1980/03/119. Agenda Item #8 - Other Commission Business. A)Mr. Seelye [~resented map entitled: "Proposed Street Lines Norton Road from Cole La~e easterly 2300 ft. ! Berlin, Connecticut" dated February, 1980 by the Berlin Engineering Departim3n~. Following discussion, Motion was made by Mr. Dobson, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to recommend adoption of the Street Lines Norton Road from Cole-Lane easterly 2300 ft. ~ . Motion Carried. Motion was made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to authorize a Public Hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M. March 11, 1980 at the Berlin Town Hall to consider the establishment of Street Lines on a portion of Norton Road. Motion Carried. B) The Commission reviewed a sketch plan of the Central Connecticut Expressway, Modified Alternate B, Rev. 1-16-80. Mr. Baccaro left the meeting at 9:50 P.M. C) Mr. Rosso advised the members of the Annual Meeting of Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies to be held Thursday, March 27, 1980 at the Yankee Silversmith Inn. D) Mr. Seely, advised that the Town must update their flood maps in accordance with letter received by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi from the Insurance and Mitigation Division U.S. Department of Housing dated February 14, 1980. The Town has until July 2, 1980 to meet the minimum criteria of the program regulations. E) Motion was made-by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Stiano to approve the minutes of ~'%y 23, June 13, June 27, July !1, and September 12, 1978; also, November 27, d December 11, 1979; also, January 8, and January 22, 1980. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ter Baccaro~ secretary 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:37 P.M. "arch 11, 1980. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Resso, ~r. Piskorski, Mr. Baccaro, and Alternate Mr. Pastuszak sitting in for Mr. Stiano. Also in attendance, Mr. Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item ~1. Public Hearing - Norton Road Reconstruction and Street Lines. The Legal Notice was read by Mr. Baccaro, secretary. Mr. Seelye presented the plan. He explained a 60' Right Of Way is proposed and the roadway within the 60' ROW will be 30' wide. The taking varied from 0 to about a 12' maximum. The damages paid to the property owners have not been computed; they will be shortly. We will notify the property owners by mail as to the dollars involved for the taking. Included will be slope rights where necessary~ Mr. Dobson arrived at 7:47 P.M. Mr. Dean Petow representing his mother, Mrs. Olga Petow, had questions regarding the proposed storm drain. He asked where is the water going to run? Mr. Seelye stated it is coming from the top of the hill and will go out to the east. It starts on the eastern end of the Eastern Development property and ~i~l flow down to the existing culvert; from there it will be piped along the street to Hatchery Brook. Mr. Petow stated his main reason for asking is we have a small bridge to go across to the farm operation. The bridge is hardly up there anymore. The shoring is out of rock; I am afraid it is going to wash the bridge out. Mr. Seelye said we are not changing the direction of the flow or picking up additional water; it may get there faster. Mr. Petow repeated his concern that it may wash the brid~e out. . Mr. Seelye said about one-half is coming from the upper part of his property.We an restrict the flow so it comes slowly. You would have to agree to it; we. -uld work with you. Mr. Petow said we will consider it. Mr. John Reeve. _ 331 Norton Road asked if the utilities will have to be moved? His are underground. Mr. Seelye advised there would be no cost to h~m. Any cost related to the road the Town will take care of. Mr. Reeve questioned the possible removal of trees on his front property line. Mr. Seelye said he took a look at the trees; most of them are along the boundary with the exception of one maple tree that is on Town property and that may be a problem[however, the other trees will be able to be saved. Mr. Reeve said he thought they all fell within five feet of the road. Mr. Seelye said we will work with you to do whatever we can. Mr. Reeve asked if the Town is planning to raise the road. Mr. Seelye stated Mr. Reeve's driveway will be raised about 1' to 1%' to blend into his existing driveway. There will still be a steep grade but we are tied into the elevation. Mr. Rosso asked if the plans will eliminate most of the curves. Mr. Seelve said the road will be straightened out somewhat. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:53 P,M. 3. Agenda Item #2. Release of Subdivision Bond - Lot 78I, Block 91, Norton Road, Pat DiPinto, owner. Mr. DiPinto explained he is requesting the release of the subdivision bond in the amount of $800.00 in the name of the previous owners of Lot 78I, Block 91, Norton Road and he would agree, in writing, to put the sidewalk in before receiving his Certificate of Occupancy. He added, the foundation is in now and he would put the sidewalk in before finishing the house. Mr. Piskorski stated it ~s a' substantial departure from our regulations. However, an agreement could be drawn up that meets the approval of Corporation Counsel and placed in the land records; perhaps your attorney will have to check with Attorney s%~ai~kaway, if we can do it; I feel we are setting a precedent. Mr. Rosso d we could probably do it with the authority of Corporation Counsel. Mr. Baccaro pointed out however, a bond is required according to our regu- lations. Mr. Rosso added, it is an unusual circumstance and a~ long as the Town is protected. Mr. Seelye said it is the consensus of the Commission that they will go along with it if it is approved by Corporation Counsel. -2- 4. Agenda Item ~3. Site Plan Approval - Lot 19, Block 127, Worthington Ridge, EIS Division Parker Hannifan, owner. Mr. David E. Woodard, repre- senting DEW Architects of Hartford presented map' entitled: "Map Prepared .r E.I.S. Division, Berlin, Connecticut" page ~L-1. Mr. Woodard explained I.S. Division is planning a 5980 sq. ft. a~dition, 2 floors, for the computer. There will be no impact to parking, septic will be going to the same system and no additional lighting will be required. Thirteen additional employees will be going into the new area making a total of 60 employees. They have appeared before Design Review. Motion by ~r. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant Site Plan Approval. Motion Carried. 5. Agenda Item #4. Subdivision Approval - LOt 22, Block 83C, Webster Square Road, George Closson, owner. Messrs. Craig and George Closson/~Jr. appeared presenting map entitled: "Preliminary Site Sketch Webster Square Road, Berlin, Connecticut Closson Property" dated March 4, 1980 Scale 1"=100' as requested by the Commission at the m~eting of February 26, 1980. They hlso presented map entitled: "Resubdivision'of Lot ~22, Block #83C'property of George A. Closson, Webster Square Road, Berlin, Connecticut, Hewitt Engineering, P.C. consulting engineers, Berlin, Connecticut, dated January 2, 1980, Scale 1"=100'." Mr. Closson advised that Mr. DeCormier had received approval from Zoning Board of Appeals for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption on Lot #22, Block~83C Webster Square Road. Mr. Rosso I~ informed the Commission that the Zoning Commission gave approval of the cutting out of a 1.15 acre lot on Lot ~22, Block #83C. Mr. Rosso explained he spoke to Robert Probst, Chairman of the Zoning Commission, who advised him the new regulations will clarify the situation. Mr. Baccaro said he can foresee a horrendous parking situation. Mr. Closson presented another plan entitled: !'Discotheque, Berlin, ConnectiCut, Ray DeCormier, owner, ~2~omas Whaples, architect, dated January 16, 1980 Scale 1"=20'" The plan .~ows 70 parking spaces. Following discussion, it was agreed this would be a resubdivision of Lot 22, Block 83C and therefore a Public Hearing would be necessary. It was further agreed to hold the hearing on Tuesday , March 25, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Closson was informed the Commission will require a detailed site plan showing the proposed grading and on-site drainage. Also, when this site is developed we will need to know what street line improvements are planned such as curbing, sidewalks, etc., this could be part of the bond. Mr. Seelye figured roughly $2,500 for the sidewalks and $500 for the curbing and roadway base or about a $3,000 bond. He agreed to firm up the figures by the next meeting. Mr..Piskorski said if we grant subdivision approval, there should be a notation on the map that we would defer sidewalks; however, it may be hard to enforce. Mr. Rosso suggested perhaps we could talk with Corporation Counsel and come up with the proper wording. 6, Agenda Item #5. Site Plan Approval - Lot 10~ Block 153, Wilbur Cross Highway, Newman Bros., owner. Mr. William Kimball, manager, presented plan entitled: "Proposed Addition Property of Newman Bros. Amusements, Lot 10, Block 153, Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin, Connecticut". Mr. Kimball explained the addition will be 30'x96' and they have received approval from the Design Review Committee. Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by M~. Baccaro to grant site plan approval subject to the site plan incorporation the requirements of the Design Review Committee in letter dated March 4, 1980. Motion Carried. Agenda Item #6. Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Lot 4, Block 24A, Glendale Avenue, Lincoln Ellsworth, owner's representative. Mr. Roderick Hewitt, engineer, presented plan entitled: "Resubdivision property of Ellsworth Bros. Inc. & Brown Electric, Farmington Avenue, Kensington, dated March 10, 1980, Hewitt Engineering, Scale 1"=40'". Mr. ~llsworth presented his Subdivision Application and paid his $50.00 fee. Members expressed concern that the residents may use the unfinished roadway to gain access to Farmington Avenue. Mr. Ellsworth stated he does not intend o build on the property where his storage barn is therefore, it would be ~-~asier for the residents to use Glendale Avenue for access to Farmington Avenue. Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by .~Lr. Baccaro to grant prelim- inary approval subject to conditions that the map reflect the restriction of access on Farminqton Avenue with the wording not to be used for residential driveway. Motion !Carried. 8. Agenda Item #7. Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Lot 4, Block 44, Main Street and Alling Street, Irvin~ Emerson, owner's representative. Mr. Rod Hewitt, engineer, presented map entitled: "Site Plan, Grove Hill Estates, Berlin, Connecticut, Irving G. Emerson, developer, Hewitt Engineering, P.C. dated March 4, 1980 Scale 1"=40' Rev. March 11, 1980" with Commission members explaining the storm drainage ' He reviewed the plans will be piped through to the rear of Lot #35 where it will be an open ditch about 260' long and about 3' deep then piped under Main Street through to the rear of an existing lot and then an open ditch to the Railroad Pond. Mr. Hewitt felt an open ditch is better than piping in that it gives a place for the water to spread out and recede. Mr. Seelye adviSed that there would be an easement required and the Town will maintain~the ditch. Mr. Piskorski said we have an open area here which will generate water and kids being kids .... it bothers me. Mr. Hewitt said we are talking about a 25-year storm and when it's raining that hard, the underpass in Town is flooded, the brooks run Over their banks, etc.; you have to be reasonable. We could, however, widen this out so the depth of the water is much lower. Mr. Piskorski asked if there is a viable alternative. Mr. Seelye said it is easier to maintain a pipe than a ditch. "~. Hewitt said he figured the cost of piping the 260' would be approximately .~0,000. Mr. Julius Naldi of 398 Alling Street asked if there would be any alteration in the elevations which %~ould affect the drainage. Mr. Seelye pointed out there will be yard drains and swales to take care of the drainage. Mr. Naldi asked what guarantee he has against damage to his plaster walls and ceilings when blasting occurs. He was informed he should notify the contractor who is insured. Mr. Naldi then advised the Commission of the heavy traffic on Alling Street; he feels the visability from the proposed road to Alling Street will be poor due to the telephone pole and several trees. Mr. Seelye said it is not the best situation in the world; however, the road is about 7-10' higher at the proposed intersection. Mrs. Claire Hackett of 368 Alling Street complained that cars do not follow the natural curve of the road; then tend to straighten out. Mr. Rosso pointed out we do not have jurisdiction on the traffic problem; the police department should be notified. Mr. Seelye said perhaps the Town may want to see the house on Lot 4C set back a slight way. The area residents apologized for not voicing their complaints at the Public Hearing held previously but they were not aware of the'hearing. Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant preliminary subdivision approval with the following conditions: 1) that lot lines on Lots 13, 14, and 15 shall be adjusted 2) the front property line and setback on Lot 4C shall be adjusted and, 3) that the open drainage course on Lot 36 will remain open for further discussion and subsequent decision. Motion Carried. Mr. Hewitt agreed to refigur~ the cost of piping and it will be discussed again at our next meeting. 9. Agenda Item #9 Other Commission Business.1)Mr. Rosso read notice from Hartford County Soil and Water Conservation District of a Hazardous Waste ~ ~rkshop sponsored by the District Monday ~arch 24, 1980 7:30-10:00 P.M. "~t the Windsor Public Library.2)Mr. Rosso advised members that he and Mr. Seelye are among those appointed to a Sidewalk Committee. The goal is to determine where sidewalks can be to eliminate school buses. 3) Mr. Seelye advised the Commission the bids for the pump station where the drain is now on Farmington Avenue will go out in the spring. 4) Motion by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to approve the minutes of the Februar~ 26 1980 meeting. Motion Carried. ' The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 P.M. Respectfully submitted, caro, Secretary