03/14/1990 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY March 14, 1990 Members Present: Blanche Delaney, David Borthwick, Barton Bovee, Frances Brautigam, Pat Heavren, Thomas Menditto, Mark Russak Members Absent: Paul Czepiga, Rosalie Punkunus Others Present: Eugene Devlin, Cathy Nelson Chairman Delaney called the meeting to order at 7pm. MINUTES Motion was made by David Borthwick, seconded by Barton Bovee to approve the February 14, 1990 minutes as submitted, passed unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Report dated 3/6/90. Highlights were use of the meeting room; discussion of Red Cross Blood Drive; Yankee Peddler Day; handicapped volunteer; CT Library Association Potluck Dinner; Budget Recap; Video/Quilting Program; and discussion of use of the meeting room for a sports banquet. Chairman Delaney and Pat Heavren voiced their concerns about a possible blood drive. This item will be researched further by Eugene Devlin as well as the sports banquet. Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated 3/1/90. Highlights were new book lists; computer programs and increased circulation statistics. PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO BOARD Chairman Delaney read a letter dated March 2, 1990 from Phyllis Masse of 292 Middletown Road, Berlin concerning return of a VCR tape (returned by a friend for her) to the library's bookdrop. After a lengthy discussion, Frances Brautigam motioned t deny Mrseconded. hylis Pat Masse's request and that she (Mrs. Masse) pay the fine, Heavren. Discussion-Bart Bovee said he thought the motion should contain more information. Frances Brautigam moved to withdraw her original motion, seconded by Pat Heavren, passed unanimously. Bart Bovee moved to deny Mrs. Masse's request to waive the fee for return of a VCR tape to the bookdrop only slot of the library and that a letter be written informing Mrs. Masse that the fine be paid, seconded by David Borthwick, passed unanimously. Friends-Cathy Nelson summarized the last Friends' meeting as follows: there are 55 members. April the Mayor will write a proclamation concerning membership cards for the Friends of the library. The book sale date has changed to April 26, 27 and 28, 1990 (Thursday-Saturday) with the request to sell coffee and doughnuts in the basement in conjunction with the sale. Under Programs on June 2 (?) a Family Program and October 20 (?) an Author Luncheon. The author being considered will be discussing the Myth of Aging. The next meeting of the Friends will be April 3, 1990 at 7pm. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman Delaney discussed the Budget Hearing scheduled for March 27th at McGee School and asked that all Board members try to attend. Chairman Delaney also told the Board about the Tour given to Town Hall employees. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Building Committee Report - David Borthwick said that the following items still needed work: dry wall repair in the Children's Department done improperly and replanting outside. Budget & Finance - Cathy Nelson outlined a proposal for new staff. Personnel Committee & Friends - Chairman Delaney read a memorandum dated February 21, 1990 (subject: Library Survey) from the Mayor concerning additional personnel. Policy & By-Laws - Chairman Delaney read a letter dated February 23, 1990 (subject: Treatment of earmarked monetary gifts) from Corporation Counsel, Tim Sullivan. This letter will be an Addendum to the Gifts and Loan Policy. The Board discussed the following policies for adoption/changes: Materials Selection Policy Statement-General Principles-After a short discussion, motion was made by Bart Bovee, seconded by Thomas Menditto to approve the Materials Selection Policy Statement-General Principles dated rev. 1-9-90 as follows: page 2 fourth line change Quantity to Quality, page 2 third paragraph from end". . . .Infotrac or is (change is to in) and punctuate properly, passed unanimously. Library Disaster Procedures-No motion made. This section will go back to Sub-Committee for revisions. Closing Policy-After a short discussion, motion was made by Bart Bovee, seconded by David Borthwick to approve the Closing Policy (with proper punctuation) dated revised 1-9-90, passed unanimously. Confidentiality-After a short discussion, motion was made by Frances Brautigam, seconded by Bart Bovee to approve the Policy Statement on Confidentiality of Library Records dated revised 1-9-90 (with proper punctuation) , passed unanimously. The Emergency Telephone List was discussed. Weeding Policy-After a short discussion, motion was made by David Borthwick, seconded by Chairman Blanche Delaney to amend the Weeding Policy, paragraph 2 changing the word discarding books to removing books from the collection (dated revised 1-9-90) , passed unanimously. Gifts and Loans Policy-After a short discussion, motion was made by Frances Brautigam, seconded by Bart Bovee to approve the Gifts and Loans Policy (with proper punctuation) dated revised 1-9-90, passed unanimously. Motion was made by David Borthwick, seconded by Pat Heavren to table the Policies for Meeting Rooms and Basement Storage until the next Board meeting, passed unanimously. Cathy Nelson handed out a Policies Table of Contents listing approval dates. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Delaney discussed the following: a memorandum dated March 8, 1990 (Ten Year Plan) from the Mayor; letter to Eugene Devlin dated March 12, 1990 from Mrs. Diane Funk, President of the Junior Woman's Club of Berlin concerning a donation of $100 check to purchase books for the adult section of our new library; a memorandum dated March 5, 1990 (Note of Appreciation) to the Mayor from Chairman Delaney and a memorandum to Eugene Devlin dated March 7, 1990 (Revenue Schedule Revisions) from Gail Erickson, Accountant for the Finance Department. Chairman Delaney referred the March 8, 1990 memorandum, concerning the Ten Year Plan from the Mayor, to the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee for discussion. UNFINISHED BUSINESS = rim x,» MC ri None at this time. r NJ c z 4 C NEW BUSINESS C9 - None at this time. ?,( - ^' co G.5 x \ CD ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by David Borthwick, seconded by Bart Boyce to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm, passed unanimously. Respectfullyo submitted, 01 • Ann Sevigny 'ecording Secretary 4