06/14/1995 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY June 14, 1995 Members Present: David Borthwick, Dr. Beatrice Desper, Donna Moore, Joseph Pandolfo, Sharon Powell, Rosalie Punkunus, Sebastian Sorrentino, Allison Turkowski, Carol Welz Members Absent: None Others Present: Frances Brautigam, Cathy Nelson, Eugene Devlin • Chairman David Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7:01pm. MINUTES Motion was made by Joseph Pandolfo, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to approve the May 10, 1995 minutes as submitted, passed unanimously. Chairman David Borthwick requested changing the order of the Agenda to allow Frances Brautigam to give her report on the Friends. All in favor. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Friends-Frances Brautigam said the Friends' Annual Meeting was well attended by 40 people. Three checks were presented to the library: 1) one check in the amount of $750 to the Adult Department and 2) two checks in the amount of $500 each for the Children's Department for CD ROM purchases and the Welcome Wagon Program. Co-Chairpersons for next year are Jean Higgins and Jane Shipman, Charlette Gagliardi as Treasurer and Cathy Nelson as Secretary to the Friends. Chairman David Borthwick said he had read in the newspaper that the Newington Friends had raised $6,000 for their library. This was confirmed by Cathy Nelson. Frances Brautigam left the meeting at 7:07pm. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Report dated June 6, 1995. Highlights were 100 volunteer hours were logged last month; circulation statistics; collection development shows that 25% of the new collection purchased is Fiction as this was requested by the last patron survey and fines are up over last year. Cathy Nelson said fines are up, due in part to the fact that the fines due screen appears when checking materials in/out (a beginning screen) , unlike the last program which required a separate fines screen. Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated June 1, 1995. Highlights were Local Clubs and Organizations handout; Cathy's computer is down and being repaired; programs brochures for summer reading; bulletin boards; CD ROM packages shown; circulation statistics are up across the board; Fantasy Magic and Wishes handout, Biographies of Famous Connecticut People handout and Armenia handout; and vacation schedules. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman David Borthwick discussed a memorandum to Mayor Robert Peters from Attorney E. Timothy Sullivan dated March 23, 1989 concerning Library building/storage space and a memorandum to Chairman David Borthwick from Mayor Robert Peters dated June 13, 1995 concerning Library building/storage space. "Attorney Sullivan has ruled that the Executive Board controls the storage area of the library building, according to Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance 2-86 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC LIBRARY TO BE KNOWN AS THE BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Therefore, while we should discuss what is stored in this building, the ultimate decision lies with the Executive Board." SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget-nothing to report. Check with Mayor's Office concerning the 6 Year Plan. Personnel-Sebastian Sorrentino said the sub-committee met prior to tonight's Board Meeting and reviewed the Director's Goals and Objectives. The established goals were met and should be formally submitted to the Mayor with their report. At the next Library Board Meeting, next year's goals and objectives will be discussed and set. Policy and Bylaws-Policy Proposal: CD-ROMS for Home Use-Suggested policies: Loan Period-3 weeks, renewal, yes; reserve-yes; limit 2 CD-ROMS per family; Return-inside the library not the bookdrop. Charge of $6 if left in the bookdrop same as a video. Overdue fines $2. The Library Board agreed to the following: Loan period of 1 week. Renewal-1 week only. Reserve-yes with a hold of 1 week and not 10 days. Staff will attempt to call on these reserves. Limit of 2 CD-ROMS per family. Return inside the library and not in the bookdrop. Fine of $6 per day if left in the bookdrop. If overdue $2. Copies of the CD-ROM Manual-the original manual will be kept in the library and a copy supplied with the CD-ROM being checked out by the patron. This policy will be published next month and voted on appropriately. Beth Kauczka related an incident concerning a latchkey child's use of the library. After a short discussion, it was decided to refer the current Latchkey Policy (dated 2-14-90) back to sub-committee for further review/changes. Collection Agency Issue-to be referred back to the Policy Sub-committee as well as the Local History Room Policy. Suggestions for Use of the Local History Room were: children must have an adult with them, limited hours of use specific hours to be made in conjunction with Reference Staff to provide Assistance-afternoons mostly. Chairman David Borthwick suggested once in place, statistics can then be kept concerning the room's usage and items requested. Eugene Devlin discussed a memorandum to the Library Board from him dated June 14, 1995 concerning supplies for the public computers and typewriters. Rosalie Punkunus asked for Eugene Devlin's suggestions concerning costs. Eugene Devlin suggested 10c per page for computer paper and typewriter paper being the responsibility of the patron to supply their own with no charges for use of the computer and/or typewriter. The Policy Sub—committee will also review this item. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman David Borthwick discussed the following: 1) Letter and check in the amount of $200 from the Junior League of Greater New Britain for monthly meetings usage. 2) 1994-95 Connecticard State Library Grant in the amount of $3,939.80. 3) Thank you letter to Mrs. Ida Ragazzi from Eugene Devlin dated May 17, 1995 for the gift of three microfiche readers for the library. 4) Library Board's Donation of a book, title Rocket, in memory of Vincent Joseph DeCesare (Jane's father) who passed away January 10, 1995. 5) Seminar information presented by the Cain Consulting Group "Is your library board just idling along?" OLD BUSINESS Consensus of the Library Board members was to cancel the July meeting and hold an August Board meeting. Cathy Nelson will take the minutes and Jane Sevigny will type them when she returns from vacation. NEW BUSINESS Sebastian Sorrentino said he was looking for suggestions from the Library Board concerning the Director's Goals and Objectives. Any member will suggestions leave them with Bette Bennett. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Dr. Beatrice Desper, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, - r Jane A. Sevigny Re .rding Secretary z __ Y