1981/04/28 PLANNING COMMISSION cont. APRIL 28, 1981 2. Mr. Seelye presented map entitled: "Brickyard Road Connector Sewer for Town of Berlin Water Control Commission Berlin, Connecticut, Hewitt Engineering, P.C., dated March 27, 1981, Scale: as shown". He advised this is a sanitary sewer proposed by the Town for the interceptor on the old railroad right of way near the Kensington Fire District pump station. This will provide an outlet for Tuffak. The money has been previously funded by the Town on the interceptor program. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baocaro to approve the proposed plans for the Brickyard Road Connector Sewer. MOTION CARRIED 3. The Commission discussed the condition of the gravel bank on Norton Road and asked that Mr. Emil Carlson, Zoning Insepctor, look into this. Also, on another zoning matter, the "mess" near the corner of Farmington Avenue and Worthington Ridge, just below the Post Office, should be checked out. 4. Mr. Baccaro read a letter to Mr. Leonard Abrahamson dated April 23, 1981 concerning the installation of sidewalks in the Blue Ridge Heights subdivision. 5. Mr. Seelye reported we have received a letter of credit from Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., for the excavation of gravel from the Dunham Drive subdivision. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to refer the letter of credit to Atty. Jackaway for his approval and that Mr. Seelye report back to the Commission at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED 6. Letter received and read from Atty. Dennis L. Kern requesting a meeting with this Commission to obtain recommendations as the Drainage COmmittee prepares a final set of regulations for the Executive Board. 7. Letter received from Atty. Kern, dated April 21, 1981, concerning the zone change request regarding Kristopik Acres and requesting that he be notified when this matter will be heard by out Commission. 8. Mr. Rosco requested the members read the proposed changes in the zoning regulations and be prepared at the next meeting to point out anything that should' come to our attention. 9. Mr. Rosco announced, with regret, that this is Mr. Piskorski's last meeting. Mr. Paskuszak has agreed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Rosco said we appreciated Mr. Piskorski's work and that we will miss his legal advice. Everyone concurred. 10. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to approve the minutes of April 7, 1981 meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M. ~p~fully submitted, ~ccaro, secretary PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 8:03 P.M. on May 26, 1981. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosco, Mr. Pastuszak, Mr. Stiano, Mr. Baccaro. Also in attendance Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item #1. Site Plan Approval - Edro Manufacturing Co., Commerce Street. Mr. Edward Kirejczyk and Thomas Lepore, builder, appeared and presented plot plan entitled: "Plot Plan for Proposed Addition for Edro Corporation #37 Commerce Street, East Berlin, Conn. Addition for Edro Corporation ~37 Commerce Street, East Berlin, Conn. dated April 1981, Scale 1":40' G.S. Jarmolinski Associates". Mr. Kirejczyk also presented information required in Section 8.03.01 of the Zoning Regulations. The addition will be 100' x 150' on the manufacturing area. They also propose a two story addition to the office area which will be of brick construction. The manufacturing addition will be of c{nderblock to match the existing building. Mr. Kirejczyk said they plan to conform to the recommendations from Design Review Committee. They suggested the planting of two tall hemlocks against the two-story panels at the front. Mr. Seelye recommended relocate the catch basin to where the existing pavement ends and take it directly out to the street. It may mean about a foot of fill and putting curbing along the front parking lot. Mr. Kirejczyk said dumpsters will most likely be placed alongside the dock. Mr. Seelye pointed out the Town has required that they be screened. MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. ?astuszak to grant Site Plan Approval with the conditions as presented (1. the screening of dumpster 2. relocate the catch basin 3. plantings as pointed out by Design Review. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION cont. May 26, 1981 3. Agenda Item #2. Bond Reduction - Ridgewood Section VII, Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., developer. Mr. Seelye reported the sidewalk work is complete; Mr. Wicklund has a $10,000 maintenance bond. MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to reduce the sub-d~visionbond on Ridgewood Section VII from $2,500.00 to $0.00. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Agenda Item ~3, Bond Reduction - Section VIII, Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., developer. Mr. Seelye reported, when the road is paved, Mr. Wicklund will request the bond reduction. 5. Agenda Item #4. Preliminary & Final Subdivision Approval-Hemlock Slope, Mona Clark, developer. Mr. Seelye reported the maps were not ready at this time. 6. Agenda Item #5. Preliminary Subdivision Approval-Orchard Road, Ralph Simeone, developer. Mr. Simeone and his surveyor, George Jarmolinski, appeared requesting approval of three lots referred to as Section I, Cedar Acres. As Mr. Seelye had not had the opportunity to review the plans, it was suggested he and Mr. Jarmolinski work out the details and return at the next meeting. 7. Agenda Item #6. Subdivision discussion-Chamberlain Highway, Carl & Helen Tricka, owner. No one appeared to discuss this item. 8. Agenda Item #7. Final Subdivision Approval-Section I, Whispering Brook, Joseph Dorio, developer. Mr. Dorio presented plan entitled: "Final Plan" Whispering Brook Section I, Subdivision Property owned and dev eloped by J. Dorio Builders & Realty, Inc., Carbo Lane, Berlin, Connecticut, Dated October, 1980, Scale 1"=40', George S. Jarmolinski Associated, REV. 12/22/80, 3/18/81, 3/31/81 for storm drain from Carbo Lane, 5/20/81". Mr. Dorio reported he will be paving within a week and CL&P will be moving the poles by Wednesday May 27. Mr. Seelye reported the bond is $35,000.00. MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to grant Final Subdivision Approval of Section I, Whispering Brook. MOTION CARRIED 9. Agenda Item %8. Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Longview Acres, Phase II, Bruce Barlow, developer. Mr. Seelye reported the maps were not ready at this time. 10. Agenda Item #9. A. Zoning Referral - Chester Kristopik, Lots #19-19A,19B, 19G, 19H, 19J, Block 71, Kensington Road. Mr. Kris~opik, Mrs. Stacia Spring and Atty. Dennis Kern appeared and presented map entitled: "Map Showing Proposed Zone Change from Zone R-86 to Zone R-43 on Kensington Road, Kensington, Conn. October 27,1980 Scale 1"=50'" EDWIN W. Szymanoski. Atty. Kern explained they are requesting a Zone Change to allow lot #19A to become a building lot and make all lots conform. MOTION by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro 9o recommend approval of the Zone Change request for the following reasons: 1) adjacent to Zone-43 2) it makes all lots conforming and, 3) creates only one additional building lot. MOTION CARRIED. B. Regional Planning Referral - Cliffside Apartments-Wilbur Cross Highway, Meriden. It was the consensus of the Commission to direct the Planning Agency's attention to the State Plan of Development which calls for permanent open space either existing or proposed. C. Pine Tree Manor. Mr. Seelye reported Mr. Oliviero has substantially completed all the work; one monument to be placed and grading on one portion on the east side. All broken monuments were replaced. Mr. Oliviero has requested a bond reduction. Mr. Seelye added, Mr. Oliviero must put in two State Highway guard rails and the monuments; the rest is maintenance. Mr. Oliviero must present a maintenance bond, As Built drawings, deeds and a mechanics lien waiver. A list will be prepared for Mr. Oliviero. D. Revisions to Regulations-Sidewalks. Mr. Rosso advised he will contact Attorney Jackaway to contact the petitioners to correct the petition. B. Letter from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzo dated May 4, 1981 enclosing a letter from Norman Kenzior of 53 Baxter Avenue, advising of his interest in purchasing Lot 44, Block 91 Bruce Avenue. It was the consensus to suggest to Mayor Ragazzi that action be deferred due to the fact a zone change request is in progress. F. It was agreed to request Atty. Jackaway comment on the Letter of Credit received from Earl Wicklund for Dunham Drive Extension. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~/e~aro~, secret ary