2002-06-27 Planning & Zoning June 27, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes – Page 1 I Call to Order The Berlin Planning & Zoning Commission held a Regular Meeting on June 27, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. The following attended: Chairwoman Joan Carey Commissioners Diane Jorsey, Bruce Moore (joined the meeting at 7:06 p.m.), Robert Weiss, Timothy Zigmont Alternate Commissioners Matthew Beatman (seated - joined the meeting at 7:17 p.m.), Andra Zbrozek (seated) Brian Miller, Director of Development Services Excused: Commissioners Mark Kaczynski, Stuart Topliff Alternate Commissioner Terri Paventi II Scheduling of Public Hearings Mr. Miller requested an application from Niro Landscaping Contractors be added to the agenda. A motion to add the following application to the agenda was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried unanimously: a. Zone Change Request of Peter Niro to change the zone of Lot Z1, Block 94, Farmington Avenue from GI (General Industry) to CCD-2 (Commercial Core District 2) Mr. Zigmont motioned to schedule this application for public hearing on July 25, 2002. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. III Public Hearings Mrs. Jorsey read the Call of the Hearing. a.Special Permit Use Application of Midpoint Enterprises for a drive-through restaurant at Lots 8 and 9, Block 140, 1897 Wilbur Cross Highway (Berlin Turnpike) Mr. Moore arrives here (7:06 p.m.) Mr. Miller read a letter from the applicant. The letter was dated June 27, 2002 and its purpose was to request the withdrawal of this application due to an unavoidable delay with engineered plans. b. Special Permit Use Application of John and Marcia Bergman for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at Lot 20, Block 10, 184 Mooreland Road Marcia and John Bergman presented the application. Mrs. Bergman stated the unit will be for her mother. They reviewed staff comments and the plan. There were no other speakers. Planning & Zoning June 27, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes – Page 2 Mr. Weiss motioned to close the hearing. Mr. Moore seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV Old Business a.Special Permit Use Application of Midpoint Enterprises for a drive-through restaurant at Lots 8 and 9, Block 140, 1897 Wilbur Cross Highway (Berlin Turnpike) No action was taken (application withdrawn). b. Special Permit Use Application of John and Marcia Bergman for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at Lot 20, Block 10, 184 Mooreland Road. Mr. Beatman joined the meeting (7:17 p.m.) and was seated. After discussion, Mr. Zigmont motioned to approve the application with these conditions: a. The new addition will need to comply with the smoke detector regulation requiring AC/DC detectors in the bedroom and the hall leading to the bedroom. b. The existing home would also need smoke detection equipment. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. V New Business a. Site Plan Amendment of Kensington Furniture for Tent Sale Lot 73, Block 76, Farmington Avenue Mark Gambel, George Street, Middletown, presented the application on behalf of Kensington thth Furniture. He stated the tent will be set up on the 18 of July, the sale will be held on July 19 thst and 20 and the tent is proposed to be taken down on July 21. After discussion, a motion to approve this application with the following condition: a. A fire extinguisher will be located at the site of the sale. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried unanimously. b. Site Plan Amendment of Berlin Steel Construction, Co. for a proposed 4,085 sq. ft. addition, Lot 84Z, Block 76, Depot Road Mr. James Cassidy, Hallisey, Pearson & Cassidy, Rocky Hill, presented the application. He explained Berlin Steel had received approval had been received for a 2707 sq. ft. addition but have decided that site plan should be revised to the requested 4,085 sq. ft. The parking lot will be re- striped to provide three additional parking spaces; no additional paving will be done. Referring to staff comments, he stated the property is paved to the building; the area of disturbance will be minimal; there is no room for a silt fence or landscaping. There will be no additional lighting. After discussion, Mr. Zigmont motioned to approve the proposal with the following conditions: Planning & Zoning June 27, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes – Page 3 a. A 24-hour telephone number of a contact person will be supplied to the Zoning Enforcement Officer case of sedimentation or erosion control problems. b. Adherence to staff sedimentation and control regulations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried unanimously. c. Modification of an Approve Site Plan for a Water Pump Station and Approval of Bonding for Section 8, Silver Ridge, GBA, LLC. Mr. Zigmont relinquished his seat. Mr. Bart Bovee, P.E., MBA Engineering, stated the demand for the units is more than anticipated and work on an additional 6-7 units will be added into this phase. He also stated added water pressure is needed on the site; the proposed 3-pump station will be housed within a 10’ x 20’ wood frame structure and landscaped. In response to Ms. Carey’s inquiry about the noise level which will be created, Mr. Bovee responded the structure will be insulated and should run without a constant hum or noise, except when testing is periodically done. Mrs. Jorsey motioned to approve both the request for approval of bonding and the site plan amendment for the water pump station. The motion was seconded by Mr. Beatman and carried unanimously. Mr. Zigmont was re-seated. VI Other Business a. In accordance with Section 8-24 with the Connecticut General Statutes, review of the abandonment of that portion of Hall Lane that was formerly the cul de sac in favor of Lots 40.H. and 40.G. After review in accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Mr. Zigmont motioned to recommend the abandonment as proposed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried unanimously. b. Review of proposed Meriden Distribution Line Project to Meriden Gas Turbines, Yankee Gas Services Company The following were present: Mr. Harold Blindern, Esq., Dayberry & Howard, Christian Hossfer, P.E., CHI Engineering, Project Engineer and N. Cha, Yankee Gas, Project Manager Mr. Hossfer described the design and installation using horizontal drilling of the 16” pipeline which will use the existing power corridor for utility lines. The proposed line is 4.3 miles long, 2.6 miles located in Berlin. The 24’ x 60’ building which will be constructed to house the gas metering station will be wood sided and buffered from the residential neighbors with evergreens and established vegetation. A 7’ security fence will enclose the structure and all equipment will be housed inside. Planning & Zoning June 27, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes – Page 4 Aesthetics of the building and buffering were commissioners’ concerns. Mr. Hossfer also noted that two acres for staging areas will be leased from the Roche family for the purpose of placing construction trailers. The lease is for one year for that is one year; the work is anticipated to take 4-5 months; landscaping will be done in the Spring. c. A motion to add the following item was made by Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Beatman and carried unanimously. Mr. Zigmont and Mr. Weiss relinquished their seats. Request of the East Berlin Fire Department to construct one building on the Berlin ? Fairgrounds. Mr. Zigmont presented the request for the construction of a 24’ x 24’ wood structure to house which will be used to relocate fryolaters from temporary structures to the safer location of a building. A motion to approve the request was made by Mr. Beatman, seconded by Ms. Zbrozek and carried unanimously. Mr. Zigmont and Mr. Weiss were reseated. d. A motion to add the following item to the agenda was made by Mr. Beatman, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously: Amendment to an Approved Subdivision. Lots 5-1 and 5-2, Chamberlain Highway, Howard ? Asal. Mr. Asal explained he had just recently purchased the property and explained the site has a lot of rock and a forced main system is appropriate. He stated the Kensington Fire District has approved its installation as this two-lot subdivision is a permanent dead end. Mr. Zigmont motioned to approve the amendment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Beatman and carried unanimously. VII Requests for Bond Releases/Reductions a. Request for a bond release, Louis Grubin, Berlin Commerce Park Associates, , 80 Clark Drive, East Berlin. Mr. Miller stated the landscaping has not yet been completed. A motion to table the request was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried unanimously. b. Request for a bond release, Howard Asal, Howard Asal Construction, Inc, Parkview Subdivision Mr. Miller stated there were no staff concerns. Mr. Zigmont motioned to release the bond. Mr. Weiss seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Request for a bond reduction, Earl Wicklund, Crystal Falls Subdivision Planning & Zoning June 27, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes – Page 5 . MrMiller recommended reduction to $50,064.00. Mr. Weiss motioned to reduce the bond to that amount. Mr. Beatman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VIII Commissioners’ Comments Mr. Beatman stated he will be on vacation at the time of the next meeting. Mr. Weiss stated a guardrail at a Farmington Avenue site had been constructed without a site plan amendment application and its construction has eliminated a curb cut. Mr. Miller stated he will contact the property owner. Mr. Weiss also noted a restaurant which had an approval which required a portion of the asphalt to be removed and that work has not been done and a banner which is not permitted on the Blockbuster building. Mr. Miller will forward these items to the Zoning Enforcement Officer. IX Communications There were none. X Payment of Invoices There were none. XI Signing of Documents There were none. XIIReview of Minutes – June 13, 2002 After review, Mr. Beatman motioned to approve the minutes, as presented. Ms. Zbrozek seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mr. Beatman and carried unanimously. The time was 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Frances M. Semnoski, Recording Secretary