2012-01-25 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT – January 25, 2012 PUBLIC SPEAKERS None. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 25, 2012 Roll Call of Members A special meeting of the Board of Directors of The Mattabassett District was held Wednesday, January 25, 2012, at the Administration Building. Chairman William Candelori called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. A roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Present from the Town of Cromwell were Directors Doug Sienna and Tom Tokarz. Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors John Dunham and Jim McNair. Present from the City of New Britain were Directors William Candelori, Angelo D’Alfonso, Edward Sasso and John Valengavich. Also present were Brian W. Armet - Executive Director, Michelle Ryan – District Engineer and John Braccio from Wright-Pierce. New Britain Directors’ Gerry Amodio, Jr., and Peter Centurelli were absent. Nitrogen Construction Upgrade MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to acknowledge that C.H. Nickerson & Company, Inc. is the Apparent Low Bidder for The District’s Nitrogen Upgrade Construction Project in the amount of $93,487,320.00, and therefore authorizes the Executive Director to submit a request to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) to review the Bid Documents and to authorize funding The District’s Nitrogen Upgrade Construction Project. Mr. Sienna seconded the motion. Discussion Mr. Sienna wants the minutes to reflect this motion is not an action to go forward with this project. RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Adjournment MOTION: Mr. Sienna moved to adjourn. Mr. Sasso seconded the motion. RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m. Tuesday, February 21, 2012:00 The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on at 7 p.m. in the Administration Building, Cromwell, Connecticut. 6