1980/01/22ilo 7. Agenda Item 5.a . Zoning referral change from R 43 to R-15, Lo~ 10, Block 141 Bishops Curve, Lawrence Kutz, owner. After discussion motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Dobson, to recommend disapproval. Motion carried. Reasons for vote are: Considering adjacent zoning the proposed change would create a spot zone, and there are no utilities in the immediate area to support the higher density zone. 7. Agenda Item 6. The Commission by consensus established the policy that all items to be considered shall be on. the next meeting agenda. Respectfully Submitted David Piskorski Acting Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. January 22, 1980. 2. Members present: Mr. Nunzio Rosso, Chairman, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Dobson, also present was Mr. Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer. 3. Agenda Item 1. Bond reduction, Pine Tree Manor, Augusto Oliverio, Developer. Motion by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Mr. Dobson to reduce the bond from $ 25,400.00 to $ 16,000.00, Motion carried. 4. Agenda Item 2. Other Commission Business. Norton Road Improvements. The Commission scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday Febuary 26, 1980, regarding the proposed street lines and improvements. 5. Agenda Item 3. Review of Proposed Zoning regulations, was discussed by Commission members. Meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted e~~Se~etary PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. 'ebruary 26, 1980. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosso, -hairman; Mr. Piskorski, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Stiano, Mr. Dobson and Alternate Mr. Pastuszak. Also in attendance, Mr. Seelye, Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item 1. Site Plan Approval - Lot 10, Block 153, Wilbur Cross Highway, Newman Amusements, owner. Mr. Ronald Newman and Mr. William Thomas appeared and presented a plan of their proposed addition. They had appeared before Design Review and must return with revised plans and a new site plan. Mr. Piskorski advised Mr. Newman to contact a licensed land surveyor or engineer to draw up a site plan which would show what the building is going tom look like, the plantings, curbing, parking facilities, lighting and signs. After receiving approval from Design Review, they can come back to this Co~mission. They are on the agenda of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance to Section 11.01.05 denying an addition to a nonconforming building more than 25% in a Planned Industrial Zone. 3. Agenda Item 2. Bond Reduction - Robbins Road Subdivision, T & M Homes, developer. Mr. Seelye advised the Commission he would recommend the bond be reduced to $48,960.00 which is 25% of the original bond. Motion by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Piskorski to approve bond reduction for Robbins Road Subdivision from $120,000.00 to $48,960.00. Motion Carried.