1989/11/14 BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission ~,~8~ T~l~ t~l~~at 7:00 P.M. on November 14, 1989 by vice chairman Cindy Wilcox. T~Se p~es~t were Philip Bourgeois; George Southwortb; Claire Larson, alternate se~f~fo~Nqb~l~b Rosso; Gale Porter, alternate seated for Dorothy Woznis; Betty Mildrum, ~!~¥~at~; and Bill 1. PUBLIC HEARING. Mr. Bourgeois read the legal not~ce of the continuation of the public hearing to consider the following: a. Subdivision of Frank and James Manafort for 4 residential building lots at Lot 13, Block 12, Chamberlain Highway. Mr. Voelker read a letter from the Kensington Fire District listing the following concerns and recommendations: 1. The interior lots must each have an individual water service line running from the street main. 2. Grinder pump system is unacceptable since gravity sewering of this area is feasible and would require au 8" gravity sewer line to be extended past the project frontage. 3. The filling shown on the plan is a great concern since it lies over the aquifer. The nature of the fill material used is difficult or to monitor and~nless the fill were placed within impossible specific continuous time period with independent constant monitoring to insure its quality, we object to any further filling of this site. 4. If the project is allowed, we request that a 200' radius from the District parcel lot boundaries be designated as a perpetual easement to the K.F.D. with special restrictions applied to the use of the land under the easement. Attorney Victor Morganthaler, representing the applicants, addressed the fire distridt's concerns and recommendations~ 1. the applicant will comply with separate water lines; 2. an application has been made to IWWC for permission to cross wetlands with a sewer line in order to eliminate the grinder pump system; 3. the applicants have suggested they hire an indepen- dent consultant to monitor fill placed on the propergy since the applicants will be building their own homes on the site and are also concerned with the quality of the fill; and 4, the 200' easement as requested by the fire homes to be built but not to have fertilizers, etc. used. Lucy Berger of Berger Nursery stated that she is still concerned with the proposed location of the right-of-way. She is also concerned with the depth of the hole to be filled which is 50-60 feet and will need many years to settle. Bill Wasielak of the Pine Tree Rifle Club stated that water on the site will be going into the New Britain watershed and this should be considered. Attorney Norganthaler replied that the subdivision approval is good for 5 years and time is needed to complete the fill and this time should be adequate to take care of settling. Be also stated that the Police Department will review the location of the right-of-way and will give comments. Mrs. Berger stated that in addition to the homes using the right-of-way, the nursery and rifle club will be using it. Lewis Mirante replied that the right-of-way will be moved only slightly to the south and it will be widened to take care of increased traffic. ~he public hearing was closed at 7:20 P.M. 2. OLD BUSINESS Manafort, Chamberlain Highway. No comments have been received from the Police Department yet. Mr. Voelker requested the Commission members visit the site where the center line of the proposed right-of-way is staked. A ,lotion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to table action. b. Resubdlvision of Donald J. Rossetti and Craig P. Nowry for 2 residential building lots, Worthington Ridge. A number of issues need to be resolved including the sewer plans. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to table action. c. Final subdivision approval of William Albert for 5 residential building lots in Wood's Edge Court subdivision. Sewer plans still need to be resolved. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to table action. -~. d. Site plan of Matanto, Dalcbio, & Volstein for a proposed retail shopping center conversion at 1089 Farmington Avenue. 1WWC has aPpr,oved~. the plans. A motion was made by Mrs. Larsen, seconded by Mrs. Porte'r a0c~ voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to review and~iappr~oval of tile drainage system by the Town Engineer, signage at the ent~&h~eW~y~:o protect the o~le-way traffic pattern, and tba bond to be set by~taff~q .:;- 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Resubdivision of Majewski and Matyka for 3 residential building lots at Camel's Back and Four Rod Road. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mrs. Larmen and voted unanimously to schedule a public hearing at the next regularly scheduled meeting, Mr, Voelker requested that the applicant have the driveways staked out. b. Final subdivision of P&D Realty, Inc., for 7 residential building lots, Ailing Court. The Town will be responsible for road improvements to the existing road, and the applicant will be responsible for the curbing and sidewalks. The subd~vision is in an R-il zone and duplexes are proposed. Two lots are undersized.~ but are allowed under Section 6.04.O1 of the Zoning Regulations. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to grant final subdivision approval subject to the 30" oak tree on Lot 25 not being disturbed, and the bond to be set by staff. 4. OTHER COMMISSION BUSINESS a. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to release the $500.00 bond of Helen Curver, Brickyard Tavern. b. Request for bond reduction, Michael Patenaude, Toll Gate Rood and Orchard Road. Mr. Patenaude was present. All work has been done except pins and monuments which are contracted for. Ail work is to be completed by November 28 as voted at the last meeting. No action was taken. c. A motion was made by Mrs. Larsen, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to reduce the bond of Vincent Cornelio, Chestnut Ridge, to the 25% minimum of $148,5OO.00. d. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to reduce the bond of Louis Valentine, Lamentation Mountain Estates, Section VI from $83,500.00 to $67,250.00. e. Request for bond reduction, Louis Valentine, Wilks Pond Road, Section No action was taken. f. Request for change of road name, Heritage Meadow Estates, to Coachmans Way. It was the consensus of the Commission to approve tile change. No action was taken. g. A motion was mads by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to release the $14,O00.OO bond of James McCarthy, Four Rod Road. h. A motion was made by Mr. Southwortb, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to release the $4,000.OO bond of Michael Cassetta, Parmington Avenue. i. Request for bond reduction, Betsy Scalora, Four Rod Road. No action taken. j. Revisions to site plan, Stony Mill condominiums. The length of the building has been increased 12 feet because of demand for more ranch style units. It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the revisions, however, staff needs to review th~ revised plans. k. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 24, 1989 meeting with the correction on page 1, item b, last line, from November 8, 1989 to November 14, 1989. 1. Approval of minutes, November 8, 1989 speciol meeting. No action was taken. m. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Porter and voted unanimously to modify conditions of approval of Cedar Acres, Section 3, to relieve Mr. Simeone of putting bituminous curbing on Orchard Road. n. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to add this item to the agenda. A motion was made by Mrs. Porter, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to approve the request for a 90 day extension, Castlewood Estates subdivision. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Larsen and voted unani~pusly to adjourn th .... ting at 8:10 P.M. '~ w' !~ ~ '" Respectfully submitted, ! ~'*~ Philip Bourgeois, Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary ~ i'i~:7 :'~ Typed N .... bet 19, 19S9