1996-02-14 MINUTES BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY February 14, 1996 Members Present: David Borthwick, Dr. Beatrice Desper, Donna Moore, Sharon Powell, Rosalie Punkunus, Carol Welz. Members Absent: Michael Allen, Joseph Pandolfo, Allison Turkowski. Others Present: Frances Brautigam, Cathy Nelson. Chairman David Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN Motion was made by Dr. Beatrice Desper, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to nominate David Borthwick as Chairman of the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library for a one year term, passed unanimously. Motion was made by Dr. Beatrice Desper, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to nominate• Joseph Pandolfo as Vice Chairman of the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library for a one year term,passed unanimously. Donna Moore entered the meeting at 7:08pm. MINUTES Motion was made by Carol Welz, seconded by Donna Moore to approve the January 10, 1996 meeting minutes as submitted, passed unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS Eugene Devlin submitted his Financial Report dated February 7, 1996. Highlights were Local History Room, Dot Simpson is typing the card file; fine revenue January 1995 $1,420.50 as compared to $1,218.15 in January 1996; dedication of Blanche Delaney Table-publicity will be arranged with the newspapers; statistics for use of the Library Board Room and Blanche Johnson Delaney Room and budget statistics. Cathy Nelson submitted her Financial Report dated February 8, 1996. Highlights were graphics on page 2 of Cathy's report; compliments to the Public Building Maintenance Department for the newly installed slates made for the Adult Book Stacks-they are attractive and match the building very well; and LAN System-cooperative. Problems-The library has received complaints that the building is dirty. With a Custodian 2 1/2 - 3 hours per day, minimal cleaning can be done leaving no time for dusting. Patrons have complained. Would it be possible to secure more help to clean the library? Sharon Powell said she would like to commend Cathy Nelson on the Library Card Program. This program involves getting library cards to each child in the school system. Cathy Nelson said that every class that has 100% library card participation, receives a new hard cover book. Hubbard School has all but one (1) child in total school participation. Willard School is 100%, involving 28/31 classes. Griswold is participating in the Library Card Program now. Dr. Beatrice Desper said the same type of program is done in hospitals in the maternity departments. Cathy Nelson said she is still experiencing some computer(enabler)problems and that is why the%report was unavailable. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Discussion/Action Use of the Library's Basement-Chairman David Borthwick updated the Library Board concerning a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools, members of the Park and Recreation Commission, two members of the Friends' Group and 4 Council Members held on January 7, 1996. A tour of the basement was arranged exploring using the basement of the library for other purposes. Various issues (+/-'s) discussed: wiring needs, ceiling, library storage, Friends' Book Sale, security between floors, no bathrooms, heating 56 degrees, floors and walls, voting machines and their security, Book Theft Prevention System and Vandalism in the library. This matter will be discussed further by the Town Council. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget-Looking at no new positions for the library; $5,000 for the Books and Periodical Budget and $500 for Summer Help. Personnel-Sharon Powell and Dr. Beatrice Desper are on this Sub-committee. Suggestion was made that Allison Turkowski should be on this Sub-committee. Friends-Frances Brautigam said the Friends will sponsor a March 12th Program with publicity to follow on the Appalachian Trail with a book raffle. The library will receive one free copy of the book. The Friends'Nominating Committee is presently looking for Board Members. The Hartford Courant listed three (3) Library Donors in an article with the dollar amounts they donated to the library. Cathy Nelson said that this information was probably obtained at the Town Counsel Meeting when the donations were accepted. May 4th is the Friends' Book Sale. Approximately $1,500 was made at the Scholastic Book Sale. The hours of this book sale will be changed in the future. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman David Borthwick discussed the following: 1) Letter to Attorney Dennis L. Kern from Eugene Devlin dated 1-29-96 concerning a check for$1,486.34 from the Paul Cancellarini Charitable Trust. 2)Letter to Mayor Ida Ragazzi from Attorney Stephen J. Anderson dated 1-25-96 concerning Duties of Alternate Members of Town Commissions, Our File No. 10011.7025. 3) Memorandum to Town Clerk, Joanne Ward from Jane Sevigny dated December 15, 1995 concerning the Meeting Schedule for 1996-Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board. 4) Certification of Completion to Eugene Devlin dated 1-19-96 on workshop attended on Effective Reference Performance. 5) Memorandum to Town Departments from Maryann Cherniak dated 1-25-96 concerning Exposure Control Training Classes. 6) Book Recycling Opportunity for Schools and Libraries from Ellen Russak,League of Women Voters dated 1-24-95. 7) Memorandum to All Board and Commission Chairpersons from Mayor Ida M. Ragazzi dated 2-9-96 concerning a "Memorial Wall". 8)ACLB Training Trustee Leadership Seminars Part I. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. Next Library Board Meeting-New Sub-committees will be formed. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Sharon Powell, seconded by Rosalie Punkunus to adjourn the meeting at 8:04pm, passed unanimously. I Respectfully submitted, 4 A. Sevigny 0 -1 ording Secretary c --r1 c"-) rri Fri N.,) ri-1 ---ri _,>7.,.• :,--: - --,0 ,-.L.-) , _.:,;,C' • _.• _ 11 rD‘