1977/12/06D D D 8. Other Co~nission Business - cont. Bill was submitted for services rendered from Nancy R. Smith, Secret~ry. Mr. B~ccaro m~de a motion to pay it. Mr. Piskorski m~de a second to the motion, (Motion cs~-ried.) 9. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. i~ECEIVED FOR FILING ~ ·-,r~ Respectfully submitted, ,~(.....~g~;-;~~-~', ,. . ]  cretary 1. ~ PLANNING COmmISSION MEETING w~s held Decmmber 6, 19~7, at 7:BO p.m. at the Berlin Town Hall, to discuss Subdivision of Lot ilo for Robert Dietrich on Cole ~ane and Norton Road. Members Present: Messrs. Roeso, Chairm~n; Baccaro, Piskorski,& Stiano. Alternates present: Messrs. Dobson sit~ing in for Mr. Mincliffe. 2. Mr. Dietrich presented a map to the Commission. "Subdivision, property of Robert Dietrich, Berlin, Counecticut, Hewitt Engineers, P.C. Consulting Engiueers, Berlin, Connecticut. June lB, 1977, Scale 1" = 40'. Revised 12/13/77" The following letters were read by Peter Baccaro for the record: 1. Letter to the Director of Public Works, Morgan Seelye, from Harry Jackaway, Town Counsel, dated Nov. BO, 1977. 2. Letter to Dr. Chotkowski from the Connecticut Health Department dated November 2B, 1977. 3. Letter to Hewitt Engineering from DEP, dated December l, 1977. 4. Letter to Mr. Rosso, Chairman from Dr. Chotkowski, Health Director. At this time~ the recomendations were m~de in each of the letters as follows: Letter from the Connecticut Health D~mrtment. 1. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, if they can, if accepted by the Fire District." 2. Mr. Dietrich replied, "no probleE." B. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes." L~tter from DEP. 1. Mr. Dietrich agreed. 2. ~r. Dietrich said, "yes." Mr. Seelye added, "that the developer shall provide a transfe s~itch and outlet for a portable generator." 3. Pit. Dietrich replied, "yes, both audio and visual." 4. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, the pla~ is to be reviewed by DEP." 5. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, other th~n the storage of the p~m~p, the maintainence and repair of the lc~ pressure system will be the home owuer's responsibility." 6. ~r. ~ietrich replied, "yes." 7. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, and in~iwidnal clean-out at each home." 8. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes." 9. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, and the complete unit to be maintained at the Kensington Fire District." 10. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes, according to the conditions of the Town Engineer, DEP and the home owners." 11. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yee." Mr. Roeso noted, "the developer has been apprised of this condition and has indicated that he will apply for a permit, if legally necessary." 12. Mr. Dietrich replied, "yes." "The consultant, Mr. Hewitt, will be in charge." Letter~ from Dr. Chotkowski~ Health Director. 1. Mr. Dietrich said, "yes." 2. Mr. Rosso stated, "the developer will utilize Mr. Hewitt to provide necessary inspections." 3. Mr. Rosso stated, "the maintainence and wiring is the responsibility of the home owner and the Kensington Fire District." Mr. Dietrich said, "yes." 5.Mr. Piskorski noted, '%~here the easement would be, we re,c, ognize the concern, it is felt however, that such an easement is not necessary. 6. The Commission noted, "closer attention will be given by this Commission to £~tur~ requests for zone changes, the environmental impact which could be caused by future zone change." At this time, Chairman Rosso wanted to know if there was a motion for final approval, subjec to compliance with all the items that were discussed. Mr. Piskorski made a motion for final approval, subject to the compliance with all of the items discussed. (Motion eemried. ) Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~e~-'----g Sec. Regular Meeting Berlin Planning Commission, December 13, 1977 was postponed due to inclement weather. Regular Meeting Berlin Planning Co~ission, December 27, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Ball. Members Present: Messrs. Rosso, Chairman; Stlano, Baccaro and Piskorski. Alternates: Messrs. Pastuszak sitting in for Mr. Hincliffe and Mr. Dobson. Also present: Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer and Richard Howard, Assistant Town Engineer. Agenda Item No. i - Release of Subdivision Bonds - Partridge ~Acres, New Britain Federal Savings & Loan Association. Attorney Stanley Traceski was present on behalf of New Britain Federal Savings and Loan. He wanted :elease of the bond. Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, presented a letter to the Commission for the record, dated December 7, 1977. ~m. Seelye indicated that the b~uk e~aeurs with that letter and noted that he had no objection to the bond being released, and stated that Attorney Jackaway has re- viewed the proposal and agreed with everything. Mr. Baccaro made a motion to table the item until the next meeting. Mr. Piskorski seconded it. (Motion carried.) Agenda ~tem No. 2 - Bond Reductions - Saddle Hill, Ridgewood, Earl Wicklund, Developer. Richard Howard represented this item. Mr. Howard stated that Section 2, Saddle Hill is proposed to be reduced to 91000; it is presently 939,500. Mr. Seelye noted all the work has been done. The Com~ission wanted to make sure that the developer was aware that he had to come up with a maintainence bond. Mr. Stiano made ~motion that the bond be reduced from 939,500 to 91000 subject to re- ceipt of a maintainence bond. Mr. Pastuszak seconded it. (Motion carried.) Saddle Hill, Section 3. Mr. Howard requested the present bond of $83,000 reduced to $33,000. Mr. Stiano made the motion. Mr. Piskorski seconded it. (Motion carried.) Ridgewood - Section 6. Mr. Howard rquested bond reduction from 931,OOO to 920,000. Mr. Piskorski made the motion and Mr. Baccaro seconded it. (Motion carried.)