1978/04/11developed by Jet Development Corporation, Berlin, Connecticut, Wildermere Road ~nd Treehill Road, Berlin, Connecticut, March 28, 1978. Scale 1"=40'. George ;armolinski, Associates". "Subdivision Plan, Deerfield Manor, Section 6, property )wned and developed by Jet Development Corporation, Berlin, Connecticut, WildermerE bad and Treehill Road, Berlin, Connecticut, March 1978, Scale 1"=40', George ~armolinski Associates". ~. Seelye indicated on the matter that it was adequate for the job the way that {re Jarmolinski presented it. The developer is planning to sell the lots as un- teveloped. The Engineering Department is satisfied with this as long as the lots ~onform with the site plan. Mr. Jarmolinski indicated they could do so. He also Lndicated that for all of the houses with the exception of the last two, sewers ~ill be below the cellar floor. Mr. Seelye concurred with that. ~fter discussion, Mr. Baccaro made a motion to grant preliminary approval to the 3ubdivision plan of Section 6, Deerfield Manor. Mr. Dobson seconded the motion. 4orion carried. ~. Pastuszak at this time, made a motion for site plan approval of Section 6, )eerfield Manor. Mr. Baccaro seconded the motion. Motion carried. 5. Age~da Item No. 3 was not heard. Agenda Item No. 4 was not heard. Agenda Item No. 5 - Other Commission Business. ~. Jeffrey Borghesi, representing Dukon Corporation, presented a site plan for ~xpansion of their property on Woodlawn Road for discussion. Mr. Seelye indicated ~hat they needed a letter as outlined in Section 8.03 of the Zoning Regulations. ~he letter should be signed by a principal of Dukon. letter from Richard Howard to Richard Woodhull, Chief of Water Supply at the ~tate Health Department, dated February 3, 1978, was read for the record. letter to Dr. Chotkowski from Theodore Willerford, Principal Sanitary Engineer, ~tate Health Department and dated March 13, 1978, was read for the record. letter from Philip Doran, Chairman, Berlin Historic District Commission to Harry ~ackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated March 15, 1978, was read for the record. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted Peter Baccaro, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, April 11, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. Members present: Chairman Rosso, Messrs. Baccaro and Piskorski. Also present Messrs. Dobson, alternate (sitting in for Joseph Hinchliffe), and Pastuszak, alternate (sitiing in for Joseph Stiano), Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer and Richard Howard, Assistant Town Engineer. 2. Agenda Item No. 2 - Preliminary and Final Subdivision approval - Lots 26, 26A, 26B, and 26C, Baxter Avenue, R & S Associates, owners. Mr. George Jarmolinski was present on behalf of the owners. Mr. Jarmolinski presented a map showing the "Proposed Subdivision of Block 91 to be developed by R & S Associates, Baxter Avenue, Berlin, Conn., March, 1978". Mr. Seelye indicated to the Commission that there were no engineering problems. Mr. Howard was only concerned as to whether or not the Commission would require sidewalks. Mr. Seelye noted to the Commission that there are no sidewalks at all on that street. He also mentioned that it is a three lot subdivision. After discussion, Mr. Piskorski made a motion to waive the requirement of the sidewalks. Seconded by Peter Baccaro. Motion carried. After the motion, the Commission discussed preliminary approval. Mr. Baccaro made a motion to grant preliminary approval. Seconded by Mr. Dobson. Motion carried. Mr. Jarmolinski, at this time, presented to the Commission a "Site Plan, Proposed Subdivision, Block 91, Baxter Avenue, R & S Associates, Berlin, Conn., March 14, 1978". Mr. Piskorski made a motion to approve the site plan. Mr. Baccaro seconded the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Rosso indicated that final approval was in order. Mr. Pastuszak made a motion to grant final approval. Mr. Baccaro seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. Agenda Item No. 3 - Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval - Mr. George Closson. Mr. Closson was present on his own behalf. He presented a map, "Sub- division of Lot 22, Block 83C, Property of George Closson, Webster Square Road, Berlin, Conn. - April 19, 1978". Mr. Closson noted to the Commission to separate on lot 1.455 acres on the northerr most line of Route 72, southern part of his property. Mr. Seelye indicated that the property conforms with zoning. After discussion, Chairman Rosso felt that preliminary approval was in order. Mr. Pastuszak made a motion to grant prelimin- ary approval. Mr. Dobson seconded the motion. Motion carried. At this time, Mr. Baccaro made a motion for final subdivision approval. Mr. Pastuszak seconded the motion. Motion carried. 4. Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion - no one appeared. 5. Agenda Item No. 5 - Other Commission Business. Mr. Alan Borghesi was present to discuss an addition to the Dukon building on Woodlawn Road. Mr. Borghesi indicated that Dukon had just completed an addition to their facilities. He noted that he believed two years ago Dukon received approval. They are now looking for approval of another addition. He submitted a plan for the Planning Commission's review. He believes it meets zoning regu- lations and this was confirmed that it did. Mr. Howard noted that the Engineerin~ Department wants a few more grades in the parking areas. Chairman Rosso received a letter from the Design Review Committee, and to them all the items were fine. It was the consensus of the Commission that Dukon met all requirements. Chairman Rosso wants a letter as required in Section 8.03 of the Zoning Regulations before the members can grant approval. After discussion, Mr. Piskorski made a motion to grant approval of the foundation. Mr. Pastuszak seconded the motion. Motion carried. At this time Mr. Seelye noted that the Commission will be discussing Hadfield's at their next meeting. Mr. Leonard Abrahamson appeared to discuss a site plan for Blue Ridge Heights. The Commission indicated that until they received a letter of approval from the Health Director they could not act on it. 6. Agenda Item 1 was discussed - Subdivision of Lots 6,7, 8,9 - Peck Street and Main Street. Mr. Richard Howard noted that the Board of Appeals had granted a variance to allow a subdivision to create a lot for a little house, a lot for the main house and garage, and lot for the office. Mr. Seelye suggested that the ' garage go with the little house. No action was taken. 7. Zone change - R-43 to R-21, LoDolce, Spruce Brook Road. After discussion, Mr. Piskor~ change from R-43 to R-21, on~ sewers. No second. Motion Mr. Pastuszak made a motion can be served by sanitary sE authorities, of adequate wat~ but not limited to Savage Hi2 would normally require sanit~ fire on Savage Hill concerns supply and pressure to serve The second item brought befo~ a zone change from general c( Felice Lupia on Lot 98, Bloc] Mr. Piskorski made a motion following reasons: 1. That it is in accordance 2. Adequate water and sewer Seconded by Mr. Dobson. Mot~ 8. Meeting adjourned at 10:~ ki made a motion to recommend approval of a zone y if the total area can be serviced by sanitary ,as lost for the lack of a second. .o recommend disapproval until such time as the area ~ers and also with the proof, from responsible :r supply and pressure for the entire area including 1, and the reasons for it: 1) good design practice .ry sewers for ½ acre lots or less; and 2) the recent the Commission in that there may be inadequate water the general area. 'e the Commission was a zone referral request for ~mmercial to residential R-15 for the property of ~ 82, located on the east side of Episcopal Road. ~o recommend zone change to be approved for the with the town plan of development. facilities are available. .on carried. O'clock. Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary