1986-10-21 MINUTES Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board October 21, 1986 Members Present: Elizabeth Baldyga, Paula Alkas , Rosalie Punkunus , Mary Carey, Paul Czepiga, David Borthwick, Joseph Pohlmann, Peter Rosso, Judith Lindgren Others Present: Blanche Delaney. Cathy Nelson, Eugene Devlin; Raymond Giolitto and David Logan-Quinn & Associates ; Phil Doyle, landscape architect The meeting was called to order at 7 : 35 P.M. by Chairman Baldyga. On Motion by Mr. Borthwick, seconded by Mr. Rosso, it was voted to approve the secretary' s minutes of October 14 . MOTION CARRIED Mrs . Nelson distributed factual material pertaining to the Farmington and Avon libraries visited by members last Saturday. Mr. Giolitto presented proposed plans altered slightly from the previous plans . He said he would like the building to always look like it belonged on the site. It won' t look like a Town Hall but they plan to use similar materials and its design will be compatible with the Town Hall. It will be a cut and fill site. This plan shows the library entrance opposite that of the Town Hall with the driveway between. Two parking lots are shown on the northwest side to accomodate Town Hall employees , police staff and library patrons. He proposes expanding the existing overflow parking lot. Mr. Borthwick asked it if would be feasible to move the parking lot to where the driveway is now, bringing it closer to the building. Mr. Giolitto said a parking lot can only be a five percent elevation and to do this would be very expensive requiring a lot of cutting and filling; easily in excess of $100 , 000 . Mrs. Carey proposed library patrons park in the upper of the two proposed lots and Town Hall employees and police staff in the lower lot. Mrs. Delaney commented town employees should not be allowed in the proposed lots ; it should be library patrons and the public using the Town Hall. Mr. Giolitto presented a breakdown of the estimated total project cost of $2 ,248 , 100 , rounding it to $2 , 250 , 000 . Mr. Czepiga asked if it would be in our best interest to determine what percentage of the total 'cost is for the meeting rooms and the expanded parking lots so the public will be aware the entire cost is not just for the library. Mr. Giolitto said they haven't gotten into specifics yet and he has not yet conferred with Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, regarding parking. We may be overlapping spaces. He will make this point, however, at the Public Building Commission. Mr. Giolitto commented he was advised by Mayor Ward not to go too far until after the Public Building Commission appoint an architect. Quinn & Associates job was to take the Board through the grant applications. Mr. Giolitto said he is taking a gamble on what he was presenting tonight. They are about halfway through the Schematic October 21, 1986 Page two Design. He expressed the hope the Public Building Commission members wouldn 't be upset because we have already prepared a plan that they should be asking for. The Mayor told Mr. Giolitto he didn't think the members would be too disturbed because this work had to be prepared to complete the applications for Grants. Mr. Czepiga asked at what point this Board gets a final review. According to Town Charter, preliminary plans and cost estimates will be sent to us for review. Then the architect prepares and submits to this Board for approval a project cost budget, pre- liminary drawings and cost estimates based on the Statement of Need. Mr. Giolitto felt he had a good idea of what we want after our meetings, the Saturday tours and working with Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Devlin. Mr. Borthwick asked the difference in the two categories - movable equipment and furniture and equipment. Mr. Giolitto said they are really the same. Twenty-five percent of the construction cost is what the state allows for movable equipment. He explained the ten percent contingency is to allow for all items that may change. After Schematic Design, it is reduced to five percent; at the end of design development, it is still five percent; there is always something. He pointed out the worse thing we could do is to publish a figure for project cost and have to go back for more funds. We are building in 1987 ; it is better to estimate a little high. Members then went through the proposed floor plan, noting the storage area proposed is 16x24 ; the staff room is 12x18 and the Director ' s Office is 12x16 . When asked if there would be storage available below grade, Mr. Giolitto said the way the site worked out, he was not planning any storage below. Mrs . Carey said she felt there wasn' t enough storage space; there should be three times as much. She was basing her opinion on the fact the Portland Library had 300 sq. ft. of storage and it was obvious they should have had much more. It was suggested the Director' s Office and the staff room be made slightly smaller. Mr. Giolitto suggested it would be less expensive to put in stairs near the reference area to lead to a below grade storage room; this would only require a foundation wall. It was also suggested there be small enclosed quiet areas and that the carrels be situated near the reference desk. It was noted the mechanical room will back up into the wooded area and hopefully, all the workings will be placed in the upper clerestory. Mr. Doyle pointed out we will have to obtain approval from the Planning and Zoning Commissions for a Special Use Permit for the library in this Zone. October 21, 1986 Page three Everyone agreed however, they like the concept. Mr. Giolitto requested copies of our previous minutes to be sure he had considered all comments and suggestions . Proceeding with the meeting, Mrs. Baldyga presented a draft of a letter to be presented to the Public Building Commission recommending Quinn & Associates be selected the architects for this project. The Board also reviewed the proposed letter to be mailed to the small businesses seeking funds . Mr. Devlin presented his preliminary budget for the 1987-88 fiscal year for initial review. It was agreed to increase the request for Books and Periodicals , Item #101-2544-121-291 to $28 ,600 as monies previously derived from the Book Sale and Overdue books will now go into the General Fund and, in the past, these funds were used in this account. It also was agreed Item #101-2544-131-401 Computer Equipment should be listed as Capital Equipment and not part of the Operating Budget. Mr. Devlin was advised by the Finance Director that Item #101-2544-121-251 Legal Expenses would no longer be necessary as the Town' s Corporation Counsel will handle our business. Also, the Finance Director recommended Mr. Devlin determine a figure for Building Maintenance to be added to Richard Russell' s Maintenance budget. Mrs. Baldyga notified the Board she is recommending Mr. Rosso and Mr. Borthwick be liaison members to the Public Building Commission and they both agreed to act in this capacity. It was agreed to cancel the regularly scheduled meeting for November 4 . There being no further business, Motion was made by Mr. Rosso, seconded by Mrs . Carey to adjourn the meeting at 10 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, c� 0 4 dith M. Li dg 'en CS N "-� iii c O K CC