1986-08-12 DTI MINUTES nO Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board August 12 , 1986 OD Members Present : Elizabeth Baldyga, Paula Alkas , Rosalie Punkunus, Joseph Pohlmann, Peter Rosso, David Borthwick, Paul Czepiga, Judith Lindgren Member Absent: Mary Carey Others Present: Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. , Mrs. Blanche Delaney, Mrs. Cathy Nelson, Mrs . Joanne G. Ward Following election of officers, Mayor Ward gave the new Board members an overview of the progress towards a new library and some of the tasks of this Board. He requested the following motions be made to carry on matters already in progress: On Motion by Mr. Pohlmann, seconded by Mr. Rosso, it was Voted to authorize the Kensington Library Society to conduct a Building Fund Drive through the Neighborhood Assistance Act and private contributions. MOTION CARRIED On Motion by Mr. Rosso, seconded by Mr. Borthwick, it was Voted to authorize the Librarian, through the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board, to formally apply for a State grant. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Ward suggested the Society not apply to the Marjorie Moore Foundation at this point in time. Mrs. Delaney pointed out the Foundation had promised $50,000 . 00 if the Town took over the Library. The Foundation could be approached each year for a donation. Mayor Ward advised that the Finance Director, Gary Clinton, is breaking down the total number of dollars budgeted for the Peck Library into accounts for personnel, supplies, postage, etc. and should have it completed by next week. If anyone has any expenses, he should complete a Voucher to turn into the Finance Department for reimbursement. In discussing the tasks facing the new Board, he said the Board must first determine where the new library should be located. He noted if the Town Hall site is chosen, he would like to see two 25 person rooms which could be used for meetings by other Town boards and commissions. The Town Hall is becoming tight for space, especially for storage. Mr. Borthwick pointed out committee rooms were considered and in the plans drawn up previously. Mrs. Delaney showed the Board members the printed folder that had gone out with letters to corporations asking for donations . The folder will need a few changes before it can be used in the mailing and the Society will need funds to have it reprinted. Mayor Ward advised that James D'Errico, Purchasing Agent, be -2- August 12 , 1986 contacted for Purchase Orders. Mayor Ward advised they do not yet know who will be maintaining the building, therefore, the person now doing the job should continue. Mrs. Delaney stated their goal in the Building Fund Drive is $250 , 000 . Mayor Ward said any private contributions may be deposited by the Finance Director in a special account. To receive tax credit, the minimum contribution from a corporation under the Neighborhood Assistance Act is $250. 00. Mr. Rosso asked for a synopsis of the Act and the Mayor said he would have something by the next meeting. Mr. Czepiga asked if there was a list of sites or a map available of areas which may be considered as a possible site for the library. The Mayor said there is a map which he just recently gave to Deputy Mayor James McNair to review areas where a Community Center may be suitable and he will have it for our next meeting. It was suggested the Board members tour the sites that were proposed previously. Mr. Borthwick asked if the Community Center will vacate the building they are now occupying. Mayor Ward said they will make some decision probably within the week. They are talking about a joint meeting with the Library Board. Mrs. Delaney said we have two weeks to get the construction grant into the State. Mayor Ward said he would work with Eugene Devlin, Librarian, to complete it. As a point of information, the Mayor said when a Statement of Need is prepared, it is presented to the Public Building Commission. The Commission will ask for a liason member to be appointed. The Mayor said he just received the latest proposed population figures and would make copies available. Mr. Borthwick said they had projected a population of 18 ,000. It was the general consensus to meet every Tuesday evening at 7 : 30 p.m. until at least the end of this year. The next meeting will be held at the Peck Library on Peck STreet to allow members to view the facility and subsequent meetings will be at the Town Hall, unless otherwise noted. Mayor Ward said with great expectation, one year from now we will meet in the new Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 20 Respectfully su/mitted, dith M. Lin.gre, . -cretary