2002-09-10MEETING BERLIN -PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY September 10, 2002 Members Present: Chairman David Borthwick, Bette Bennett, Rosa Brown, Sharon Powell, Rosalie Punkunus and Carol Welz. Members Absent: Donald Frank, Donna Moore and Frank Steele (all excused). Others Present: Sara Munson and Cathy Nelson. CALL TO ORDER Chairman David Borthwick called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None. MINUTES Motion was made by Bette Bennett, seconded by Carol Welz to amend the August 21, 2002 Library Board Minutes as follows, change Band Books in Financial Reports Section to Banned Books, passed unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS Monthly Report of Sara Munson and Cathy Nelson dated September 2002, Sara's highlights were: Chairman to sign Summer Reading Certificate for the most pages read; at the Top Managers' Meeting Sara's suggestion for the Digital Library was approved for submission to CCM; and discussion of paying for services with credit cards. Cathy Nelson's highlights were. Statistics for the Summer Reading Program were up 5% from 584 children participating last year to 614 children participating this year; Circulation Report reflects the Children's department as down and the Adult department up. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman David Borthwick discussed the handout on Ready With Answers Around the Clock; carpets cleaned (noting the tear in the Adult section is still there) and Staff levels are current and up to date. BUDGET COMMITTEE Sara Munson mentioned that Brian Miller has sent his yearly memorandum on the Capital Budget. Sara will put in for 4 computers every year (for each of the five upcoming years). This is reflected in the Data Processing Budget. Carpet replacement and a new roof will also be put in the Capital Budget Request. FRIENDS COMMITTEE Sara Munson said the Friends have purchased Museum Passes; will hold a Booksale in November; will cosponsor a Program, Festival of Trees; programs will be run in March with the River Ramblers back next year (the program to take place at the Community Center. Sara also handed out a Join The Friends of the Berlin -Peck Memorial Library Membership Brochure. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Up to date with all issues. POLICY COMMITTEE Cathy Nelson handed out the policies that needed to be changes or removed. A copy of which will be attached to the Town Clerk's copy of the minutes. These policies will be voted on at the October Library Board Meeting. COMMUNICATIONS Sara Munson said she had received a thank you letter from the Grand Prize Winner of the Adult Summer Reading Club, which included a Gift Certificate to the Hawthorne Inn. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Rosalie Punkunus, seconded by Bette Bennett to adjourn the Library Board meeting at 7:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Jane . Sevigny, Recordin ecre 0 o N N C-) rn "n M r'- - — C7 co _n cn �' N