04/12/1995 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY April 12, 1995 Members Present: David Borthwick, Dr. Beatrice Desper, Sharon Powell, Rosalie Punkunus, Carol Welz Members Absent: Donna Moore, Joseph Pandolfo, Sebastian Sorrentino, Allison Turkowski Others Present: Cathy Nelson, Eugene Devlin Chairman David Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. MINUTES Motion was made by Dr. Beatrice Desper, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to approve the March 8, 1995 minutes as submitted, passed unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Report dated April 3, 1995. Highlights were statistics, rejection of a gift-painting of pastoral scene, Director's Goals and Objectives, attendance at Connecticut Library Association Conference, wires are in place in gutters of the library's roof, additional signage for kitchen and meeting room, fines, State Aid Grant $2,645.28 and discussion of additional checks of Local History Room and materials contained within. Appropriation Summary 7/01/94 to 3/31/95-Chairman David Borthwick discussed the Library Pages, Substitute Personnel and Books and Periodicals accounts. Chairman David Borthwick also discussed the Connecticut Library Association Conference. Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated April 3, 1995. Highlights were handouts Arlene Dubanevich Children's Author and Illustrator Program, Dinosaur Picture Books and Shape Stories; rescheduling of Arlene Dubanevich's Program during the same time as the Friend's May Book Sale, SNET working on telephone lines, furniture storage in basement of library, Michael Graham's Puppet Show next Thursday, Marjorie Moore Grant of $15,000 and statistics. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman David Borthwick will combine his report with the Sub-committee and Communications reports. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget-Annual Budget Hearing scheduled on April 18, 1995 at 7pm at McGee Middle School. Chairman David Borthwick read a memorandum to Dr. John McIntosh, Chairman Finance Board dated 3-23-95 concerning additional hours of staffing be added to the 1995-1996 budget. Personnel-will pass on this due to Sebastian Sorrentino's absence from tonight's meeting. Policy and Bylaws-nothing to report. Friends-This item will be moved to the front of the Agenda when Frances Brautigam is present at Board Meetings. Cathy Nelson discussed the Friend's Mystery Series-experiencing good attendance, May 6th Book Sale, Preview of the May Book Sale will be May 4, 1995 to Friends of the Library, June 6, 1995 will be the Friends Annual Meeting, By-law changes and new membership bookmark. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman David Borthwick discussed the following: 1) Memorandum to Executive Board from Chairman David Borthwick concerning a Job Description for Library Position. 2) Furniture and office equipment, stored in basement of library, from Shawmut Bank. 3) Memorandum to Gary Clinton, Payroll Department from Chairman David Borthwick dated April 7, 1995 concerning payroll matter. 4) NARFE Chapter donation of $50.00. 5) Timberlin Ladies Niners donation of $25.00. 6) Work Order to Richard Russell to replace tiles in computer room and study rooms and north side of children's side. 7) Memorandum to: Public Library Directors from Patricia L. Owens dated April 10, 1995 concerning State Public Library Construction Grant Funds/LSCA Title II Public Library Construction Funds. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Rosalie Punkunus, seconded by Sharon Powell to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jane A. Sevigny Rec. ding Secretary .j cJ A �J r n • • • ` l T