06/10/1992 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY June 10, 1992 Members Present: David Borthwick, Frances Brautigam, Blanche Delaney, Rosalie Punkunus, Frederick Riggs Members Absent: Patricia Heavren, Thomas Menditto, Nunzio Rosso Mark Russak (all excused) Others Present: Eugene Devlin, Cathy Nelson Chairman Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7: 15pm. MINUTES Motion was made by Blanche Delaney, seconded by Frances Brautigam to amend page 4 of the May 13, 1992 minutes as follows: Director's Goals to read "Update of training process/progress to be at the June Library Board Meeting", passed unanimously. PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO BOARD None. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Reports dated 6/1/92. Highlights were statistics; timer units being considered for air condition in the Library Board and Blanche Johnson Delaney Meeting Rooms; REQUEST System-Barbara Bak is reviewing/getting quotes for the equipment for CARL; children throwing stones at the library-police were notified and purchase order process. 4 Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated 6/1/92. Highlights were Kensington Fire District Meeting and statistics are already higher than last year. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman Borthwick mentioned several concerns that came to his attention during the month: 1) after hours adjustments to the meeting room furniture (moving of furniture after hours) Eugene Devlin will talk to Dick Russell about this; 2) air conditioning system (revamping of system) ; 3) parking lot lighting; 4) water in the basement; 5) cleaning of gutters; 6) special thank you to the Town Crew for plantings to beautify the outside of the library as well as weeding done; 7) location of Marjorie Moore painting in the library on the wall across from the black boards and 8) returning of forms for use of the Board/Meeting Room and setting up of a follow up system to make sure forms are returned. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget & Finance Committee Report - None. Personnel Committee Report - Rosalie Punkunus said there was nothing to report. Policy and By-Laws Committee Report - Blanche Delaney said she will send a list of the items that need her subcommittee's work prior to a meeting. Friend's Committee Report - Frances Brautigam said the book sale made $1,100. Chairman Borthwick said he had heard feedback from individuals that would like to see more support of library employees/Board members in conjunction with the Friend's functions such as the book sale, etc. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Borthwick discussed the following: 1) Memorandum to Department Heads, Chairmen of Boards & Commissions from Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director dated June 4, 1992 concerning the 1991/92 and 1992/93 Fiscal Year Transaction listing schedules to be followed. 2) Thank You Letter to Mrs. Lois B. Wardner from Chairman Borthwick dated May 27, 1992 concerning her retirement from the library. 3) Letter to Edie L. Franzi, Principal of Griswold School from Chairman Borthwick dated May 27, 1992 concerning storage of approximately twenty library carts in the basement of the library. 4) Letter to John Miller, of Town of Berlin Awards Committee, from Eugene Devlin dated May 28, 1992 concerning Andrew Fal. 5) Memorandum to Eugene Devlin from Mayor Robert J. Peters dated May 4 26, 1992 concerning the Annual Picnic scheduled for August 11, 1992 (rain date August 12, 1992) . 6) Thank You Letter from Lois Wardner for begonia plant. 7) Letter from Mrs. Buffalos, Clockshop Drive regarding a book not found in the library after other items were returned. Cathy Nelson will draft a letter to Mrs. Buffalos concerning the procedures to be followed with the lost book. 8) Marjorie Moore Grant request, for their July meeting, submitted by Cathy Nelson for the Board's information. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Library Survey Results-After a short discussion concerning the results of the survey, Eugene Devlin said he would address the issues that can be improved in writing and post the answers on the bulletin board as well as discuss the survey at the next Staff Meeting. Cathy Nelson left the meeting at 8:25pm. Director's Goals-Goal #1 change due date to September meeting since the Board will not be meeting in August. Goal # 2-Rosalie Punkunus said she liked the Librarian's Report photocopied double-sided. Goal # 3-Local History Room Policies-Eugene Devlin handed out the Local history room policies Approved February 14, 1990. After corrections to minor typographical errors, the Board voted to Pass Eugene Devlin on Goal #3. Goal # 5-Change the MacIntosh Computer to the Apple Computer for training purposes. NEW BUSINESS Frederick Riggs asked what happens to the books left over from the Friend's book sale? Frances Brautigam said that the books will be weeded again by volunteers. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Rosalie Punkunus, seconded by Frances Brautigam to adjourn the meeting at 8:55pm, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jan- Ann Sevigny Re .rding Secretary rr J I