1976/01/13and Albert O. Nilsson - "Lot 25 Blk 142 Sudivision Plan of property of Esther L and Albert Nilsson - Savage Hill Road, Berlin, Conn., R. D. Hewitt, Engr. 1"=40' ." He stated that the map is o.k. engineering wise and recommended approval. So voted on a motion made by Mr. Stlano, seconded by Mr. Conti. 7. Agenda Item 5 - Conveyance of Town Properties - A letter was read from the Mayor, dated December 1, 1975, asking for approval by this Commission for the Town to sell the old Police Station; the old Town Hall; the Selden School; and the old Percival School. It was voted on a motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Casttgliont that the Town dispose of these pieces of property, and also, that the Executive Board may wish to consider retaining a passageway from Percival Avenue to the new Percival School . 8. Site Plan Approval - Rowland Products - see October 28 Minutes, Item $ - It was noted that the letter required relative to Zoning Regulations 8:03:01 has been received. 9. The Minutes of the November 11 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Mr. Conti, by Mr. Stiano. 10. Meeting adjourned at 10 pm. Respectfully submitted, 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, ]January 13, 1976 at 7:30 pm. Members present: Messrs. Rosso, Bacoaro, and Stiano. Also, Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works. 2. Mr. Stiano was appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Agenda Item 1 - Public Hearing - Resubdivision - Ridgewood, Section V The Acting Secretary read the Call of the Hearing - "The Planning Commission of the Town of Berlin will hold a public hearing in Room 6 of the Berlin Town Hall, 240 KenSlngton Road, Berlin, Corm on Tuesday, Ianuary 13, 1976 at 7:30 pm at which time to consider the resubdfvision of Lot 15, Block 69 Timberwood Road, property, of Otto R. and Dolores Dalke; and Lot 15C, Lot lSD, Lot 1SE and Lot 15EE Block 69 of Ridgewood, Section 5, property of Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., proposed for approval by the Planning Commission of Berlin. At this hearing interested persons ~aay be heard and written communications received. Mr. Wicklund speaking for the proposal described the changes to be made - he has agreed to small piece of property from Lot 15C to Lot 15 to enable the Dalkes to connect to the storm drain; he proposes to divide the Lot 15E lnt) two building lots, which will meet zoning requirements, Lots and 15EE ; and explained technical changes to be made to lot lSD. Mr. Seelye stated that all the changes meet engineering requirements. No one spoke in opposition. The Chairman declared the Hearing adjourned at 7:45 pm. 4. Agenda Item 2 - Public Hearing - Subdivision, Lot 2, Block 74, Orchard Road The Acting Secretary read the Call of the Hearing - "The Planning Commission of the Town of Berlin will hold a public hearing in Room 6 of the Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road,Berlin, Conn. on Tuesday, Ianuary 13, 1976 at 7:45 pm at which time to consider the su~division of Lot 2, Block 74, Orcha~l Road and L ongview Drive, property of Demetrios'Mihalopoulos of Wethersfield, Ct proposed for approval by the Planning Commission of Berlin, At this hearing interested persons May be heard and written communications received." Mr.Angelo Clammella, developer, spoke in favor explaining that he has made all changes in accordWith the Engineering Dept. recommendations. This Subdivision will contain 6 lots on 18.5 acres. Mr. Mihalopoulos also spike in favor. No one spoke in opposition. The Chairman declared the Hearing adjourned at 7:50 pm. 494 5. Agenda Item 3- Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Lot 2, Block 74, Angelo Ciammella, Dev. see record of Public Hearing of this date and Minutes of December 9, 197S, item 3. The follo~ing map was presented - "Subdivision Plan Orchard Hill on Lot 2, Blk. 74, Orchard Rd. Kensington, Conn. 1"=40', dated Devember, 1975." Mr. Seelye stated that the few minor revisions' have been made and that the map meets engineerin, requirements, and he recommended that Preliminary Approval be granted. So voted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Stiano. 6. Agenda'~l~em 4 - Extension of Subdivision Approval - Blue Ridge Heights, Sec. V Item was not discussed as developer was not present. 7. Agenda Item 5- Resubdtvision Approval - Rldgewood, Section 5, Earl H. Wicklund, Developer. See record of Public Hearing of this date. Mr. Seelye stated that the map meets ali engineering requirements and recommended approval. Resubdivision approval was voted on a motion ma4e by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro. 8. Agenda Item 6- Bond Reductions - Rtdgewood Sections 3 and 5, Earl H. 'vVicklund; Developer Mr. Wtcklund is requesting the following:- Section 3 - Timberwood Road - reduce bond from $42,800 to no dollars Section 5 - Misty Mtn Road and Shady Notch - reduce bond from $99,500 to $69,000 Mr. Seelye stated that the Engineering Dept. has checked out these requests; Tlmberwood Road ha been accepted by the Town; the $69,000 for Section S is satisfactory; and he recommended that the requests be granted. So voted on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to ~=duce the bond on Sect 3 from $42,500 to no dollars; and on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Stiano, to reduce the bond on Section S from $99,500 to $69,000. 9. Agenda Item 7 - Subdivision Discussion - Main Street, East Berlin, Earl H. Wicklund, Dev. Mr. '~Vlcklund presented a sketch map showing the plans for the development of this parcel of land- he proposed two streets off Main Street, Street A and Street B both .en~lng in cul-de-sacs with 33 lots facing on them. A possible connection to Mattabassett Street Extension was discussed. It was agreed to hold a Public Hearing ~n this proposal on Tuesday, Feb. 24. 10. Spruce Brook Industrial Park - Berlin Conn., George Iarmolinski Mr. Iarmolinsk! stopped in to request permission to submit the plans on 80 scale maps. Preliminary Map - 1 sheet 80 scale Final Map 2 sheets 80 scale Individual Lots 40 scale Mr. Seelye stated that this would not inconvenience the Engineering Dept. and he recommended that we allow this. It was the sense of the meeting that we do so. 11. Announcement was made of the Hartford County Soil and Water Commission Annual Meeting to be held on January 21 at 2 pm. 12. It was agreed to hold our regular meetings on the 2nd. and 4th Tuesdays if each month during 1976 and to so inform the Town Clerk. 13. The Minutes of the December 9 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by'Mr. Baccaro. 14. Meeting adjourned at 10 pm. , ,jo~eph~Spectfull y submitted, Stiano, Acting Secretary