1986/11/25BERLIN PLANNING CO~4ISSION 1. The regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on November 25, 1986. Those present were Nunzio Rosso, chairman; George Southworth, acting secretary; Dorothy Woznis; Betty Mildrum, alternate seated for Phil Bourgeois; Claire Larson, alternate seated for Cindy Wilcox; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; and Jim Borbal, Assistant Town Engineer. 2. ~genda Item 1. Mr. $outhworth read the legal notice of the public hearing to consider the resubdivisions of Lot 10, Block 132 and Lot 11, Block 84, and the subdivisions of Lot 20A, Block 115 and Lot 7, Block 14. Rod Hewitt presented a map entitled "Resubdivision Map Showing Property of Helen Knowlton and Virginia Chant, Beckley Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated October 23, 1986, scale 1"=40', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C. The proposal is to divide the parcel into two lots served by public water and sewer which comply with zoning regulations. Mr. Rosso asked for coF~ents of which there were none. 3. Agenda Item 2. Mr. Hewitt presented a map entitled "Resubdivision Plan - Lot ll-C, Property of Kazimierz Ferenc, Lot 11, Porters Pass, Kensington, Ct.", dated October 22, 1986, revised to November 5, 1986, scale 1'~=40', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C.. The proposal is to divide the lot west of the American Legion grounds and on the east side of the existing home into a building lot which complies with zoning regulations. Mr. Rosso asked for comments of which there were none. 4. Agenda Item 3. Attorney Richard Pentore presented a map entitled "Proposed Subdivision, Section II, Map Showing Property of Pierre Bennerup, Toll Gate Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated October 7, 1986, revised to October 23, 1986, scale 1"=50', The proposed subdivision includes three building lots along Toll Gate Road served by sanitary sewers and on-site wells. Mr. Seelye recommended that, since p6blic water is available on Orchard Road, the developer be required to extend the line to serve these lots, given the closeness of the water main, its added reliability, and the possibility for future development. However Mr. Bennerup spoke against this since it would be ~ery costly and it is unprecedented to require water hook-up for one acre lots with sewers. Mr. Pentore also commented that he doesn't feel there will be much future development in the area. Mr. Rosso asked for comments of which there were none. 5. Agenda Item 4. Mr. Hewitt presented a map entitled "Subdivision Map, Land of Joseph & Barbara Timko, Southington Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated October 8, 1986, revised to October 27, 1986, scale 1"=50', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C. The proposal is to divide 14.2 acres into four lots served by wells and septic systems. Because part of the acreage is in two acre zoning and part is mountain reserve zone, the applicant will have to check with the Zoning Commission as to which zone must be conformed to. Mr. Rosso asked for comments of which there were none. 6. Agenda Item 1. The Commission discussed agenda item 1. Mr. Seelye stated that there are assessments pending for sewer line extension. A mot.~_OJl W~ made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded bv Mrs. Lgrson and voted unanimously to grant preliminary approval. A motion was made by Mrs. Woznis, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to grant final approval. 7. Agenda Item 2. A motic.n was made by Mrs. Woznis, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to grant preliminary approval. A moticn was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to grant final approval. 8. Agenda Item 3. Public water hook-up was discussed and it was the consensus of the Commission to table the water decision until a future meeting. 9. Agenda Item 4. Mr. Hewitt commented that although no building will take place in wetlands, a driveway will cross and therefore they are on the agenda with the wetlands Commission for approval. Mr. Seelye stated that they must check With Zoning regarding the two zones in which the property falls, and the Health Director regarding septic systems.. 10. Agenda Item 5. Bart Bovee presented a map entitled 'Variance Request, Preliminary Sketch Layout, Proposed Subdivision Located on Farmington Avenue & Worthington Ridge, Berlin, Ct.", dated September 30, 1986, scale 1"=40', by MBA Engineering. The subdivision was referred by ZBA for discussion. It includes three duplex lots and one single residential lot (which is presently being used as commercial by the Post office). The existing home is being renovated and two new duplex houses will be built and use of the existing post office will be maintained. There must be a thirty foot buffer strip between the commercial use lot and the residen- tial lots. It was the concensus of the Commission that there is no objection to the layout of the lots but the buffer strip ~ould be erected On the adjoining lots and not necessarily on the post office lot. 11. Agenda Item 6. Mr. Bovee presented a map entitled "preliminary Sketch Layout, Proposed Subdivisic. n, Lot 30, Block 69B, Ridgewood Road & Kensington Road, Berlin, Ct.", by MBA Engineering. The proposal is for a seven lot subdivision with a 225 foot cul-de-sac off Ridgewood Road, served by public water and sewer. Mr. Seelye recommended maintain- ing frontage on Kensington Road for the existing old colonial home. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to schedule a public hearing on December 9, 1986. 12. Agenda. Item 7. Mr. Bovee presented a map entitled "Proposed Subdivision, Property known as Lot 14, Block 73, Located on Kensington Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated October 15, 1986, revised to October 31, 1986, scale 1"=100', by MBA Engineering. The road layout was discussed and it was agreed that the two cul-de-sacs would have to be permanent. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, s~conded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to grant sketch plan approval subject to the report of the Police Department and the concept of public sewers being provided. 13. Agenda Item 8. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to reduce the bond for Cedar Acres, Section IV from $53,700.00 to $47,000.00. A motion was made by Mrs. Woznis, se°°nded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to reduce the bond for Cedar Acres, Section V from $102,310.00 to $69,000.00. da Item 9. Mr. Kavarsky presented a map e~titled "Subdivision Cedar Hills East, A Residential Subdivision by New England Building & Development Institute, Inc., Main Street, East Berlin, Ct.", dated July 13, 1986, revised to November 19, 1986, scale 1"=40', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C. Preliminary approval was previously given and Mr. Kavarsky is ready to request final approval but does not have the binder down yet. Because of a policy passed by the commission on September 9, 1986 requiring completion of binder course of pavement before final approval is given, Mr. Kavarsky must have a legal agreement drawn up by his attorney if the binder is not down by December 9, 1986. 5e will be placed on the December 9, 1986 agenda for final approval. 15. Agenda Item 10. Allan Hall presented a map entitled "Subdivision Map, prepared for Allan W. Hall, Kensington, Ct.", dated November 24, 1986, scale 1"=40', by Harry E. Cole & Son, Southington, Ct. The -proposal is for two lots north of the Johnson Garden Center which has received approval with conditions from Inland Wetlands Commission. A sewer easement will be reserved through the property. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to grant preliminary approval. A motion was made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to grant final approval contingent upon the DOT permit. . em 11. Mr. Bordiere presented a map entitled "Subdivision 1~. A~en~ It~ ,~h ~eadcw', Marcus Bordiere, Develope~, Wethersfield Road, Berlin, Ct.", dated April 14, 1986, revised to November 21, 1986 scale 1"=40', by Hewitt Engineering, P.C. The boundary question as brought up at the April 22, 1986 meeting has been resolved- A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to g~.ant final approval. 17. Agenda Item 12. A motion was made by Mrs. Mildrum, seconded by Mr. Southworth and voted unanimously to reduce the bond on Lot 11, llA, and ]lB, Block 84, Kazimierz Ferenc, Developer from $5,000.00 to $1,000.00. 18. Agenda Item 13. Attorney James Ripper and representatives of Burger King presented a map entitled "Restaurant for Burger King Corp., by Jack Lee Meyer, Miami, F~orida, civil Engineering Plans, New Britain ~oad, Route 71, Berlin, Ct.", dated September 9, 1986, scale 1 The plans conform with zoning and have been approved by Design Review. Ther~ ~s a proposed driveway on both New Brit~ih Road and Newton Street. Mr. Seelye recommended that because of the close proximity to a residen- tial area, an adequate ventilation system be required to eliminate odors. He also recommended the traffic pattern be altered to eliminate access onto Newton Street and also the drive-in window traffic pattern be improved. Fred Heskis of Burger King passed around copies of maps showing the neighboring roads and why they feel access onto Newton Street would not increase traffic significantly on these neighboring streets and would be more of a convenience for people living in the area. It was agreed that the applicant would refer the plans to the Police Commission for a traffic study. A five foot strip of town owned land which crosses the area to be used for parking must also be resolved. No action was taken and the applicant will return to the December 9, 1986 meeting with the proposal. 19. Agenda Item 15b. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to place this item on the agenda. Alan Borghesi presented a map entitled "Dukon Corp., Site Plan", dated July 1, 1986, revised to September 16, 1986, scale 1"=30'. These revised plans show the building addition and parking on the west side of the existing building with grass and plantings along the front. Masonry and metal panels will be used on the exterior. Mr. Seelye recommended that the plans be resubmitted to Design Review for landscaping.. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Woznis and voted unanimously to grant revised site plan approval contingent upon Design Review approval for landscaping plans. 20. Agenda Item 14. Mr. Seelye presented a map entitled "Proposed Zone Change from.R-43 to R-21, Property known as Lot 4 & Portien of Lot 3A, Block 12, South of West Lane, Berlin, Ct.", dated August 12, 1986, scale 1"=100', by MBA Engineering. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to recommend the zone change because it conforms to the Town Plan of Development and the adjoining property is predominantly medium density. Mr. Seelye presented a map entitled "Gravel Excavation, Vineyard Acres Subdivision, Berlin, Ct.", dated November 1984, scale 1"=40', by Roger Whitney, Inc. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to recommend a one year extension ~to the excavation permit subject to conditions imposed on the original approval. Mr. Seelye presented a map entitled "Proposed Grading Plan for Existing Gravel Bank by Asal Construction Co., /nc., Lot llJ, Block 73, Old Farms Place, Berlin, Ct.", dated November 6, 1986, scale 1"=40', by MBA Engineering. A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to recommend a one year extension of the excavation permit subject to sediment and erosion control and the adequate maintenance of the retention basin on the rear Of lot llE. Also a common understanding with the adjoining property owner (Haman) should be reached as to how the finished grade will be. 21. Agenda Item 15a~ A motion was made by Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Larson and voted unanimously to approve the October 28, 1986 minutes. A motion was.made by.Mr. Southworth, seconded by Mrs. Mildrum and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of November 12, 1986. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, George Southworth, Acting Secretary Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary Typed November 29, 1986