05/12/1993 MINUTES BERLIN—PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY May 12, 1993 Members Present: David Borthwick, Patricia Heavren, Sebastian Sorrentino, Nancy Tulin Members Absent: Frances Brautigam, Blanche Delaney, Dennis Phaneuf, Rosalie Punkunus, Frederick Riggs Others Present: Eugene Devlin, Cathy Nelson Due to the unexpected lack of a Quorum, the Berlin—Peck Memorial Library Board meeting could not be called to order as scheduled on May 12, 1993. Those individuals present left after waiting 35 minutes. Respectfully submitted, ihko..../1---(_ —&A/"Al" Ann Sevigny .rding Secretary I -.. cD GO -6-1nm*. nn r• n • r-r rn . T -, -, _, te , -?� C X5.7 . mac? - r_D C) • 1