1979/09/25Acres, Section 6, Middletown Road, Roland Nadeau, develoPerl As ~. Nadeau i not present, no action was taken. Agenda Item 10. Forecast Final Subdivision Approval; Lot 4A, Block 90, Four Rod Road, Angelo Ciammella, developer. Mr. Hewitt presented plan entitled: "Four Rod Road Subdivision property of A. cianunella & Son, Inc., Berlin, Conn. Hewitt Engineering P.C." dated April 17~ 1979 Scale 1"=40'. Mr. R. Hewitt advised they would like to present it in Sections I, II, III. Mr. Stiano pointed out we should have a~key map on the Sections. Mr. Hewitt said Section would include the pump stati~. It was agreed the Commission could give Forecast approval subject to '~e bond, the amount to be determined by the Engineering Department. MotiOn was made by Mr..Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pas- tuszak to approve the three Section layout as Proposed on the map entitle.d~,. "Four Rod Road Subdivision, property of Angelo Ciammella & Son, Inc." MotiOn Carried. Motion was made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak to grant Forecast Approval of all three Sections ~ubject to bonding, the amount to be determined by the Town Engineer. Motion Carried. It was agreed to place Approval of Section I on the agenda for the neXt meeting.' 12) Agenda Item 11. Discussion, Lot 4A, Block 107, Four Rod Road, R. Berlandy and Sons, Inc. Mr. Berlandy advised the Commission he appeared before the Zoning Commission for permission to have a contractor's yard in a Planned Industry zone. The Zoning Commission referred him to this Commission. Mr. Seelye explained the Zoning Commission should approve the use before the Plannind Commission can approve the layout. 13) Agenda Item 12. a. Mr. Seelye explained Mrs. Blanche Delaney plans to ~ubdivide a portion o--~ her property. It was agreed to schedule e Public ~ring for the next meeting, b. Mr. Seelye advised the Commission Mr. George Knopf of NortOn Road is 1-~oking for an easement to install sanitary sewer and water servide in a parcel of land described on a map entitled: "Map showing a proposed Water & Sewer Easement from the Town of Berlin in favor of Allen G. Knopf, Norton Road, Berlin, Conn. Scale 1"=40', Septemb~er 4, 1979 Raymond F. Wren, Jr., LA7405". Mr. Seelye advised that the Executive Board has no objection and recommends going to the Town Meeting. Motion' was made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak that the TOwn grant an easement to Allen G. Knopf on a parcel of land as described on the Easement. Motion Carried. c. Motion was made by Mr. Pastuszak, seconded by Mr. Stiano to approve the minute'-of August 21 and August 24, 1979 meetings. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Joseph F. Stiano, Jr. Acting Secretary -~ PLANNING COMMISSION 1) A public hearing was held by the Berlin Planning Commission on Septem- ,~r ~5, 1979 at 7:32 P.M. in the Town Hall. Those Commissioners in atten- ~nce were: Mr. Rosso, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Piskorski, Mr. Dobson; Alternate ]~r. Castiglioni sitting in for Mr. Stiano and Alternate Mr. Pastuszak. Also present were: Mr. Seelye, Town Engineer, and Mr. Howard, Assistant Town Engineer. The Public Hearing considered the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 71, Norton Road, Blanche J. Delaney & Sarah C. Johnson, owners Mr. Baccaro read the Legal Notice. Mr. Piskorski asked Mrs. Delaney if she felt he has a conflict in the matter and would rather he not sit in on the discussion. Mrs. Delaney stated she does not feel he has a conflict. There were no comments either for or against the'proposal from the public. Mr. Seelye stated it meets the subdivision requirements. Mr. Rosso declared the Public .Hearing on this matter adjourned at 7:38 P.M. 2) A Public Hearing was'held by the Berlin Planning Commission on Septem-. her 25, 1979 at 7:40 P.M..in the Town Hall. considered the Street Layout-Lot 45, Block 142~ Somerset The Public Hearing Drive and Spruce Brook Road, Louis Valentine, owner. Mr. Baccaro read the Legal Notice. Mr. valentine stated the visability is clear in both directions when approaching Spru6e Brook Road from the road he proposes as a future road. Mr. Mancini of 33 Somerset Drive presented a petition signed by fifty-five residents of the area and read a letter submitted previously (see minutes of August 21, 1979) listing the objections to the location of the proposed road. Mr. Mancini advised the Commission that they were assured by the real estate ~ent when they purchased the property that the road would be opposite Thompsol ~(oad. Mr. Chamberlain of 50 Somerset Drive presented a letter to Mr. Rosso listihg his objections. Mrs~ Mancini said much of their problem is water. Mr. Valentine said the water problem is due to springs in the area. The Commission members wondered why no one had approached them before this. Mrs. Mancini said it was because they were told a road would not be built where presently proposed. Mr. Wilk said the water problem has been there for 60 years; the homes are built in a swamp and you have a condition that you will have to live with. Mr. Redick of 131 Somerset Drive said the Town sugges. ted ~he3 pgt !~. swales and everyone did their own thing, Mrs. Valentine said her nusDano wl~l either put in ~he proposed road or nothing. Mr. Rosso declared this Public-~earing adjourned at 8:26 P.M. Mr. Pastuszak left the meeting this time. . ~-~m ~) Agenda Item 31 Preliminary & Final Resubdivision Approval, Lot 3, Block Norton Road, Blanche J. Delaney & Sarah C. Johnson, owners. The Commission briefly discussed the possibility of requiring sidewalks; however, it was pointed out sidewalks were not required on the other lots with frontage on Norton Roadin the previous subdivision of this area, Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant Preliminary resubdivision approval of Lot 3, Block 71,'Norton Road. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski~ seconded by Mr. Ba¢caro to grant Final 'resubdivision appro~ of Lot 3, Block 71, Norton Road. Motion Carried. 4) Agenda Item 5. Final Subdivision Approval, Section I, Lot 4A,. Block 90~ (~ur Rod Road, Angelo Ciammeila. Atty. J~seph Cian¢i, presented the ~_~llowing map= "Subdivision Plan-Section I Four Rod Road Subdivision propert] of A. Ciammella & Son Inc. Berlin, Connecticut Hewitt Engineering P.C.' dated September 14, 1979 Scale 1"=40'. Atty. Cianci also presented the Subdi¥ision Application and a $50.00 check. He reported they are making arrangements for the bond. Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant · Final Subdivision approval subject to the receipt of the.bond by the.' Engineering Department. Motion ~arried. "'.5) Agenda Item 6. Site Plan Approval-Industrial Surplus, Deming Road & /-~llbur Cross Highway, R. Hewitt, Engineer. Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Duncan ~resented plan entitled: Site ~lan Industrial Surplus Company 337 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, ~onnecticut, Hewitt Engineering, P.C." dated September 11, 1979 Scale 1"=40. Mr. Hewitt advised the Commission they have appeared before Design Review and have incorporated their recommendations. Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Dobson to grant Site Plan approv~ for an accessory building for Industrial Surplus, Deming Road and Wilbur Cross Highway. Motion Carried. 6) Agenda Item ?. Site Plan & Final Sdbdivision Approval, Bellevue Acres, Section 6, Middletown Road, Roland Nadeau, developer. As Mr. Nadeau was 'not present, no action taken. 7) Agenda Item 8. Discussion, LOt 17, Block 127, Weth~rsfield Road, Jay Dee Realty, developer. Mr. R. Hewitt, engineer, presented the three plans presented previously (see minutes of September 11, 1979) Some of the membe~ ~ of the Commission viewed the property prior to this evening's meeting and it was the consensus that Mr. Dellabianca and Mr. Hewitt proceed with Plan "? which was also the recommendation of Mr. Seelye. 8) Agenda Item 9. Discussion-Sidewalk requirements-Blue Ridge Heights, Leonard Abrahamson, developer. Atty. J. Noxon Howard and Leonard Abrahamson appeared to discuss the matter. (see minutes of August 21, 1979) Atty. Howard suggested Mr. Abrahamson and he would get waivers signed by the prope owners who do not want sidewalks and place a notice on the land records and ~_~11 future deeds make reference to that. Mr. Seelye advised that Town Couns ( ~id there would be a considerable risk on the part of the Town if a suite i '-filed against the Town for damages because sidewalks were not put in; he recommended a waiver be signed by all owners who have a vested interest in this. Mr. Baccaro said if the price of sidewalks is reflected in the price of the lot, he would like to see a dollar amount given to each property ~wne Mr. Piskorski said it is to everyone's benefit to resolve the situation; thi subdivision has been referred to us by other subdividers who want exception to putting in walks and the other reason we need' to make a decision is that perhaps the'bonds are not sufficient to cover the cost of the walks. MOtion was made by Mr. Piskorski that this CommissiOn waive the sidewalks in the applicable areas of Abrahamson's subdivision under conditions acceptable to our Corporation Counsel and this Commission. Motion failed to receive a second. Motion was then made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Dobson that the Commission direct Mr. Abrahamson to complete installation of sidewalks in the applicable sections of the subdivision on or.before August 15, 1980 or we will direct Corporation Counsel to proceed the bonds. Motion Carried. ~-' ....~ 9) Agenda Item 10. Site Plan Approval-Building Addition to Thomas S. Haley Associates, Woodlawn Road. John Eberle, architect, presented the following map: Site Plan addition to office and warehouse Thomas S. Baley Associates Woodlawn Road, Berlin, Connecticut, John N. Eberle Architect" dated September 24, 1979 Scale 1"=20'. They have appeared before Design Review and recommen dations have been taken into consideration on the new plans. They discussed the present drainage problem at the Capital Novelty plant next door and /~'. - - . they are proposing to take ~e water out =o the rear. They will work out the problem with Capital Nors.ry. The Commission could approve it on the condition that the drainage is satis- factory. Mr. Seelye said engineering-wise there is no problem with this if they can get adequate discharge~ if the two neighbors are in agreement that Mr. Haley can dump the water on Capital Novelty property; then I have no problem. It was pointed out the Commission can allow the installation of ~ foundation wh ich does not infer approval of the rest of it and Mr. ~.~y can return when we meet again in two Weeks. Mr. Seelye offered a few suggestions for solving the drainage problem. Motion made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to grant foundation approval only Motion noting Carried. this does not infer Forecase Approval of the entire Site Plan. 10) Agenda Item 11. Maintenance Bond Release-Mountain View, Section 4, John Dutkiewicz. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Dobson to reduce the Maintenance Bond on Mountain View, Section 4, from $3,200.00 to $0.00. Motion Carried.~ 11) Agenda Item 13. Preliminary & Final Subdivision Approval-Lot 12, ~lo~k 107, O~chard Road, Robert Dornfried. Mr. Seelye advised that the ~nglneerlng uepartment has no objections. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Piskoreki to grant preliminary approval of Lot 12, Block 107, Orchard Road, Robert Dornfried. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni to grant Final Approval of Lot 12, Block 197, Orchard Road, Robert Dornfried. Motion Carried. It was requested before the plan is filed an arrow should be placed to indicate North. 12) Agenda Item 12. a. Letter received from Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi dated September 19, 19~ requesting the Commission reevaluate its position regarding Towne Drive. He feels the road should terminate at least twenty feet prior to the parking lot and should be blocked with a permanent structur4 . ~states people utilizing the parking area have voiced complaints of the ~ /rdous situations they have encountered. Mr. Seelye reminded the CommisSi¢ n t~-~t the Police Department had requested an outlet; they plan to put up signs advising this is not a thru street. Mr. Rosso stated he would call or stop in to see the Mayor. b. Mr. Seelye advised the Commission Attorney Dennis Kern has advised that t-~e abutting property owners in Ridgewood Extension, Section 7, have reconsidered their decision to request their problem be place~ on the agenda of the Planning Commission . Earl H.'Wicklund'Inc.'has con- structed a second swale above the first swale which hopefully will protect the Town required swale. As long as no significant erosion occurs and as lon¢ as no significant damage-is done to the property by water or by silting, they feel no further action by this Commission is required~ 'c, Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Piskorski to approve the-~inutes of September 11, 1979. Motion Carried. 13) Agenda Item 4. Discussion-Street Layout--Lot 45~ Block 142~ Somerset Drive & Spruce Brook Road, Louis Valentine. The Commission discussed the comments made during the Public Hearing. No action was taken. The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 P.M. Respectfully submitte4, Peter Baccaro Secretary