1987-03-03 N . MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY MARCH 3, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT - Paula Alkas, Elizabeth Baldyga, David Borthtia. & , Mary Carey, Atty. Paun. Czepiga, Judith Lindgren, Joseph Pohlmann, Rosalie Punkunus, Peter Rosso OTHERS PRESENT - Blanche Delaney, Cathy Nelson, Eugene Devlin, Jeannine Sevigny The Meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P.M. by Chairman Baldyga. On Motion by Mr. Borthwick, seconded by Rosalie punkunus, is was VOTED to approve the minutes of the February 24, 1987 meeting with corrections made to page (31 paragraphs 2 and 5 and page (4) last paragraph. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Baldyga then asked the Board to look at a letter from the State of Connecticut - Conn. State Library in Hartford, Connecticut. She said that before the Board goes out to bid for a contractor we will have to sign a personal Service Agreement. Money cannot be spent under the contract until this is done. Mrs. Delaney said that the items stated in the letter will have to be looked at before the ground is broken for the new library. Mrs. Baldyga then asked if the Henry Peck Trust Fund could be broken. She said someone said that it couldntt be broken. It was decided by the Board that we can break the trust fund and have all restrictions lifted. Mrs. Baldyga stated that there would be a public hearing on the Cynthia Matthews Trust Fund grant of $500,000. This will be held on March 23rd at 11 : 00 A.M. She said she called Mayor Thomas Ward about it this morning. She would like Mayor Ward to testify at this meeting. If he is unable, than she would like Blanche Delaney to testi- fy in his place. Peter Rosso stated that anyone could testify at this meeting because it is open to the general public. Mary Carey asked if Cathy Nelson or Mr. Eugene Devlin could attend this meeting. Cathy stated that she had a meeting to go to on this date but would try to get out of it and attend trust fund hearing. Paul Czepiga brought up an article from the New Britain Herald about where the site will be located for the new Community Center. The ques- tion of overlapping parking spaces with the Community Center and the proposed library building was raised. Paul said that the site behind the Marjorie Moore Village for the new community center was rejected and that it will be set into the woods but accessible to the proposed library building. Rosalie punkunus asked if the proposed site for the Community Center had been brought up to the planning Commission. peter Rosso stated that it hadn' t. • Library Board Minutes Barth 3 1987 paLe ( Mrs . Baldga quastioned what we were going to amend on the Statement of Need. Mr. Borthwick wanted to know what the Periodical Reading , Room, Adult Audio Visual Room, Young Adult Study Room, Card Catalog Area, Index Vertical File, Reference ILL Office and Reference Study Area were all part of. He said that the Magazine Storage Area, Group Study Rooms, Business Offices with Receiving Area, Children' s Services, Reference Area, and Computer Room all add up to 5,820 square feet. He said that all the items on the list plus the storage room have a total of 22,958 square feet, He questioned what they meant by 20°/O non-assigned space . It was decided that this meant the space for hallways, corridors, etc. Cathy Nelson then went down the list of items that Mr. Borthwick was questioning where they fit into other items. She said the periodical Reading Room was part of Adult Fiction. She said this area would probably be near the Circulation Desk. She said that the Newington Library would probably have a separate roam for this. She said it was not necessary to have a separate room for Adult Audio Visual and said that this was part of the Audio Visual Room. She said this area would most likely include headphones, cassette play- ers etc. She said the Card Catalog Area was in the Reference Area for both the children and adults. She said the Index Vertical File was part of the Reference Room. She said ILL was an abbreviation for Intra-Library Loan. Cathy Nelson then brought up the fact that the Newington Library has a larger professional staff. She said that we do not have that many people on our full time staff. Mr. Borthwick then brought up the personnel exn nsion issue for a greater amount of supervisory per- sonnel. He said we will need to put space into the plans to make roan for more personnel. Mary Carey said we are probably going to have a mutual office for this personnel with desks for individual people. She said that we have to think about having additional staff when the library opens. Mr. Borthwick said that this is included in the budget for next year, Mr. Borthwick then brought up the fact that the square footage for the Reference Study Area seems to be very large. Mary Carey sug- gested that maybe a part of this area would be used for the Computer Room. Dave Borthwick then wanted to know where the Study Area would be located. Cathy Nelson said it was located in the Reference Area, Peter Rosso said there is no Study Area in the Cromwell library and he thinks this is very detrimental. David Borthwick then said the square footage that we are talking about includes a Computer Room plus a Study Area. It was stated that in the Magazine Storage Area that we will have a space for back issues of magazines. Mary Carey said we should have an area with a lot of glass so that it could be well supervised. Dave Borthwick said that the Typing Area should be in with the Compu- Library Board Minutes March 3, 1987 Page ( 3) ter Room. Mary Carey then mentioned a library in Portland that had much glass and said she thought this was a good idea and would make for better supervision of the children. Cathy Nelson said she would like to see a pit area which could be used by parents to read to their children included in the plans. She then stated that her office would have to be close to the Children' s Room so that she can travel back and forth between the two areas. She said that they are moving the Circulation Area out of the Children' s Department. She said that she thought the children and this area could be manat_ed together. Peter Rosso said the size of the Entry Area seemed to be awfully large . This is figured to be 600 square feet. Cathy Nelson said that we can certainly have a much smaller area and still make it work, peter Rosso suggested using part of this area for the com- puter room. Mary Carey asked that if once we have the plans typed up etc. does this mean it will cost us extra money if we then make any changes? Peter Rosso said that it wasn' t going to cost us any additional money to make any changes right now until final plan is drawn up. peter Rosso said that all we were going to add to the plan would be a Computer Room and a Reading Room. Mary Carey asked if there would be a heating coil on the floor as you walked through the door. Cathy Nelson said she did not put it in the plan because it was too expensive and said it was not really a necessity citing the fact that we were planning on having main- tenance people to shovel walks etc. Mary Carey then questioned if we were going to have a security system put in. Cathy Nelson said she didn't think we would lose enough books to warrant putting in such a system. Paula Alkas cited a library in Forestville that was having a lot of books stolen and they put a security system in be- cause of this and now they do not have any problems with persons stealing books. Mr. Borthwick suggested putting it into the plan and Cathy Nelson agreed that it might be a good idea. Mary Carey said she thought that to put wiring in later for a security system might be very expensive and thought it to be a good idea to put it into the plans now. She also said she thought maybe kids from out- lying towns might come to Berlin to use our library and there may be a different clientele to use the library other than the children from Berlin. Mr. Borthwick said that if the stacks were open we may not need the security system but if they weren' t we probably would. Eugene Devlin suggested the use of mirrors in the stacks and asked if this was possible. peter Rosso suggested maybe having a machine with a camera that would tape persons stealing books. Mr. Pohlmann asked if this would be very expensive, peter Rosso replied Library Board Minutes March 3, 1987 Page (4) this area would have to be explored to see what system would be best. Rosalie Punkunus said the architects from Kaestle-Boos Associates would come to the meeting on March 10th aid, .include the Computer Room in the plans. Nary Carey asked if a plaque room would be included in the plans to make note of persons that have made donations to the library. She also said she would life to see a fireplace in the new li- brary or something from the former library to be put into the new library. Mrs. Baldyga asked if there would be a special room for the blind. Rosalie Punkunus said they have such a room at Willard School library with a machine to enlarge print and aid the blind . She said we should try to cater to the blind. Mary Carey suggested designating one room for the blind with one of these machines in it. Mrs. Baldyg,a said there aren' t too many libraries with facilities for the blind. Mary Carey said we could use the extra room for study and also for the blind. Paul Czepiga asked if we could find out how many blind people are in the area to see if it would warrant having such a space . Peter Rosso said that we could call the State Board for this information. Everyone was in agreement that we need three Study Rooms. Mary Carey said that this special machine to aid the blind would need to be kept under lock in a cabinet large enough to hold the machine. She asked Rosalie Punkunus to get the name of the machine from the one at Willard School Library and also the serial number. Blanche Delaney asked how many people would fit into the Study Room. Mary Carey said there would probably be enough room for five people. Rosalie Punkunus said it will have half glass walls so that the inside of the Study Room call be seen. Paula Alkas asked if there would be a change machine installed in the library for people wanting to make copies on the public copying ma- chine and needing change. Cathy Nelson said there is a machine in the present library that takes dollars and gives back change. Mrs. Baldyga asked if there would be a copier in the meeting room. Mary Carey said that we could get a table top model for this room with a cabinet for it. Eugene Devlin suggested a copier for the local his- tory room so the material from this room would not be taken out of the immediate area. Blanche Delaney said that a new copier for the li- brary was definitely needed. paula Alkas wanted to know if the plans included anything outside the library. She said she would like to see a flag pole in front of the library. Cathy Nelson said she would like to see a bench for the Library Board Minutes March 3, 1987 page ( 5) kids sitting out front waiting for rides etc. Betty Baldyga wanted to know if a courtyard would be included in the plans. Peter Rosso said there should be enough space between wings to have a courtyard. David Borthwick said it might obstruct any view. peter Rosso then stated that we would find out about all of the above when the archi- tects come for a return visit from Kaestle-Boos Assoc. on the 10th of March. There being no further business, peter Rosso made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Cathy Nelson. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Jeannine Sevigny rn rn o � f-n v �— nC { r-r-