1990/04/10BERLIN PLANNING COMHISSION The regular meeting of tile BerLin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:05 on April 10, 1990 by acting chairman Cindy wilcox. Tbo'se present were Dorothy Hoznia} Philip Bout§sols} Betty Hildrum; Claire Larson, alternate seated for George Soutbworth; Gale Porter, alternate; Dennis Kern, alternatel and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. 1. OLD BUSINESS a. Site plan of Ilsrry Ohanian for two industrial buildings at Lot 1, Block I29, Beckley ~iilla Road, Tbe original plans were revised to comply with the permit. A motion vas made by Hr. Bourgeois, seconded by Hre. Larson and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to review and approval o[ tt~e septic system by the Ilealtb Director, additional landscaping along tbs westerly side of the developed portion of the site to be approved by Design Review, a 20 foot pedestrian easement to and along the brook course to be recorded within §O days, and the bond to be set by staff. b. Conceptual development plans of the Cornerstone Industrial Park at Lot 6-1, Block 90, Four Rod Road. Hr. Voelker has received verbal confirmation from tl~e Police Department that the proposed location o[ time driveway is acceptable. Bart Bovee presented renderings of a 12,OOO square foot industrial building. it was tile consensus of tile Go~niesion that the basic layout of the industrial park is acceptable but the Commission members would like to see more architectural interest in the exterior design of the buildings. Althou&h it was not a public hearing, Hr. arusick of Four Rod Road ~as allowed to speak to the Commission regarding hie opposition to the industrial development. c. Final subdivision approval of Colonial Village, Section 3, for three residential building lots at Lot 14, Block 73, Kensington Road. Aa a condition of the original subdivision approval, the applicant was instructed to resolve tile SVEA driveway issue by reallianing the right of way with the paved driveway. Since time applicant has re-applied for final approval, Attorney Denise Hagnoli HcNair, representing tile applicant, requested this not be a condition of final approval, rether, everything be allowed to remain aa tt exists. A motion was made by Hr. Bourgeois, seconded by Hrs. Hildrum and voted unanimously to table action and instruct the applicant's attorney to contact SVEA Club in an attempt to resolve the problem. 2. NEH BUSIHESS a. Application of the Fox I}ill Land Co. to excavate 35,000 cubic yards of material from Lot 3-1, Block 161, Wilke Pond Road. Ttmis request is a renewal o[ a permit issued a year ago. One condition of the ordinal excavation permit stated that all material be used on site in the subdivision across the street. Attorney Jeffrey Cugno, representin6 the applicant~ requested this not be a condition of this new excavation permit because fill is no Ion&er needed in time Lamentation Hountain Estates subdivision across the street. A motion wa8 mede by fir. Bourgeois, seconded by Hrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the excavation permit request, subject to the following 1. That the amount of material to be excavated from the site not exceed 35,OOO cubic yards. 2. Receipt of revised plans showing this reduction and resulting grades. 3. All grades Co be followed per ti~e revised plans 4. All slopes to be kept to a minimum o[ 2:1 durtng a~d after operation. 5. Adl~ere to specific requirements of Section 1.22 to 11.26 inclusive of Berl£n Zoning Regulations and any other applicable zoning requirements- 6. Receipt o[ bond to be set by staff. 7. Soil erosion, sediment control, and dost control measures to be maintained aa approved by time Town Engineer. S, }{ours of operation to be limited to between 7~OO A.H. and 5zOO Honday tbcough Friday, excluding legal boltdsys, Saturdays and Sundays. 9. Traffic control be maintained aa approved by the Berlin Police Department. 10. Spruce Brook Road be cleaned ss necessary during the operation. 11. This permit is recoss, ended for two years. b. Zone chan§e request of Beach Hill Associates to rezone portion of Lots 12, J3a, I[{c,13d, Block B3, Wi{hut Cross Ili§bway [rom PI & III to CC-2. Hr. Voelker read a letter from the Economic Development Cos,nlssto~ in which they recommended approval of the zone change request because of environmental constraints uroperty. A motion ~as made by Hr. Bourgeois, seconded by Hrs. Hildrum the ~oted unanimously to recommend to the Zoning Commission approval of the and 1. These properties have limited potential [or t,dustrtal pnrposes. 2. The rezonin& will i~{crease the development potential o[ the existing portion of Lot 12 whicb ia already so,ed CC-2. 3. This increased potential wlll encourage a development of a scale wimich is consistedt with the &oBis of the 1985 Corridor Study. c. Zone change request of Stanley Ptal¢ to rezone Lots 1,1A,8,9,10,11,12, Block 140, Wilbur Cross lllghway from GC-1 to GC-2. Mr. Voelker read a letter from the Economic Development Gommlsston in which they recommended approval of the zone change request. Mr. Voelker also read a letter from Attorney ~ames R~pper In which he requested tb~ Planning Commission recommend approval of the zone change request. A m t[on was made by Hfs. Larson, seconded by of ~h~ zona cbange request for the following reasons~ I. Development of these properties io accordance with the GC-2 regulations will be beneficial to the overall development of the Berlin Turnpike. 2. The GC-2 zone will encourage el~mination of uses which are incensistent with the goals el the 1985 Gorridor Study. 3. ()TILER COHHISS1ON BUSINESS Mrs. Wilcox as chairman; she was elected unanhnously. A motion was made by Hfs. Woznts and seconded by Mrs. Mtldrum to nominate Mr. Bourgeois as vice and seconded by Mr. Bourgeois to nominate Mr. Southworth as secretaryl be b. A mol {on was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Mi]drom and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 3, 1990 meeting as presented. c. Request for bond reduction, James Wall, Robbins Road. No action was taken. d. Request for bond reduction, Mlcl,ael Patenaude, Iludson Street. No action taken. e. A mot'leu was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Woznts and voted m,anlmously to grant a 90 day filing extension, Thomas P. MaJewskt, Camel Back. a $4200.00 bond for sidewalks. g. A mot~ot~ was made by Mrs. Wozni*, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanhnously to reduce the bond of James Wilson, Sunset Lane, from $23,285.00 to $15,785.OO. h. The Commission discussed legislation to allow developers to pay fees to the Town tn lieu of providing open space. t. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Mlldru,n and voted unanlmously to add this item to the agenda. A motion was made by Hrs. bltldrum, seconded by Mrs. Woznt~ and voted unanhnnusly to grant a 90 day extension for the Rampone Industrial development on Demtng Road. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Phtltp Bourgeois, Secretary Sharon Gu~te, Recording Secretary Typed April 17, 1990 4~z.1