1987-01-20 "'1I N UTES Berlin-Peck Memorial Library January 20 , 1987 Members Present : Elizabeth Baldyga, Rosalie Punkunus , Peter Rosso , Paul Czepiga, Paula Alkas , Joseph Pohlmann , Judith Lindgren Members Absent : Mary Carey , David Borthwick Others Present : Blanche Delaney , Cathy Nelson, Eugene Devlin; David King of Kaestle Boos Associates Inc. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Chairman Baldyga. It was VOTED to approve the Minutes of January 6 , 1987 . Mrs . Baldyga suggested before signing a letter to the Bank of Boston Connecticut regarding the Trusts of Henry and Kathryn Peck , she would like to check with legislators to be sure no new legislation would be forthcoming regarding terminating trust funds . Mrs . Nelson reported everything went well at the Board of Finance meeting when the proposed library budget was presented. Mrs . Baldyga introduced David King , a partner in the architectural firm of Kaestle Boos Associates , Inc. of New Britain. Mr. King is a project architect having recently completed libraries for the towns of Newington and Cromwell . He has started to analyze how our library would look on the site. When asked what he presented to the Public Building Commission, he said he showed slides of their recent work including a study model to illustrate what they are thinking about and to demonstrate what is being proposed. Mr. Pohlmann asked if the Newington project would run concurrently with our project . Mr. King said the Newington library is now under construction and it represents at the most two days work per week at this point. He noted he is the chief designer within the office . Mr. Pohlmann asked if he could foresee certain advantages for Berlin in that Mr. King has worked with the Newington and Cromwell libraries . Mr. King pointed out we will be a beneficiary of that knowledge and experience. Adding, however, that he doesn' t mean to imply that because someone did something, we have to do the same thing. Atty. Czepiga asked what study models are . Mr. King replied it is a cardboard model to aid in visualizing a project . In addition to the model they presented slides of the completed Cromwell Library. Hehas visited other libraries in the area as have the Board members . Mr. Pohlmann said at this point we know what we want and we have to convey it to Mr. King. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Page two January 20 , 1987 Mr. Rosso asked if Mr. King has put anything on paper what he feels should be on this site . He asked if Mr. King was aware of the time- table to break ground in the spring. Mr. King said it is feasible . Mrs . Delaney questioned if the Public Building Commission supplied Mr. King with a Statement of Need. Mr. King indicated in the affirmative . Mrs .Nelson pointed out the Statement of Need was developed quickly in preparation of the State grant . The Library Board has decided more storage room is needed and that we should include a computer room. Mr. King asked how many computers we are anticipating and if we had decided on one room or several small rooms with windows for supervision . Mr. Pohlmann recalled that Farmington Library had small rooms for studying which were very popular. Mr. King suggested maybe two or three rooms with windows , strictly a room to work in . Mrs . Nelson pointed out parking is another concern . Mr. King commented a strip of double parking along the roadway and the building would fit in. Mrs . Delaney noted that parking is a serious problem with common use by the public coming to the Town Hall and the library. Atty. Czepiga stated he feels parking should be as close to the entrance as possible and there should be a clear path for the police to travel so people should not be allowed to back out into traffic. Mrs . Delaney asked if Mr. King has discussed moving the library to permit below grade storage . Mr. King said he understands we want a one story building for public access with access below for storage. This would mean installation of an elevator so you can wheel a cart of books onto . Mr. Pohlmann thought perhaps we should go over the other plans we had drawn previously. Mr. Rosso said maybe it ' s better if we don' t look at them just yet . Mr. King agreed saying it would he just as easy for the Board to look at his plans and decide what you like and don ' t like . He said he should have something for us by the latter part of next week . Mrs . Baldyga said our next meeting is scheduled for January 27th. Mr. King said he will have something on that date . Mr. Rosso asked how long it would take for mechanical drawings . Mr. King said once they can proceed with working drawings - a ninety day operation. Atty. Czepiga asked about furnishing the library. Mr. King said his firm worked extensively with Cromwell on the furnishings . Newington was contracted out . It is done both ways . Built-ins can also be done either way - it is flexible . Mrs . Baldyga pointed out the exterior of the library is to be the same as the Town Hall except for the untreated wood. Kaestle Boos were the architects for the Town Hall project . Mr. King said there is capability with this building to deal with the aesthetic issue . Mr. Rosso suggested perhaps Mr. King should ask the Board members whatever may be helpful to him in preparing the plans . Mr. King asked if it is desirable that much of the library be supervised. The Board agreed as much as possible. He pointed out that to he abletolook down Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Page three January 20 , 1987 each aisle is not very practical . The library in Wolcott is done in the round but he didn' t feel it would he something we wouldbe happy with . Atty. Czepiga suggested keeping areas open but define them as much as possible. Mr. King said we have 18 ,000 s . f. planned now and you may creep into the 20 ,000 s . f. area with program which would increase the budget. He roughly figures the cost of construction at $2 ,200 ,000 plus $250 ,000 for site work plus equipment plus the furnishings . He asked if we had considered a security system. Mrs . Nelson said at this time the library is not losing enough books to justify the installation of a security system. Mr. King said the present construction cost is figured at $110/s . f. Newington was figured at $95/s . f. but one- third was renovation. Board members expressed surprise at the estimated cost as we had previously under- stood it would be under $2 . 500 .000 . Mr. King said then we need to look into our program area.. He noted it will never cost less than it does now. Mrs . Delaney asked if the exterior of the library is the same as the Town Hall , would that bring up the cost . Mr. King said perhaps there is some basis for that comment . Members pointed out we have planned a basic program for a library ; nothing fancy. 18 ,000 s . f. meets the state library requirements and except for the storage , that is what we originally planned. Mr. King offered the following timetable : three months drawing time ; one month bidding time ; two weeks for the low bidder to be approved - we are looking at June ; 12-16 months to completion , it would be enclosed by winter. Mr. Pohlmann asked if the building would be expandable. Mr. King said it would be to the degree of the site. If we are planning with the State recommendations , we are including twenty years worth of expansion. Mr. Devlin asked that a flat roof not be considered. Mr. King said he understood. There being no further questions , Mr. King left the meeting. During discussion, it was suggested we look into the fee for hiring a consultant . Mr. Devlin will contact someone in Newington for information as they hired Noland LUshington to assist them. Mr. Devlin reported on the Services for the Blind. Most libraries have facilities for those people not needing Braille . If we are looking at ,a nay v and innovative program, there isn' t anything better than Planning B ar .ier' Fr$e Libraries. Mrs. Baldyga will check with the local Lions club to see if they would be willing to assist in this project. Tehee be-ing no further business , the meeting adjourned at 8 : 50 P.M. cam ;, `m Respectfully submitted , c_) :5) 3 I / i CC CD Cr) udith M. L ndg/en Secretary