2013-03-11 Berlin VNA Nursing Board Meeting March 11, 2013 Room A – 7:00 p.m. Present: D. Muszynski, B. Constantine, J. Clark, L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, L. Williams, B. Luddy, P. Alkas, J. Kozikowski, L. Colella, C. Kuehn and Dr. Chorzepa. Excused: S. Lyons Absent: E. Fredericks Audience of Citizens None Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 7:02p.m. Minutes The minutes were reviewed by members. A motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 2013 was made L. Williams seconded by P. Alkas. All in favor: D. Muszynski, B. Constantine, J. Clark, L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, L. Williams, B. Luddy, P. Alkas, J. Kozikowski President’s Report None Reported Nominating Committee B .Luddy asked if there was any member who wished to be added to the slate prior to voting. P. Alkas presented the Slate of Officers for 2013 as follows: President – Bernadine Luddy Vice President – Pamela Bobrowski Treasurer- Robert Constantine Secretary – Linda Williams -2- A motion made by J. Clark to accept the Slate of Officers as presented. A raise of hands showed a unanimous vote. All in favor: D. Muszynski, B. Constantine, J. Clark, L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, L. Williams, B. Luddy, P. Alkas, J. Kozikowski Treasurer’s Report B. Constantine reviewed the spreadsheets. Expenses are running on track. There were a few large billing months of October and November which claims are still pending. The appeal process for some past due claims is still ongoing. It is a long and involved process, but we remain hopeful that revenue should start coming in. Annual Report Kathy Roby, from Qualidigm has prepared the Annual Report for the Berlin VNA and reviewed with members present. The focus is placed on quality assurance, and the many state and federal required items. K. Roby works with the Administrator and Supervisor to keep agency goals on track. Agency records are reviewed quarterly and any issues found are reported and resolved immediately. The Joint Commission on Accreditations’ survey visit is expected to be some time in the fall. Staff education and in-services have been ongoing and continue to be scheduled along with a “mock survey” to have staff ready for the upcoming unannounced surveys. Administrator’s Report L. Colella reported on the following: (February meeting canceled due to blizzard. Items discussed from the February/March Administrator’s reports)  DSS Audit - Reviewed the appeal process and final audit determination.  Medical Software – The upcoming costly changes that will take place with the current McKesson System were discussed. Demonstrations with different software vendors have taken place and a decision will be made shortly on the most appropriate software change for the agency.  Suburban Medical Supply Company - Agency will be working with company to set up a formulary for supplies to contain costs. A Wound Care nurse is on staff with this company to provide in- services to nurses and to consult on specific wound cases or supplies if needed.  Staffing – A full time nurse case manager has been hired to fill the vacancy of the nurse who retired. Two per diem nurses have been hired for home care and one will also substitute for school staff as needed.  Private Schools - The Headmaster of Mooreland Hill School requested a meeting to go over nursing needs.  Budget- Budget Hearing with the Town Council for the three Nursing Department budgets was held on March 4. B. Luddy and B. Constantine attended with L. Colella. -3- Supervisor’s Report None Reported Old Business None Presented New Business The next meeting scheduled for April 8, 2013 at 7:00 has been changed to April 15, 2013 at 7:00 Town Clerk will be notified of this change. A motion was made by L. LaRosa to adjourn meeting, seconded by J. Clark. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. All in Favor: D. Muszynski, B. Constantine, J. Clark, L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, L. Williams, B. Luddy, P. Alkas, J. Kozikowski Submitted By, Dori Dyer Commission Secretary