1979/10/305) Agenda Item ~. Preliminary & Final Sub~ivision Approval - Lot 1, Block .~02, Lower Lane, George Payanis. The Commission discussed whether sidewalks ~uld be required. Mr. Seelye said he does not see the value to the ~0mmunity t° put sidewalks just at the fro~t of the.lot Mr. Payanis is cutting out. Mr. Stiano said he thought the original intent was to build the walks and it bothers him in being inconsistent. It was pointed out if the Town purchases the land in the rear for the Board of F~ucationt ther~ is no question but there will have to be sidewalks. Mr. Seelye advised tha* the Health Director has not approved the back lot but he did sign this plan. Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant preliminary sub- division approval. Motion Carried. Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr, Bacoaro to grant .final subdivision'approval. Motion Carried. 6) Agenda Item 5. Site Plan & Final subdivision Approval - Bellevue Acres Section 6 Middletown Road Roland Nadeau. Mr. Stiano disqualified himself on this item. It was reported that the Zoning Commission says their 10% waiver meant area only not dimension. (see minutes of October 9, 1979) Mr. Nadeau is coming in now with two lots each 125'x175'. Sidewalks and curbin will be required. Mr. Nadeau objected to the amount of curbing as he feels it will carry the water down his property~creating .more problems. Mr. Seelye-said-he would have~no objection if to carry the water down to. the swamp. Mr. Nadeau asked if, in the future, he may-not obtain-approval to develop the .back property with all the water sitting-on it. .Mr. Rosso said he =oul~ not recommend the-Town_be responsibl.e for..something like this..Mr. Seelye ~said.there--~s a simple.way to solve the problem'but there~is nothing.~else we can.do but~act on the-~p~a~ before-~s. _~4r. HOward suggested Mr. Jarmolinski,-the engineer~ indicate on the plan t~ ( ~rows are drainage courses. Also, there should be elevations shown 50~ ~-from the back boundary. If the Commission votes on this tonight, the grade could be shown on the site plan before the subdivison map is released. Motion by Mr. ~iskorski,~.seconded.byMr. Dobson to grant Site Plan .approval subject to the ~note~ndicating-that'the arrows represent~the drainage cours and subject~to- the~ade lines being established-as indicated-by the Engine~rin~ Motion-by Mr. Piskorskl,.eeconoe~ Dy Mr.-~accaro planand.approve the bond amountof $-2',500 ~ith-a'*limit of one year for the improvements to be made..- The--Motion was-emend'ed ~o read and that the sub- division :plan'~be held by-the Engineering .Department until .the-changes and_ correcti-ons are made on the.Site Plan. Mo~ion Carried. 7) Agenda Item 6. a. Mr. Seelye read letter from Atty. Charles Williams re: .Saddle Hill. b~-- Mr. Seelye reported we will.have a Street Line Estab- lishment Plan for t~Berlin Street Bridge .for the-next meeting~ We will have,to schedul~a Public .Hea~ing..-c. Mr.~-Seelye~'announced'that!Mr- Howard: would be leaving Town employment_No~--ember-2. ,Mr.'Rosso, on behmt'f of the Planning Commission, expressed hisregret.ofthe-announcement-and commende~ Mr. Howard for the fine work he has done for.the Town and Planning Commission. d. Mr. Rosso advised the Commission he has been. invited to attend'a meetin~ on the 30th.of Octobers:' at 7 P~M. in the Mayor'~s-Office and-£f any. Commi~s:on member wishes to attend, he may. e. An invitation was read.for the dedica' of the Marjorie Moore Village-on N~ember 11, 1979 at 2 P.M. ~, Motion by Mr. Piskorski,~seconde~.b~.Mr. Stiano ~o approve..th~ minutes o~'October 9, (-~79 with the following addition: to note, following agenda item 5, Mr. ~elye arrive~ at this time. The.meeting-was~journed at Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro~ secretary PLANNING coMMIssiON 1) Special meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 6:35 P.M., October 30,.1979.' Those Commissioners attending were: ~Mr. Rosso, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Dobson, Mr. Piskorski, Mr. Stiano, and Mr. Pastuszak, Alternate. Also present was Mr. Seelye, Town Engineer. 2) Agenda.Item 1. After discussion, Motion by Mr. Piskorski, seconded ~y Mr. Stiano to recommend establishment of street lines as shown on a map entitled: '!Street Line Map, Berlin Street, from Mattabassett Street to Cromwell Town Line" dated October, 1979, by the Berlin Engineering Depart- ment; and to authorize a Public Hearing to be held at the Berlin Town Hall on November 13, 1979 at 8 P.M. 3) Agenda Item 2. After discussion, Motion by Mr. Piskorski,'seconded ~y Mr. Stiano to authorize a Public Hearing to be held at the Berlin Town Hall on November 13, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the resubdivision of Lot 7, Block 153. The special meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. ' Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary