2013-11-13 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 Members Present: Sharon Powell, Chairman Donna Moore, Vice-Chairman Frank Steele Elizabeth Bennett Elaine Borselle Robert Lewis Kathleen Murray Carol Ranieri Juliet Benjamin, Recording Secretary Members Absent: Carol Welz Staff in Attendance: Helen Aveline, Library Director Cathy Nelson, Assistant Library Director 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Powell called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES, Wednesday, October 16, 2013: Frank Steele requested a change to paragraph 1 on page 2, last sentence: “Frank Steele said that the Library Board and the Town Council need to work together on a short term solution to the storage needs of the library.” Kay Murray also asked that her statement be clarified to read: “Kay Murray noted that she has trouble getting into the local History Room Annex.” A motion was then made by Frank Steele to accept the Minutes of Wednesday, October 16, 2013 as corrected. Kay Murray seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. 4. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT – LIBRARY DIRECTOR AVELINE: Frank Steele questioned Director Aveline about her report, under Problems, regarding the issue about accuracy when discharging books. Director Aveline stated that sometimes books are not checked in correctly and are put back on the shelf and a patron will receive a note stating that the book has not been returned and is overdue. Very often, when the staff checks the shelf the book is there. Director Aveline noted that Lisa Spalla is looking into this and it may be that staff will need to make sure they check the computer screen after hearing the beep to make sure the book has really been checked in. Several Library Board Members stated that they have run into the problem of receiving a notice for an overdue book that they were sure they had returned Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 11/13/2013 - Page 2 and upon checking the shelf, found the book. Director Aveline expects to review this problem with staff at the regular staff meeting tomorrow. Director Aveline noted that the IPad class session for seniors has ended and was very successful. A second set of classes are now being held at the Berlin Senior Center. Director Aveline had a chance to speak with two participants of the classes who said that they were enjoying the classes very much. Director Aveline said that they are also looking into classes for downloading books onto individual devices. Director Aveline noted that the library has a new database called One Click Digital, for downloading books. There is no limit to the number of books borrowed and there is a two week limit on the books. MONTHLY REPORT for OCTOBER 2013 November 13, 2013 PERSONNEL:  Sadly, Sue Fracasso, former Children’s Dept. Assistant, passed away on October 25. Several staff attended the funeral where she was remembered fondly as Miss Sue, the storyteller for 2 year olds.  Cathy gave her 2 month notice that she will retire after 37 ½ years on January 2, 2014.  New subs started at new pay rates. Training continues.  Sandy DiCicco accepted a full time job at East Hartford Public Library. PROGRAMS: Adult:18Programs with 215 participants  Sit and Knit met two times with 22 participants  Friday Matinee met one time with 10 attendees  iPad workshops met 5 times at the library with 43 attendees  iPad workshops met 3 times at the senior center with 29 attendees  Special Education Advocacy program met once with 1 participant  Spiritual Medium Elaine Kuzmeskus had 57 attendees for her program  Sustainable Landscaping presentation had 18 attendees  Library book discussion had 5 participants  Genealogy group met once with 12 participants  Ursula’s Senior Center book discussion group had 6 participants  Access Health CT met with 12 patrons regarding the Affordable Health Care Act Young Adult: 1 program with 8 participants  Halloween Zombie program – 8 participants Children - 35 programs with 625 participants  Storytimes with 7 sessions and 45 participants  Halloween storytime with 1 program and 60 participants  IPad storytimes with 4 sessions and 43 participants  Baby storytimes with 2 sessions and 50 participants  Toddler storytimes with 2 sessions and 69 participants Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 11/13/2013 - Page 3  Playtime with 4 sessions and 65 participants  Nursery and child care visits: 12 visits with 204 participants  Llama Storytime– 1 program with 35 participants  Halloween Half-day school – 1 program with 38 participants Play for all with 1 program and 16 participants PLUSSES:  Carrie attended a meeting at Portland Library about New Jersey’s passport program (an initiative encouraging patrons to visit other libraries in the state). This is a program Connecticut libraries are interested in instituting.  Carrie and Lisa attended a roundtable meeting of department heads from Connecticut libraries. This new group hopes to meet every couple of months to share ideas and advice.  Carrie sent out the library’s first e-newsletter. We have received a lot of positive feedback.  The Sit and Knit group was thrilled to have a child attend one of their meetings. The adults in the group were able to teach her how to knit.  We have new signage in the library making it easier for our patrons to find things.  The Friends of the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library held a Saturday book sale on 10/26.  After hiring 5 new subs, we are now able to fill holes in any time slot.  Cathy attended a webinar on Evanced computerized summer reading statistics through the Connecticut State Library  The public scanner had 171 uses this month. Very high. PROBLEMS: • There seems to be an issue with accuracy when discharging books. Lisa S will be looking into this. • Sandy’s leaving makes us short staffed at the reference desk. PLANNING: • Planning for the annual Gingerbread House contest! • Circulation manager Lisa Spalla is testing scheduling software to help with managing employee work shifts. • Will be forming a webpage redesign committee to spruce up our webpage. PROFESSIONAL: October 1 – Town Council mtg. – HA October 2 – Quad town children’s librarians lunch – CN and EG October 2 – Friends - HA October 3 – Dept. Heads – HA, CT, CN, LS October 4 – LCI Governance Committee mtg. (Wethersfield) – HA October 7 - Mtg with TM - HA October 8 – Capitol region children’s roundtable – CN and EG October 9 – CIP hearing for FY14-15 – HA Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 11/13/2013 - Page 4 October 9 – Presentation at Orchard Ridge – HA October 10 – Staff mtg. – HA October 10 – WordPress for websites class - CK October 11 – LCI Member Council (Windsor) – HA October 16 – Top Managers mtg – HA October 16 – Webinar: How to hire IT staff for your library – HA October 16 – Board Meeting – HA, CN October 17 – Dept. heads – HA, CN, CT, LS October 21 – Mtg with TM - HA October 21 – Berlin Education Council – HA October 28 – Mtg with TM – HA October 30 – Mid-manager/dept head roundtable (Windsor) – CT and LS October 31 – LCI Governance Committee mtg. (Wethersfield) – HA BOARD MEETINGS: • November 6 – Friends of the Library • November 13 – Library Board • December 4 – Friends • December 11 – Library Board OCTOBER 2013 STATS OCTOBER STATS 2013 2012 % New Cards 53 52 +2% Total Cardholders 7,187 7,466 -3% Door Count 8,038 9,337 -14% Reference Questions 1,488 1,302 +14% Programs 54 49 -10% Program attendance 848 844 +.5% Webpage sessions (remote & in) 8,552 13,466 -36% Downloadable e and audio books 449 385 +16% Circ for month (incl. downloads) 13,962 14,915 -6% Cumulative circ to date 71,443 66,737 +7% Book a Librarian 2 3 Test proctoring 0 0 Computer assistance 150 n/a Homebound Service 1 n/a Public scanner 171 INTERESTING REFERENCE QUESTIONS: 1)Pear jam recipes 2)DVD with “Falls” in the title about a hotel 3)What are the side effects of celexa? 4)Properties of the wormwood plant 5)Is the JFK Museum in Hyannis open during gov’t shutdown? 6)Info on abdominal aneurysms Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 11/13/2013 - Page 5 7)Rockville Fish and Game shooting schedule 8)Antebellum South fiction 9)Info on solution-focused therapy 10)Info on Physics Prize Foundation 11)Recipe for a homemade cough remedy 12)Info on starting a food truck in CT 13)List of the people on “All My Children” 14)Books on becoming a personal chef 15)How to get a stuck disc out of an apple computer 16)Many requests for scary and Halloween-themed movies ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S REPORT – CATHY NELSON: Assistant Library Director Nelson noted that the Hartford Courant on Monday had an article about the enrollment in schools and that Berlin enrollment has declined 7.9% and they expect it to continue to decline. The decline in enrollment of course has an effect on the participation in library activities and number of patrons. Assistant Director Nelson noted that her last program will be A “Hole” Lot of Fun, Family Miniature Golf, within the library. It will be held on Friday, December 27 from 1:00 to 4:00 and families are urged to call, register and call th for a Tee Time. Assistant Director Nelson’s last day before retirement will be January 2, 2014 after thirty seven and a half years with the library. 5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Powell stated that she had sent a letter to Town Manager McNair to thank her for taking the time to meet with the Library Board. Director Aveline was asked to convey the concerns of the Library Board to Town Manager McNair on an ongoing basis. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS:  Budget Committee –Director Aveline distributed copies of the current budget for review.  Friends Committee Director Aveline noted that The Friends had met last week. The Friends will be hooking up with the Petit Foundation for a special program to sell Four O’clock Flowers. One of the Petit daughters loved Four O’clock Flowers and Director Aveline explained the history behind the sale of these flowers. Proceeds will benefit the Petit Foundation.  Personnel Committee Members: Chairman Elizabeth Bennett, Frank Steele & Bob Lewis.  Policy and Bylaws Committee Assistant Director Nelson distributed copies of the revised Patron Behavior Policy and a new Table of Contents.  First Floor Expansion Committee Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 11/13/2013 - Page 6  Ordinance Committee 7. COMMUNICATIONS: 8. OLD BUSINESS: Safety & Security Assessment: Director Aveline noted that the security assessment has been revisited and some new measures are planned. 9. NEW BUSINESS: Director Aveline asked to meet with the Library Board Budget Committee (Frank Steele, Elaine Borselle and Kay Murray), after Thanksgiving to discuss plans for the budget. It was agreed to meet on Wednesday, December 4 @9:00 th am. Director Aveline noted that in the past, when planning the budget, last years figures were used and either increased or decreased. This year the Town Finance Committee has decided to start with a zero balance and fill in the amounts needed. Chairman Powell said that she had spoken with Assistant Director Nelson and she would like to be given the title “Librarian Emeritus” and be allowed access to the databases while she is working on her next book. Frank Steele made a motion to appoint Cathy Nelson Librarian Emeritus. Betty Bennett seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. On the question of having access to the databases, etc., the Library Board felt that it would be the decision of the Human Resources Department to allow Assistant Director Nelson access to the databases or not. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Donna Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Bennett and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned to allow the Library Board to further discuss plans for Assistant Director Nelson’s retirement. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Recording Secretary