03/11/1992 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY March 11, 1992 Members Present: David Borthwick, Frances Brautigam, Blanche Delaney, Thomas Menditto, Rosalie Punkunus, Frederick Riggs Members Absent: Pat Heavren (excused) , Nunzio Rosso, Mark Russak Others Present: Eugene Devlin, Cathy Nelson, David Rackliffe Chairman Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. MINUTES Motion was made by Blanche Delaney, seconded by Frederick Riggs to amend the February 12, 1992 minutes as follows, page 2 correction of name from Janice to Janine, correction from council or counsel, Budget & Finance change waiting to, to anticipating further cuts to the budget and page 3 change from Magic Program to Madryals Program, passed unanimously. David Rackliffe entered the meeting at 7: 10pm. PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO BOARD David Rackliffe sent a letter to Mr. Eugene Devlin dated 23 February, 1992 from the Fund Raising Committee of the Berlin High School 1992 Alcohol-and Drug-Free Graduation Party requesting the use of the Blanche Delaney Meeting Room on the afternoon of Sunday, March 29, 1992 from 12:00-4pm for the purpose of conducting a jewelry sale as a fund raiser. Chairman Borthwick said that, if permission of the Board were to be granted, payment of the custodial and police services would be up to the user of the room. David Rackliffe left the meeting at 7:20pm. Discussion-Items discussed were the meeting room form, consistency, policy additions, type of group using the room, custodial and appropriate security services. The following policy was suggested for the next Board meeting: Under the Program and Meeting Policies, C. General Rules of Use- "10. A charity (nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonreligious) that benefits the Town of Berlin may request to sell items to the public in the meeting room subject to approval by the Library Board. No such sale may occur during regular library hours." "11. Any use of the meeting room for times the Library is closed must be arranged with the Library staff and the Building Department for custodian and appropriate security. Any overtime fees must be paid by the organization." Motion was made by Frances Brautigam, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to approve the request of the Graduation Party '92 as outlined in their letter to Mr. Eugene Devlin dated 23 February, 1992 with the addition of a disclaimer, appropriate security and custodial services being provided/paid for by the Fund Raising Committee BHS Graduation Party, '92, passed unanimously. Chairman Borthwick will call David Rackliffe with the Board's favorable decision tomorrow. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Reports dated 3/4/92. Highlights were Budget Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 1992 at 7pm at the McGee Middle School; skateboarding; supply budget-Chairman still concerned that this will not be enough money to last the entire fiscal year; and Capital Equipment 4% expended. Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated 2/27/92. Highlights were meetings for setting up the CARL System, Cathy Nelson will notify staff when she will be attending these meetings for CARL and post information on the bulletin board; and library circulation statistics still up. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman Borthwick discussed a concern for review and use of bylaws citing the example of opening the library without a degreed Librarian. Thomas Menditto said we should use the bylaws as a guideline or best case scenario. Chairman Borthwick said there should be some flexibility with emphasis on not getting into the habit of abusing the bylaws. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget & Finance Committee Report - Thomas Menditto and Chairman Borthwick reviewed various items in the budget and said there was still some concerns about the following accounts: 104, Personnel; 108, Pages/Summer Help; 201, Supplies; 208, Dues and Conferences; and 219, Programs. Building-Chairman Borthwick said that Dick Russell had received a quote from the heating and cooling contractor for approximately $8,000 this request will be presented to the Executive Board. Fire Alarm Testing was once again conducted during library hours and found to be disruptive and inappropriate. Personnel Committee Report - Rosalie Punkunus discussed the two (2) samples of Chain of Command submitted by Eugene Devlin and Cathy Nelson. After a short discussion, motion was made by Blanche Delaney, seconded by Frances Brautigam to approve the Chain of Command submitted by Cathy Nelson dated 3-11-92 minus the union affiliations column, passed unanimously. The approved Chain of Command will be discussed at tomorrow's Staff Meeting. Friend's Committee Report - Cathy Nelson reviewed the following items discussed at last night's Friends meeting: April 11th Program had to be cancelled due to author's unavailability; April Vacation Week Program; May 28-30, 1992 Book Sale; 1/2 of the book bags are sold and formal request to the Board to sell book bags during library hours. Policy and By-Laws Committee Report - Frances Brautigam and/or Rosalie Punkunus will joining Blanche Delaney on this Sub-committee. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Borthwick discussed the following: 1) Memorandum to Eugene Devlin from Barbara Bak dated March 9, 1992 concerning permission to store the Town's off site system backup tapes at the library. Chairman Borthwick will write a memorandum to Barbara Bak/Gary Clinton concerning this item. 2) Memorandum to James D'Errico from Eugene Devlin not dated concerning working hours of the library on December 26, 1992 and January 2, 1993. 3) Memorandum to Mayor Robert Peters from Eugene Devlin dated March 2, 1992 concerning Purchase Orders. 4) Thank you letter to South Kensington Volunteer Fire Department from Chairman Borthwick dated February 18, 1992 concerning the loan of a painting of Marjorie Moore to the library. 5) Thank you letter to the Kensington Garden Club from Chairman Borthwick dated February 18, 1992 concerning decorating the library this past holiday season. 6) Welcome letter to an adult volunteer from Eugene Devlin dated March 5, 1992. 7) Letter to Eugene Devlin from Bessie Dodson dated February 24, 1992 concerning two gardening books. 8) Letter to Elizabeth Tedeschi from Eugene Devlin dated February 23, 1992 concerning best sellers. 8) Letter to Eugene Devlin from Pat Heavren dated February 22, 1992 concerning sorting of books by the Phi Chapter. 9) Incident report concerning library books being dumped in the men's room toilet. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The John Thompson Report will be discussed at another Board meeting due to the lateness of this meeting. Director's Goals-Motion was made by Frances Brautigam, seconded by Thomas Menditto to close the year 1991 and send this Evaluation to the Executive Board, passed unanimously. Cathy Nelson left the meeting at 9:20pm. Eugene Devlin's Library Questionnaire concerning Adult Services was reviewed and it was the consensus of the Board that this questionnaire was excellent. NEW BUSINESS Frederick Riggs discussed the Roberts Rules of Order concerning Ex-officio Board members. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Blanche Delaney, seconded by Frances Brautigam to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jan Ann Sevigny e rding Secretary J t•a f-6 w) rn a ""t • ,wr