1974/06/115. Bond Reduction - Griswold Road - Section V of Woodcliffe Mr. Seelye stated that it has been brought to his attention that there is a $2500 bond outstanding on the portion of Griswold Road in Section V. This portion of Griswold Road has been accepted by the Town, and Mr, Seelye recommended that we release the bond. Mt. Stiano made a motion, seconded by Mr. Quirk, that if the $2500 bond actually exists on Section V of Woodcliffe that it be released. So voted. 6. Proposed Race Track - Middletown,Conn. Mr. Shannon reported that the Town of Middletown is going to have a Public Hearing relative to the wetlands which would become a portion of the proposed race track. It was the sense of the meeting that Tom Shannon should attend this Hearing and express the concern of the Planning Commission relative to the wetland as the proposed race track will border Berlin in the Kirby Street area. 7, Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Respectfull~y submitted, ~DirYo Conti, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission June 11, 1974 at 8:45 pm Members present~ Messrs. Rosso, Conti, and Joe Stiano at 9:30 Also Mr. Castiglioni Alternate sitting in for Mr. Hinchliffe. Also, Morgan Seelye, Dir. of Public Works and Tom Shannon, Asst. Town Engrg. 2. Agenda Item 2 - Preliminary Subdivision Approval - S~ction 3 Ridgewood, Earl H. Wicklund, Inc., owner. Mr. Wicklund submitted for Preliminary approval and Road Layout a map showing Section 3 which contains 25 lots on~ a dead end road ooming off Robbins Road. Mr. Seelye stated that this preliminary map meet? all requirements byt that before' final approval is given we require a site paln and an Agreement between the developer and the Town and the Kensington Fire District relative to water service sanitary sewers. Mr. Wicklund stated he is requesting approval of the road design at this time so that he can begin work at the intersection of the proposed road and Robbins Road at the same time the Town is rebuilidng Robbins Road in this area. On the recommendation of Mr. Seelye, and on a motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni, it was voted to grant preliminary approval. Approval of the road layout for this Section was granted on a motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni, 3. Agenda Item 3, Preliminary Subdivision Approval Section 3, Deerfield Manor Dalco, Inc., owner Mr. Landry presented a map of this Section showing 11 lots on Kramer Road which connects Lower Lane to Peter Parley Row. Mr. Seelye stated that the Site Plan is required before Final approval can be given. Mr. Landry will proceed to have prepared a Plan for both preliminary and final approva. This should be ready for consideration at our next meeting. 4. agenda Item 4 - Bond Reductions Sections 1 and 2 Deerfield Manor, Dalco, Inc. Owner. Mr. Seelye recommended that Section I bond be reduced by $5,750 - so voted, motio by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni. Mr. Seelye recommended that Section 2 bond be reduced by $4,750 - so voted on a moriton by Mr. Castiglioni, seconded by Mr. Conti. 5. Site Plan Approval - P.I. Zone - Woodlawn Road - Molding Systems, Inc. Mr. Norman Howe, and Mr. Jeff Borghese of Borghese Bldg. & Eng. Co., Inc. appeared and presented a site plan for an addition to Molding Systems,Inc. on Woodlawn RoaS, Their letter of June 10 answered all questions in par. the Zoning Regulations. The Plan also incorporates all the recommendations of the Design Review Committee as stated in their letter of June 4. Recommendations made by the Engineering Dept also appear on the map. It was note~ that any future plans for signs and/or exterior lighting would have to be approved by this Commission Mr. Seelye recommended that we approve the Site Plan under the conditions of and June 11, 1974 cont'd Par. 8.03.01 of the Zoning Regulations with the condition that any future plans lo.signs or exterior lighting must have our approval. So voted on a motion by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni. 6. Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Section 3 Mountain View - Dutkiewicz' Assoc., owner. Mr. Seelye stated that the map presented reflects all the changes he recommende~ to their engineer, Igor Veschesloff; Site Plan also meets the requirements of thc Engineering Dept.; still needed is the Health Director's approval. It was voted on a motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Castiglioni to grantl preliminary approval to Section 3 subject to the Health Director's approval. ?. Agenda Item ? - Establishment of Street Lines - Norton Road - It was agreed that no action would be taken until our next meeting when we shoul~ have the transcripts of the tape. 8. Spruce Glen Subdivision - R. W. Schrager, owner & developer Mr. Seelye reported that he received a letter from Dr. Chotkowski,Health Dir. dated June 6 recommending that subdivisions should be served by public water when it is available and not by private wells. A copy of this letter was sent to Mr. Schrager by Mr. Seelye. It was agreed that before we take any action on granting final approval to this subdivision that we should ask the Town Counsel to determine how the State Statute applies in this particular subdivision. 9. Zoning Referral The following Zoning Referral was received and acted upon - Request of Geo. A. Closson for a zone change from Planned Shopping to Retail Business on Lot #22, Block #83-C located on the east side of Webster Square Rd. south of the intersection of Webster Square Road andWoodlawn Road. On a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Conti, it was voted that we recommend disapproval of the zone change request for the following reasnns~ 1.The requested zone change is contrary to the Town Plan of Development. 2. Site Plan approval authority would be lost by the Planning Commission if zone were changed. This is contrary to our recommendations in the past. The present philosophy of the Planning Commission is that site plan approval authority be granted to the Planning Commission for development in all zones. This recom- mendation is contained in the recently adopted Town Plan of Development. 10. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Lin~'Conti, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, June 25, 1974 at 8:30 pm Members present Messrs. Rosso, Conti, Hinchliffe, and Stiano. Mr. Lund, alternate sitting in for Mr. Bacearo. Also, Messrs. Castiglioni and Quirk, alternates. Also, Mr. Seelye, Dir. of Public Works; and Mr. Shannon of the Engineering Dept. 2. Subdivision Discussion - Lot 10-Block 108, Lower Lane - Walter and Sophie Cieniewicz, owners. Mr. Cieniewicz presented a three lot subdivision of his property on Lower Lane- one lot contains his present house, one lot will be retained by him for future possi ~ development when water is available, and the third lot will be conveyed to T & M Builders, for development. This lot is described on the map as Parcel Parcel "A" contains about 30 acres and abuts SUction IV of the Dalco property which Section has been purchased by T & M Builders. T & 5~ Builders plan to develop 50 building lots on this parcel, access would be from Sectbn IV of the Dalco Property - Deerfield Manor. It was brought out in the discussion that there might be a need for an emergency access to this area from Lower Lane. This could be achieved by se of a 20' r-o-w now owned by Mr. Cieniewicz between the T.B. Farrell and E.C. Barriello properties. This r-o-w could either be conveyedl to the Town by Mr. Cieniew~cz or an easement could be given to the Town. No action was taken on Mr. Cieniewicz' proposed Subdivision but he will have the proper plans drawn for our future action.