2013-07-10 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2013 APPROVED Members Present: Sharon Powell, Chairman Donna Moore, Vice-Chairman Frank Steele Elizabeth Bennett Carol Welz Elaine Borselle Robert Lewis Juliet Benjamin, Recording Secretary Members Absent: Carol Ranieri Kathleen Murray Staff in Attendance: Helen Aveline, Library Director Cathy Nelson, Assistant Library Director 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Powell called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES, Wednesday, June 12, 2013: Director Aveline noted under Librarian’s Report, that Circi should be SIRSI and on page 2, I-Pods should be I-Pads. Carol Welz made a motion to accept the Minutes of Wednesday, June12, 2013 as amended. Frank Steele seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved. 4. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT – LIBRARY DIRECTOR AVELINE: Director Aveline noted that due to a grant they have received there will be two seven week sessions to teach I-Pad technology to seniors. Senior Center Director Doyle had suggested the use of I-Pads because they were more user friendly and easier to work with. The seven week sessions will begin in September at the Library and October at the Senior Center. Director Aveline noted that there will be a limit on participants, probably ten, and they will be accepting applications later this summer. She hopes to contact RSVP and see if there are any “tech savvy” seniors that might be willing to help with the program. Frank Steele asked when the coffee machine will be fixed. Director Aveline noted that they have the part for the machine but are waiting for the town department to install it. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 2 Frank Steele also asked why the library is still having wi-fi issues. Director Aveline explained that a meeting is to be held tomorrow with persons from the Center for Advanced Technology, the Town Manager and personnel from the Town IT Department and she expects the issue to be resolved. Frank Steele asked why attendance last month was up so high and this month it is down. Both Director Aveline and Assistant Director Nelson stated that the attendance fluctuates greatly from month to month for different reasons. It could be the weather, graduations, the fact that school is not in session, and summer vacations. Assistant Director Nelson stated that when she visits the elementary schools in January the statistics go up and at the times she does not visit the schools they go down. Director Aveline showed a sample of the new logo and noted that she is open to suggestions for color. The color teal was suggested. Director Aveline wanted everyone to know that Governor Malloy will be visiting the Berlin Town Hall, in the rotunda at 12:00 noon tomorrow regarding a state grant that is being awarded to the town. Director Aveline has purchased a new database called “Novelist” with money left in the budget. It does both fiction and non-fiction. The Town and the Library are getting a new phone system installed. There is a very tentative date of August 9 for start up of the new system if th there are no glitches. MONTHLY REPORT for JUNE 2013 July 10, 2013 PERSONNEL: Circulation: Tyler Mayer (page) and Barbara Ryba (sub) both quit their jobs. Page Dan Fasciano gave his notice and his last day is July 9. Page Vincent Pandolfo has added three hours per week to cover for Dan. The jobs have been posted on the town website and an ad for the page position was placed with the New Britain Herald. Lauren Weiss and Andrea Raynor are filling in for the . vacant circulation staff position for the summer Children’s: Mindy Morrison’s father-in-law died so she will be in England for the funeral for a week. PROGRAMS:Adults: 8 programs with 78 participants  Sit and knit – 2 programs with 24 participants  Investors – 1 program with 12 participants  Foreign film - 1 program and 10 participants  Book discussion – 1 program with 6 participants  Ancestry.com demo – 1 program with 16 participants Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 3  Set up a gmail account – 1 program with 1 participant  Author Brian Leaf – 1 program with 9 participants Children: 10 programs with 343 participants  Storytimes – 2 sessions with 14 participants  Baby/Toddler storytimes – 1 sessions with 26 participants  Playtime - 2 sessions with 25 participants  Early dismissal craft program - 1 program with 25 participants  Art series: Grades 4-6 – 1 program with 13 participants  Messy fun series: Grades K-3 - 1 program with 26 participants  Nutmeg picnic - 1 program with 14 participants Kiddie Carnival: Upbeat assistance – 1 program with 200 participants PLUSSES: • The library was notified that we received a grant to facilitate the instruction and use of iPads in the older adult community, both in the library and off-site, to promote lifelong learning. • We also received a grant, Every Child Ready to Read, which will be put into effect by the children’s department. • We participated in the quarterly foreign film exchange (FLIC) and picked up over 60 new DVD titles. • The Ancestry.com project was popular and patrons who missed it have asked for a follow up program. • We received a thank you from the Kensington Nursery School for library visits with a donation for children’s picturebooks. • Sandy DiCicco has created several book lists for teens in anticipation of a busy summer. • With a little remaining money in our budget, we were able to obtain two new receipt printers. • We were also able to order a new database, Novelist, which is especially helpful for reader’s advisory. PROBLEMS: • Still having wi-fi issues. • Children’s book circulation continues to slide, down 20% this month. • Our adult program attendance has not been ideal. We are looking into creating an online newsletter to be emailed to patrons so that we can reach more people with our publicity. PLANNING: • Hoping to unveil new library cards for September (National Get a Library Card month) • In July we will start to have Baker & Taylor cover book jackets prior to receiving the books. This small step at a relatively small cost will free up the circulation staff to prepare for the migration to the new ILS. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 4 • Sandy DiCicco and Emily Gontarz have been planning a duct tape craft for teens and tweens this summer. The ShurTech Company (Duck brand) donated duct tape for this program. PROFESSIONAL: June 3 – Book mending class – HA June 5 – Friends mtg. – CN June 6 – Department Heads mtg. – HA, CN, CT, LS June 7 – Capitol Region Directors’ Roundtable – HA June 10 – Meeting with town manager – HA June 10 – 2 summer reading presentations at BHS – HA & CT June 12 – Area Circulation Managers quarterly meeting – CN & LS June 12 – Board mtg. – HA & CN June 13 – Staff mtg. – HA June 14 – LCI Member Council mtg – HA June 17-18 – Negotiating Committee at LCI for new ILS – HA June 19 – Meeting with town manager – HA June 19 – Performance Review – HA June 19 – Top Managers’ mtg June 19 – Reference dept mtg – CT, UP, AF June 20 – Department Heads mtg. – HA, CN, CT, LS BOARD MEETINGS: • July 10 – Library Board (no mtg. in August) • September 4 – Friends of the Library • September 11 – Library Board JUNE 2013 STATS JUNE STATS 2013 2012 % New Cards 101 125 -19% Total Cardholders 7,273 7,447 -2% Door Count 10,898 10,648 +2% Reference Questions 1,601 1,667 -4% Programs 18 24 -25% Program attendance 421 665 -37% Webpage sessions (remote & in) 8,421 11,367 -26% Downloadable e and audio books 479 377 +22% Circ for month (incl. downloads) 16,957 18,862 -5% Cumulative circ to date 186,718 190,697 -2% Book a Librarian 4 Test proctoring 0 Computer assistance 108 Homebound Service 5 INTERESTING REFERENCE QUESTIONS: 1)What’s the definition of ultra high-def TV? 2)Books on lip reading 3)DVD or book on exercising with hula hoops Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 5 4)Book on obsessions 5)Info on the boy scout troops in town 6)Consumer reports on best sunscreens, weed whackers and car batteries 7)What is the tuition rate at Oxford University 8)How to get rid of carpenter bees. 9)What are the best cars to restore? 10)Obituaries of Morris Clark and James Hines. 11)Gay parenting and adoption 12)Wolf’s side of the story in the 3 little pigs 13)Books for a boy whose father has cancer. 14)Book with a time capsule ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S REPORT – CATHY NELSON: Assistant Library Director Nelson noted that they have received a $3,000 grant to teach parent sessions about early literacy. The grant requires four workshops over the course of the year and it will be aimed at the age of birth through age five or the pre-kindergarten age. Frank Steele stated that he was impressed with the turnout of 200 for the Kiddie Carnival and thanked Assistant Library Director Nelson for a good job. Assistant Director Nelson noted that she will be doing regular children’s programming and some special programs during the summer. Assistant Director Nelson announced that she will be giving a talk on her book about the Civil War Monument located at the Kensington Congregational Church and it’s 150 Anniversary @7:00 pm at the Library on Thursday, July th 25 and again at the Senior Center on August 28. thth She noted that there will be a big celebration of the 150 Anniversary of th the Civil War Monument taking place on July 28 at noon which is being th sponsored by the Kensington Congregational Church, at the monument. Copies of her book will be available and the church will be sponsoring the sale of lobster rolls and other goodies. There will also be souvenir medallions similar to the ones from 150 years ago for sale and free postcards along with Civil War Re-enactors, and other entertainment. 5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Powell stated that she has sent a letter to Cheryl Platek from the Library Board congratulating her on her years of service to the library. Cheryl is now living in Maine and enjoying her granddaughter. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS:  Budget Committee –Director Aveline distributed copies of the budget as of June 27 and she noted that more items have been expensed since that date. The budget at this time is on target.  Friends Committee The Friends do not meet during the summer. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 6  Personnel Committee Members: Chairman Elizabeth Bennett, Frank Steele & Bob Lewis.  Policy and Bylaws Committee Frank Steele asked Director Aveline about the Policy document. She noted that the Human Resources Department is still reviewing it.  First Floor Expansion Committee  Ordinance Committee 7. COMMUNICATIONS: 8. OLD BUSINESS: Safety & Security Assessment: Director Aveline noted that an assessment is now being done at the Town Hall and she believes the Police will put all measures into place in the fall, after each area has been properly assessed. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A question was asked about Saturday attendance and Director Aveline felt that due to the July 4 Holiday and that the library was only open on one th Saturday so far that it is too soon to make an assessment on the Saturday attendance. Chairman Powell stated that she would not be at the September meeting. Vice-Chairman Moore will serve as acting chairman. Elaine Borselle said that she would like to compliment Director Aveline on her excellent column that has been appearing in the Berlin Citizen. Director Aveline stated that she will be Stage Manager for a play in Windsor in October. She asked the Library Board if they might change the date of the meeting to the following week because the week that the meeting is scheduled for will be so busy for her. The Library Board Members were in agreement that this change would be fine. Frank Steele made a motion to change the October meeting date of the Library Board from October 9 to th Wednesday, October 16, 2013. Elizabeth Bennett seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Members were reminded that there will be no meeting of the Library Board in August. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Donna Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Bennett and unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 7/10/2013 - Page 7 Juliet K. Benjamin, Recording Secretary