1990/05/234:~.4 e. A motion was made by Mr. Southwortb, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and rated u~animously to release completely the bond of Timothy Zigmont, Porters Pass. f. Mr. Seelye reviewed Lbo plans for tbs sa~litary sewer ~'xteTisto~ to Vlvlan Drive. Tbe Water and Sewer Control Commission put the plans out to bid and Lbs low bid has been accepted. g. Ray Kavarsky was present to discuss sidewalk responsibility on Ice Pond La,e. There is a dispute between two developers over whose respotlsibility it is to pay for the sidewalks. Tile bond and conditions of approval for both developers for ice Pond Lane will be investigated and the subject will be put on tbs agenda for tbs next meeting. h. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mr. Sontbworth and votpd unanimously to release tile bond of Peter Klans for White ()ak Drive, Lot 8B and to require posting of $8,750.00 by Rykof~-Se×ton, The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 ~!'d Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary ~t} :[il !?! I. Jl Typed April 27, 1990 OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER TO~ FROM: DATE~ Jeanne G. Ward, Town Clerk william g. Voelker, AICP, Town Planner Cancellation of Plannin~ Commission Meetdng May 3,' 1990 TOWN HALL 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CONN. 06037 The regular meeting of May 8, 1990 of the Berlin Flanning Commission scheduled fo= 7100 P.M., Room 7, Town Hall has been ca[mailed. BERLIN PLANNING COMMiSSiON ~me regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on May 23, 1990 by chairman Cindy Wilcox. Those present were George Southworth; Betty /Miidrum; Claire Larsoe, alternate seated for Philip Bourgeois; Dennis Kern, alternate ~seated for Dorothy Woznis; and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. ' 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Site plan for Angelo Ciamella for a 4,193 square foot retail/office building at Lots 71 & 72, Block 76, Farmington Avenue. Mr. Kern disqualified himself from this discussion and vote. The sidewalks will be field located. A motion was made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to review and approval by the Town Engineer of the drainage system, and the bond to be set by staff. b: Site plan of Steven Piera for a 2,640 square foot office building on Lot 8, Block 50, Kensington Road. The applicant's attorney is writing up a mutual parking easement. A variance was granted from ZBA for setback. A motion was made by Mr. Soutbworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to table action. NEW BUSINESS Site plan of Cornerstone Associates, Inc. for two industrial buildings of the Coraerstone Industrial Park at Lot 6-1, Block 90, Four Rod Road. Mr. Bovee presented the plans and described the drainage system. One building will contain 12,000 square feet and the other will be 13,600 square feet. A detention pond is planned between the two buildings. It was suggested that landscaping be done along the southerly boundary of the property before that area is developed. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to table action. b. Site plan of Robert Raymond for a 20'x24' addition to an existing industrial building at Lot 21, Block 127, Worthington Ridge. A motion was made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to the following: receipt of revised map with the date of the variance granted by ZBA, review and approval by tile To~t Engineer of the f~nal gf~ing plan for the parking area, total square footage of buildisg~ On the map, and the bond to be set by staff. c. Subdivision of the New England Building and Development Institute, Inc. for two building lots at Lot 61, Block 24A, New Britain Road and Langdon Court. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to schedule a public hearing for the next regularly scheduled meeting. Request of Northeast Utilities Service Company to change the zone of Lot 13, Block 122 from R-43 to OL, a portion of Lot 1, Block 122 from GC-1 to OL, a portion of Lot 1, Block 122 from Ra4B~ to'OL, and Lot 12A, Block 122 from R-43 to OL. A motion was made by Mrs. La~'n~ seconde~ by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to reco,~end to the Zoning'l~0m~iss~on~epproval of the zone change request for the following reasons: 1. The zone change would give'!8o~Ste~id ~g~i6g 'designation to all NU properties to accommodate their growth which would solidify and expand the economic base of~t~ ~hl ~0~ Berlin. 2. The zone cbange is in keeping with the overall development pattern in the area and would therefore, not be detrimental to the area. e. Petition of Economic Development Director, Charles Karno, to amend Section 8.0~.~5 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations regarding Special Permitted Uses in industrial zones to permit and regulate the cooking and processing of animal and vegetable products. The amendment was reviewed and it was the consensus of the Commission to add the words "Applicant demonstrates that" to the beginning of sentence b ~nd sentence c. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to recommend to the Zoning Commission approval of the request with the above additions for the following reasons: 1. The amendment would make the Town of Berlin's industrial regulations competitive with surrounding towns. 2. The special permit process would protect the community and not be detrimental to the community. f. Sketch plan review of proposed Kensington Woods multiple family complex on Langdon Court. Bart Bovee and Ray Kavarsky presented the plans. Eighty-six units of various sizes and styles are proposed on 8.8 acres. Access would be from Langdon Court with an emergency access to the adjoining Retail Business zoned property which has access to New Britain Road. g. Sketch plan review'of proposed Kensington Village retail complex on New Britain Road. The proposal is for five buildings of various sizes with a total squmre footage of about 75,000, and 150 parking spaces. A traffic engineer is studying the proposal. OTHER COMMISSION BUSINESS a. A motion was made by Mr. Soutbworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 24, 1990 meeting. Bond reduction request of Michael Patenaude, Hudson Street. No action was taken. Discussion was held on the sidewalks of ice Poud Lane. The subdivision maps and minutes were reviewed but nothing was found regarding responsibility for sidewalks other than each developer was responsible for improvements in his respective subdivision. Mr. Kavarsky also questioned sidewalks on Main Street in respect to_existing trees. It was the cooaensus that he go ahead with the sidewalks and that something could be worked out to save the trees. Mr. Voelker reported that all pins are in but monuments and sidewalks are not completed in Red Cedar Hills East subdivision. Mr. Kavarsky claimed that he could not obtain the monuments from the Town because the supply is depleted and the Town cannot buy any until the new fiscal year begins, and he was not allowed to buy the monuments himself directly from the supplier. Mr. Kavarsky also explained that the sidewalks had not been done because be wanted to resolve the question of responsibility on Ice Pond Lane and the trees on Main Street. The Commission, at an earlier meeting, had voted to call the bond if improvements were not completed by May~lS,199H. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously t~,!table this action for two weeks. A motion was made by Mr. Soutbworth,~ S~couded by Mrs. Larson and voted u~animously to completely release~i$~,5~pOq boud of Saalora Industrial Park. do bo do BERLIN PLANNING COMbiISSION MAy 23, 1990 f. Discussion of sidewalks, Stony Creek subdivision. No action was taken. g. A motion was made by Mr. Soutbworth, seconded by Mrs. Miidrum and Voted Unanimously to completely release tbe $5,500.00 bond of Pierre Bennerup, Toll Gate Road, conditional upon a letter from a land surveyor certifyiug that pins are in. h. Review of fence requirement around the detention pond, Plagnolia Lane Extension. Mr. Voelker requested the Commissioners visit tile site to make a decision on whether or not a fence should be required. i. A motion was made by Mr. Southwor~h, seconded by Mr, Kern and Voted unan~ously to add this item to the agenda, Mr. Voelker presented plans for a Town ambulance garage on Town Farm Lane. In accordance with responsibllies as stated in Section 8-24 of the General Statutes, a motion was made by Mr. Southworth~ Seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to recommend au ambulance facility on the Site. A motion was made by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Southworth and Voted unanimously to grant Site plan approval to the Town of Berlin in accoFdance with Section 11.01.O5 of the Zoning Regulations. J. A motion was made by Mrs. Miidrum, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted Unanimously to add this item to the agenda. Three residents of Blue Ridge Heights, Section .3 were present to discuss drainage problems in their back yards. The~swale which was buil~ two years ago across the back of their properties is not working and they requested a permanent drainage pipe be installed. Staff will v~sit the site and report back to the Commission. ? the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. jespectfully submitted, George Southworth, Secretary :Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed May 25, 1990