1978/11/28568 NovemBer 28, 1978 . Regular meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission was held November 28, 1978 at 50 P.M. in Town Hall. Those Commissioners in attendance were: Mr. Rosso, Mr. tiano, Mr. Dobson, Alternate Mr. Pastuszak sitting in for Mr. Piskorski. Mr. Stiano was appointed acting secretary. Also present were: Hr. Seelye, Town Engi- eer and Mr. Howard, Assistant Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item 1. Site plan approval of Lot 40, Block S4, Robbins Road. Mr. Haltman was present representing the applicant, T ~ M Builders. The following map was presented: "Site Plan, Robbins Road Subdivision, Berlin, Conn., Hewitt Engi- neering, P.C. Consulting Engineers, Berlin, Conn. dated November 13, 1978, Scale ~"=40', Drawn by N.E.H., checked by R.H., Sheet 1 of S, Project No. 7818." Mr. Seelye stated the plans were acceptable to the Engineering Department. Motion Mas made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to grant site plan approval of plans resented. Ail in favor. Motion carried. B. Agenda Item 2. Applicant was not present, 4. Agenda Item 3. Final subdivision approval, Lot llA, Block 29E, Farmington ~venue and Oakwood Road. Mr. Oliviero, owner was present and revised plans were presented. Mr. Seelye stated the plans appeared to be in order but since they ~ere just presented his department has not reviewed them. Mr, Olivlero stated he ~ould like to begin constructing house foundations on lots lib and llE before winte Mr. Oliviero was informed that site plan approval, mylar subdivision plans, a lette from the Kensington Fire District and a bond were required for final approval. Based on a recommendation from Mr. Seelye, it was the consensus of the commission that there was no objection to the construction of house foundations on lots liB and lie subject to Building Inspector and Engineering Department approval. 5. Agenda Item 4. Sketch layout, Lot llB, Block 73 Elton Road. Mr. Vendola, ~ngineer and Mr. ~ Mrs. Asal, owners, were present and presented maps of the proposed subdivision. The following items were discussed: 1) consider ZS feet of ~pen space area along the pond; 2) refer to Conservation Commission for comments ~) should open space be in form of easement, RO~ or outright ownership 4} drainage ~ights should be obtained from adjoining property owner, if deemed necessary to town Counsel; S) the problem of what to do with adjoining gravel bank should be resolved; 6) since the SO' ROW is being changed revised subdivision approval will ~e required on the adjoining Renn property; 7) no sidewalk would be required becaus, ~f one acre zone; 8} a Public Hearing will be set when most of the above problems are resolved. 5. Agenda Item S. Sketch layout, Lot 51XA, Block 69, Carriage Drive. Mr, Earl ~icklund was present. A letter from Mr, ~icklund to Mr. Robert Spring dated Octobe: Z6, 1978, was read. Mr. ~icklund stated Mr. Spring telephoned him and stated he ~ould not sell the portion of his property needed to extend Ellsworth Boulevard. Fhe Commission decided a Public Hearing should be held and set a tentative date ~or the second meeting in January, 7. Agenda Item 6. Bond reduction for ~oodcliff subdivision, Mr, Anthony Garro ~as present. Mr. Seelye stated that other than 290 feet of sidewalk required on ~ection 10, all other work was minor repair work. He stated that a $S,000.00 cash bond would be sufficient and would also cover the maintenance bond since the roads have been in for many years. Hr, STiano made the motion to that effect, seconded by Mr. Dobson. Ail in favor. Motion Carried. 8. Mr. Hicklund presented plans for two lots on the corner of Cole Lane and Norton Road. Individual pump stations are proposed. After discussion it was decided a meeting should be held with KFD, Planning Commission, Health Director, Building Inspector and all others involved to come up with uniform practices regarding the individual pump stations, The meeting was tentatively set for the next Planning Commission meeting. ~. A letter from Attorney Thomas ~eaver to the Planning Commission dated November 20, 1978 regarding the Naluk property on the Chamberlain Highway was read. Consens of the Commission that it be referred to Attorney Jackaway, Respectfully submitted, Joseph Stiano Acting Secretary