and if there would be any blasting. Donald Garrison of 39 Langdon Court asked who would pay for tile proposed sidewalks. Mr. Voelker stated that it is customarily the developer's responsibility for any public improveme~ts. Mr. Garrison asked from where the sewer and water would be coming in. Mr. Bovee stated that he wasn't sure yet. Jim Bonaker of 52 Glendale Avenue asked if any geological studies have bean done or test borings done. Mr. Bovee stated that no test pits have been done yet but will be needed and ail work will have to follow strict guidelines. Mr. Bonaker asked wily there has been limited press coverage on t!~e proposal. Mr. Voelker explained that the required legal noticms had been placed in tile local aewspaper but the Commission has no control over any other press coverage. Fred Dalton of $ Langdon Court stated that he understands that ZBA is tile only board that requires notification of surrounding property owners when an application has been submitted. He suggested this also be required by tile Planning Commission. He also asked when the Commission would act on the application. Mrs. Wilcox explained that the Commission could act on the application anytime between the end of tile public hearing and August 16, 1990. Mr. Dalton asked if granting subdivision approval would preclude access of the RB lot to Langdon Court. Mrs. Wilcox and Mr. Voelker both answered no. Mr. Dalton then asked about the buffer zone and whether it is true that the Commission can reduce ~le buffer to 5 feet. Mr. Voelker explained that the Commission is given the option to reduce the buffer in areas needed for access. Mr. Bonaker asked if Langdon Court is the only access to the residential lot and if there would be access to tile park (Treasure Field). Mr. Voelker said only access would be on Langdon Court and no access to tbs park, except for possibly pedestrian access. Ezra Welch of 92 Langdon Court stated his concerns over increased traffic. Mr. Voelker stated that the developer has been required to have a tralfic study done. Cathy Solek of 45 Langdon Court.asked if the developer will use Langdo~ Court for truck traffic. Mr. Voelker said the developer would most likely be required to use New Britain Road accesslf~iconstruction equipment. Mr. Wel~h asked if neighbors will gain anything fro~7~ilis.development. He explained that he rece,]tly bought his home and if he had kno~lJbout this proposal lie might have changed his mind. He feels this development willdecrease the property values of neighboring homes. Dave Coutino of. 23 ~ill~reet~ Avenue stated that tile neighbors are frustrated with this invas~o~ ilto ttleir neig Iborhood. He is concerned with the increase in traffic especiallywith tl~e hairpin turn at the corder of Langdon Court and ~illcrest Avenue. Mr. Garrison pointed out that there was a recent school bus accident at the corner of Langdon Court and Williams Street. Mr. Garrison also stated that there are problems with ground water Jn the area and asked if the development will disturb the water table. Mrs. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:40 P.M. 2. OLD BUSINESS Proposed subdi~i~ion of New England Building & Development Institute, Inc. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mrs. Mi]drum and voted unanimously to table action. Because of the number of people present from the public hearing and interested in the New England Building & Development's proposal, tile Commission agreed to discuss the following two items out of order: 3. NEW BUSINESS Site plan of the New England Building & Development Institute, Inc. for a 39,384 square foot retail shopping center known as Kensington Village at Lot 6lA, Block 24A, New Britain Road. Mr. Voelker presented the plans which show 5 separate buildings of mixed usage - retail and office. A 24 foot wide emergency access strip to the adjoining proposed residential development will be provided. Drainage plans are being reviewed by the Engineering Department~ and the Ksnsington Fire District is reviewing the water and sewer plans. It was recommended that the applicant have some test borings done. A motion was made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action. e. Site plan of the Kensington Woods Development Corporation for 86 mu1 tiple family dwelling units in the Kensington Woods development at Lot 61, Block 24A, Langdon Court. The units will be of 3 different styles and sizes. Tbs drainage plans are being reviewed by the Engineering Department. It ~was f~com~ended to the applicant that sidewalks be provided along one aids of Langdon Court to New Britain Road. Mr. Voelker stated that staff is concerned about reereatioaal apace and is looking in~o access through the back .to Treasure Field. There will be no distu~bance to the wooded area in the 50 fo~t buffer but screening wi[l be required in the area of access. The traffic study bas been completed but haa not yet been submitted to the Town. Mr. Kern stated that the drainage needs to be very carefully addressed and he feels a geological study should be done to determine the depth of bedrock and the impact with construction. Kavarsky stated that there will be no basements aud most units will not require any deep digging. Most digging will be done for the water and sewer lines. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern al~d voted unanimously to table action. point in the meeting Mrs. Larsoe was excused. BUSINESS Site plan of Staves Piera for a!.2~640 aqua're foot office building on Lot 8, Block 50, Kensington Road. A Im0tion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to table action. c. Site plan of Cornerstone Associates Inc. for 2 industrial ~uildings in Phase I of the Cornerstone Industrial Park, Four Rod Road. Water, sewer, and drainage items need to be resolved with the Engineering Department. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mrs. Miidrum and voted unanimously to table action. NEW BUSINESS a. Resubdivision of Guido DiPierdomeaico for one residential building lot at Lot 141, and ~Lot 14J, Block 73, Crooked Brook Lane. The Commission directed that a public hearing be scheduled for the next regularly scheduled meeting. b. Site plan of the Italian Political Independent Club for a 315 square foot addition at Lot 30, Block 28, Harding Street. A variance was granted by ZBA. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted u£~animously to grant site plan approval. e. Resubdivision of John & Cynthia Wilcox for one residential building lot at Lot 16A, Block 12, Sunset Lane. Mrs. Wilcox withdrew herself free this item and appointed Mrs. Mildrum to take over the meetimg for this item. The plan will be referred to the Health Direotor for review of the septic service to the existing home. The Commission directed Mr. Voelker to schedule a public hearing at the next regularly scheduled meeting. OTHER CObtMISSION BUSINESS a. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to aeoapt the minutes of the May 23, ~990 meeting. b. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. °Kern and voted unanimously to reduce the bond of Morande Ford, Inc. from $33,500.00 to the 25% minimum of $8,OO0.OO. c. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mrs. Mildrnm and voted nnanimousiy to reduce the bond of James Wall, Robbins Road from $9,660.00 to the 25% minimum of $3,476.00. d. A motion was made by Mrs. Miidrum, seconded by Hr~ Kern and voted unanimously to completely release the $12,900.00 bond of United Financial, Inc New Britain Road. '' e. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, secoaded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to grant a 90 day extension to Virginia Majewski, Camel's Back Road. f. Request for bond reduction, Michael Patenaude, Hudson Street. Mrs. Wilcox directed Mr. Voelker to give Mr. Patenaude to the first meeting in July to reaolve the problem in this subdivision. g, Discussion of sidewalks, Stony Creek subdivision. No action was taken. h. Review of fence requirement, Mag~olia~iLane E~ension. No action was taken. i. Discussion was held on grading problems at 21 Mallard Lane. The property owners were preaent and presenb~!p~b~ographs~showing ponding in the yard. The Commission directed staff to require the developer's engineer to check all -~ grades, do all necessary grading~wOrk', S~tabilizing be done with loaming aud seeding, and as-builts be submitted following completion of the work. At this 2. OLD b. BERLIN PL~N1NG CO~iSSiON JUNE 12, 1990 Mr. Voelker invited Commissioners to become members of APA. if interested. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon GuiteT Recording Secretary Typed June 15, 1990 J. Drainage problems on Blue Ridge Road were discussed. Staff has walked the site. The Commission directed staff to require the developer to do the work of cleaning out the swale, submit gradem to staff, and submit as-bui]ts whel~ work is completed. The developer will be given 8 weeks to complete the work. k. A motion was made by Mrs. Miidrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to add this item to the agenda. Request of Earl Wlckiund for final subdivision approval of Vineyard Acres, Section 6A. A motion was made by Mrs. M£1drum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to grant subdivision approval subject to the f611owing: 1. the non-encroachment line be extended to include all wetland areas, 2. reuiss note on map with correct date of IWWC action, 3. a note added regarding no Certificate of Occupancy being issued before the binder course is down, 4. the bond to be set by staff, 5. receipt of revised site plan for subdivision, 6. ali notes checked that they are in accordance with all regulations. 1. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to add this item to the agenda. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Kern and voted unanimously to approve the revisions involving tbe parking lot layout to the site plan.of $challer Automotive, New Britain Road. They should contact him BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on June 26, 1990 by chairman Cindy Wilcox. Those present were Dorothy Woznis; Geurge Southworth; Betty Mildrum; Gale Porter, alternate seated for Philip Bourgeois; a~d Bill Voelker, Town Planner. In addition to Mr. Bourgeois, Claire Larson and DmnnJs Kern were absent. 1. PUBLIC NEARING. Mr. Southworth read tha legal notice of the public notice to consider the following: a. Resubdivision of Guido DiPierdomenico for I residential building lot at Lot 14I & 14J, Block 73, Crooked Brook Lane. Bart Bovee presented tbs plans for creation of a rear lot and a mutual driveway easement to serve lots 14I and 14J. The SVEA driveway easement crosses the property and is included in a pedestrian access right of way. The area to the east of the SVEA driveway is proposed as a conservation easement area and everything east of this is proposed as dpen space to be dedicated to the Town. Mrs. Wilcox asked for comments of which there were none. b. Resubdivision of John W. & Cynthia G. Wilcox for 1 residential building lot at Lot 16A, Block 12, Sunset Lane. Mrs. Wilcox disqualified herself from this item and appointed Mr. Southworth to conduct this portion of the public hearing. Mr. Bovee presented the plans. Tbe new lot would be served by public water and sewer. The existing barn on the new lot will remain as an accessary building but not a primary structure. Mr. Voelker read a letter from the Health Director in which it was stated that sewer connection by the existing house would not be required. Mr. Southworth asked for comments. Attorney Ripper, representing Dick Martin an adjacent property owner, suggested the wording of Note #16 on the map be modified so it would not be misconstrued that conversion of the barn is a possibility. Mrs. Wilcox seated herself again and closed the public hearing at 7:15 P.M. 2. OLD BUSINESS ao DiPierdomenico resubdivision, Crooked Brook Lane. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to grant resubdivision approval subject to the bond for corner pins or, in lieu of the bond, a letter from the land surveyor certifying that pins are in.