1987/04/1413. Agenda Item 12b. A motion was made by Mrs. Mi]drum, seconded by ~r. Bourqeois and voted unanimously to place this item on the agenda. Plans have been submitted for preliminary subdivision approval for Mooreland View subdivision, Arthur Urban, applicant. The staff has recommended the elimination of a detention basin and therefore, the plans should be referred again to Inland Wetlands Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to re'er the plans to Inland Wetlands Commissio~ and to takle any action. 14. Agenda Item 12a. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by ~rs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 10, 1987 meeting. 15. Agenda Item 12c. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to place this item on the agenda. Mr. Voelker presented a map which was given final approval at an earlier date for the subdivision of Elleworth Inc., and Brown Electric Company, Glendale and Farmington Avenues. A moti¢.n was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to direct the staff not to issue any building permits until a caveat is put on the land records that no access to Farmington Avenue be allowed. A motion was made by Mr. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Philip Bourgeois, Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed March 25, 1987 BERLIN PLANNING CO~.~2MISS[ON 1. The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to o~der at 7:30 P.M. on April 14, 1987 by chairman, Nunzio Rosso. Those present were George Southworth; Cindy Wilcox; Betty Mildr~m, al~.ernate seated for Phil Bourgeois; Claire Larson, alternate seated for Dorothy Woznis; and Bill Voelker, Town Planner. 2. Agenda Item 1. The staff recommended tabling action on this agenda item because of engineering concerns over drainage. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanJ~mously to table any action. 3. Agenda Item 2 Since revisions are being made to the plans a mot£on was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action on this agenda item. 4. Agenda Stem 3. A motion was made by ~r. S~th~a~th~ seconded by Mrs. Larson and uoted unanimously to table action on this agenda item until Inland Wetlands Co~]ission has again reviewed the plans and sidewalks have been approved by planning and engineering staff. 5. Agenda Item 4. Per appl~.,c's request, a motion was made by ~4rs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted u~animously to table action on this item until the next meeting. 6. Agenda Item 5. Since the applicant's engineers are still investigating the possibility of a gravity sewer line to serve all lots ~n the proposed subdivision, a motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to table action at this time. 7. Agenda Item 6. A map was presented entitled "Mo~eland View, owner Art Urban, Developer Urban-~renier, Subdivision Plan~', dated March 20 1987 revised to April 14, 1987, scale 1"=40' by Cardinal Engineering, Meriden, Ct. The sixteen lot subdivision plan, connecting with South Slope Drive, has been approved by Inland Wetlands Commission. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilcox, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to grant preliminary subdivision approval. 8. Agenda Item 7. Mr. Riggott, representing the applicant, presented the resubdivisien p].an for Lot 41, Block 54. A motion was made by b~r. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to schedule a public hearing for this resubdivision on April 28, 1987. 9. Agenda Item 8. Low Mirante presented a map entitled "Site Plan, of Harry & Ezio Misteri, Lots 32,33,34,35,41,42& 43, Block Pre,perry 24A, New Britain Road & Upson Avenue, Berlin, Ct.", dated March 23, 1987, scale 1"=20', by MBA Engineering. A motion was made by Mrs. Mi]drum, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox and voted unanimously to grant site plan approval subject to oompletion of work done in accordance %v~th the S~te PI. an, or the bond set by the staff. ]0. 11. Agenda Item 10. The zone change application was discussed but no action was taken. 12. Agenda Item lle. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. $outhworth and voted unanimously to place this item on the agenda. Mr. Voelker informed the Commissioners that sidewalks have not been installed on Casner Drive and Mr. Kavarsky has been informed that if waiks are not installed by May 15, 1987, recommendation will be made to call the bond. 13. Agenda Item llb. Mr. Mirante and Ralph Simeone were present to discuss the grading on lots on Ralph Drive. Mr. Simeone agreed to regrade the yards as recommended by the engineering staff. The bosd will remain on hold until the first week of June at which time the work should be done to the satisfaction of the staff. 14. Agenda Item lla. A motion was made by Mr. $outhworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the ~tarch 24, 1987 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Mildrum, .~cting Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed April 15, 1987 BERLIN PLANNING CO!~4ISSION 1. The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was.called to order on April 28, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Nunzio Rosso, chairman; Phil Bourgeois; George Southworth; Cindy Wilcox; Claire Larson, alternate seated for Dorothy Woznis; Betty Mildrum, alternate; and 14organ Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item 1. Mr. Bourgeois read the legal notice of the public he~ring to consider the resubdivision of Lot 41, Block 54. Mr. Ray Riggott, representing Mrs. Orcutt, presented the map entitled "Proposed Subdivision, Property.of Barbara H. Orcutt, Property known as Lot 41, Block 54, Robbins Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated March 25, 1987, scale 1"=40', by MBA Engineering. Mr. Rosso asked for comments of which there were none. The public hearing was closed at 7:33 P.M. 3. Agenda Item 2. Resubdivision of Lot 41, Block 54 was discussed. Since some revisions are necessary a motion was made by ~4r. Bourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Wilcox and voted unanimously to table action until thc next meeting. BERLIN PLANNING CO~ISSION - 2 - APRIL 28, 1987 4. Agenda Item 3. Ray Bradley pr=sented a map entitled "Subdivision, Eleanor R. Bradley, Section 2, Kensington Road. Berlin, Ct.", dated February 6, 1987 revised to April 25, 1987, scale 1"=40' by Alfred J. Curnow, P.E.&L.S. T!%e four lot subdivision, to be served by wells and septic systems, will be on a permanent cul-de-sac off Kensington Road. Plans have been approved by the Health Director. Mr. Seelye recommended some minor changes which can be incorporated into the final plans. A motion was made by Mr. Southwerth, seconded by 5~r. Bourgeois and voted unanimously to grant preliminary subdivision approval subject to minor changes as recommended by the staff to be made before final approval. 5. Agenda Item 4. Bart Bovee presented a map entitled "Overall Development Layout & Legend, Heritage Estates, to be developed by Heritage Associates, Property known as Lot 15, Block 17, Chamberlain Highway (State Route 71), Berlin, Ct.", dated March 3, 1987, scale 1"=100', by MBA Engineering. Six lots, to be served by wells and septic systems, are included in Section 1. Details of a culvert for Stockings Brook are still to be worked out with the staff. Inlands Wetlands Commission has given amended approval to the revised plans. A motion was made by ~4r. ~ourgeois, seconded by Mrs. Larson, and voted unanimously to grant preliminary subdivision approval subject to design details to be approved by the town engineering staff. 6. Agenda Item 5. Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Mildrum disqualified them- selves from discussion and action on this item. Mr. Hewitt, along with Mr..Asal and Attorney James Scalise, presented a map entitled "Map Showing Land, Subdivision, Westview Acres, Berlin Street, East Berlin, Ct.", dated January 12, 1987, scale 1"=100', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C. The subdivision will be served by public water and sanitary sewers. Atty. Scalise explained that negotiations are underway with Wilcox Cemetery Assoc. and if the association acquires some land from Mr. Asal, the cul-de-sac will be changed. Considerable discussion was given to the configuration of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Seelye recommended t.~t'%~mpt should be made to expedite negotiations