1987-11-10 BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY MINUTES November 10 , 1987 Members Present : Paul Czepiga, Paula Alkas , Mary Carey, Rosalie Punkunus , Judith Lindgren Members Absent: Joseph Pohlmann, David Borthwick, Peter Rosso Others Present: Mrs . Blanche Delaney, Mrs. Cathy Nelson, Mr. Eugene Devlin, Mrs.Karen Ribnicky, Mr. Brian Humes As neither the Chairman or Vice Chairman was present, Motion was made by Mrs . Carey, seconded by Mrs . Punkunus to elect Mrs. Delaney moderator for this meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Delaney called the meeting to order at 7 : 45 p.m. Mrs. Ribnicky reported that the Public Building Commission was very unhappy that she had come to the Library Board prior to going before them with her recommendations regarding placement of the stacks . Mr. Humes said he has to go to the Public Building Commission every other week with progress reports. The firm felt they were left out of the process which in turn causes delays . There was a lack of communication between the parties involved. The Public Building Commission hired Karen and they should see the drawings first. Plans should go the Public Building Commission and the architect and the Library Board in that order; obviously without delays . Mr. Humes presented different options with the placement of the stacks where we would get the most books and the best lighting arrangement and visibility will not be deterred. His plans indicated 71 , 736 volumes (maximum capacity) with straight stacks; angled stacks with three foot aisles around perimeter would permit 61 , 656 volumes . Statement of Need calls for 65 , 000 plus storage for periodicals. The library presently has 35 , 000 adult books. Mrs . Ribnicky said she cannot emphasize enough visibility. Her figures with straight stacks equal 66 , 864 . One single-face section equals 168 books. She pointed out the full library collection of books will hardly ever be in the library at a given time; 20-30% will be out. Mrs . Carey said she agrees with Mrs. Nelson in that we want to see what is going on between the stacks . It is very important. Mrs. Punkunus agreed noting she worked at the library and knows how important visibility is . We will not have the staff required to check on things so that area has to be visible. -2- Mr. Humes said the building was not designed to accommodate angled stacks. We were not told and the building does not accommodate it. Mrs. Carey pointed out we were told by Mr. Kaestle to wait on the inside; not to worry, we would have a consultant who will advise us . The consultant would critique the layout. Mrs. Ribnicky said her contract says she will help with the bid openings and ensure the building program comes through and that it functions the best it can. Mr. Humes said Karen was hired too late in time. His firm was under the assumption that she would help them with the layout, the manufacturers, the specifications of the furniture, colors, etc. He is not concerned with the furniture-it ' s movable; we are concerned with the permanent. Mrs. Carey said she cannot foresee that this library would have the optimum use with the straight stacks; you are defeating the purpose for which we are building a new library. We will not gain volumes; we need space. We know we are going to be understaffed. We said from the beginning our needs cannot be met with this type of stack. We need to be able to see down the aisles. Mrs. Delaney said if this Board feels this way, you should make a motion. On Motion by Mrs. Carey, seconded by Mrs. Punkunus, it was voted that we recommend to the Public Building Commission that we feel we would like the stacks angled for the following reasons: Simple Collection organization; clear traffic patterns; maximum staff supervision of users; flexibility; proper adjacencies among departments and collections; optimum compromise between program and other constraints; correct density without crowding; seating within the collection without disruption of collection organization; variety of user seating, appropriate to facility; staff efficiency and comfort; marketability of literature and library services; maximum advantage of views; and, interesting, not contrived, spaces. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Ribnicky then reviewed the reference area, specifically the placement of the reference desk. Mr. Humes suggested using a part of the circulation desk for the reference desk. The size of the circulation is as large as the Children' s Department-- 24 'x30 ' . Mrs. Ribnicky said she doesn't like to see the two functions combined. Mrs. Nelson stated we will need every inch of the circulation desk we can get. Mrs. Ribnicky presented a rough sketch just marked out today. Mrs. Delaney said she feels the experts should make this decision. It has to be a functional desk and fit in with the general layout of the building. Mrs. Ribnicky will do a little more work on her sketch and present it next week. She and Mr. Humes left the meeting at 9: 10 p.m. -3- Mrs. Nelson presented the proposed budget for the children' s department. Mr. Devlin read some of his proposed figures for the remaining budget items . He will have copies for members next week. Mrs. Delaney reported that she and Attorney Denise McNair attended the Probate Court hearing in Waterbury regarding the Henry H. Peck Trust Fund. The Judge said the Trust would be transferred under the terms of the Will . However, instead of 1 /4 to be used for the general improvement of the library building or making an addition thereto, he authorized 1 /3 of the income of the Trust for this purpose. In the meantime, we will have the Finance Director hold the funds separate until we hear from the Probate Court. Motion was made by Mrs . Lindgren, seconded by Mrs. Alkas, and voted that we accept the transfer of the Henry H. Peck Trust Fund for the benefit of the Peck Memorial Library in the amount of $50, 230. 64 ; $1 , 001 . 33 of which is income and $49 , 229 . 31 is principal to be placed in a Special Fund in the name of Henry H. Peck for the benefit of Peck Memorial Library pending confirmation of the terms of the transfer by Probate Court Judge James J. Lawlor of the District of Waterbury as follows : that 1 /3 of the principal in the amount of $49 ,229 . 31 be used toward the new Berlin-Peck Memorial Library building under the name of Henry H. Peck and that the balance of the principal to be invested and that the transferred income of $1 ,001 . 33 , together with any future income be used as set forth in paragraph 11 of the Last Will and Testament of Henry H. Peck and further that the Probate Court District of Waterbury annually be advised by letter concerning the use of this income. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Carey abstained. NOTE: Paragraph 11 of the Will states in part: "1 /2 of the income of the Trust to be used in the care, maintenance and expenses of said (Peck Memorial ) Library, 1 /4 of said income to be used exclusively in the purchase of books for said Library, and the remaining 1 /4 to be held, invested and accumulated by the managers of said Library as a special fund to be used by them for the general improvement of the Library building or making an addition thereto should the same be necessary. " Mrs. Delaney noted that on November 19th there will be a hearing on our request for an extension of time. It has been requested someone from the Board attend. There being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I dith M. Li#41(-) ;icting Secretary