2010-07-13 TOWN OF BERLIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010 ROOM 8 - BERLIN TOWN HALL - 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Guy Hoffman, Vice-Chairman James Matulis Karl G. Lewis Robert Ramsey Patricia T. Bigelow Joseph Mazza Members Absent: Steven Sokolowski Rev. Frederick Raap Guest: Tom Heisler, Berlin Land Trust Staff: Hellyn Riggins, Dir. of Development Services Juliet Benjamin, Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 6:35 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Tim Andiric Pat Jasmiewicz, RDOG Debbie Ladd, RDOG Matt Padelli Pat Jasmiewicz from RDOG said that she will no longer be head of the RDOG group and has been walking her dog in Walnut Hill Park on the one mile route. She noted that she had searched on line for dog parks and that Bicentennial Park was not on the list. She also stated that she originally had the idea to move the bench in the park, but it was moved back again. She heard that it was because the bench was in the sun. She thanked the Conservation Commission for their efforts and offered her services if the commission ever needs a volunteer to work on a project. Debbie Ladd will be one of the people taking over the RDOG group and she provided her phone number and email to Chairman DeLorenzo and asked to be kept informed of any issues. Matt Padelli, also with the RDOG group asked about the proposed parking lot. Chairman DeLorenzo stated that the Town Council is in the process of gathering information from everyone and they will try to come up with a solution regarding the parking area. He noted it is in the hands of the Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes -7/13/2010 - Page 2 Town Council and Town Manager and this commission would not be discussing it further tonight. Bluebird Boxes – Tim Andiric, who is associated with nestwatch.org, a project sponsored by the Cornell University Ornithology Department made a presentation to the commission regarding placing Bluebird Boxes in the Hatchery Brook Conservation area and also Pistol Creek. Mr. Andiric noted that he would like to put up two or three additional Bluebird nesting boxes on the trail marker poles in the Hatchery Brook Conservation area. He explained that he does this as a hobby and nest watches and takes pictures and researches the birds as they nest and the brood grows. He noted that the Bluebird was an endangered species but because of the nesting boxes they are now at an acceptable level. These boxes are specifically sized for Bluebirds, although other small species of bird’s do occasionally use the nesting boxes. Dir. Development Services Riggins explained that Mr. Andiric needs to put a request in writing and the Conservation Commission needs a motion if they are in favor of the nesting boxes. Ms. Riggins said that she would ask for guidance from Town Manager McNair. After discussion, Commissioner Matulis made a motion to allow Mr. Andiric to place Bluebird Boxes in the Hatchery Brook and Pistol Creek properties. Commissioner Lewis seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tuesday, June 8, 2010: Commissioner Lewis made a motion to accept the Second Revision of the Minutes of Tuesday, June 8, 2010 as written. Commissioner Matulis seconded the motion & they were unanimously approved. 4. NEW BUSINESS: l. Estates of Berlin, LLC, and Applicant – Beckley Farms, Owner – Age- Restricted Residential Development – Dir. Development Services Riggins stated that a new developer has taken over the Beckley Farms project and will be building mostly single family and duplex buildings. The original proposal for this project included five multi-family buildings, but they have been eliminated in the new plan. The plan has to go back to Wetlands for review. It was felt that it will be good to see this project completed. Ms. Riggins noted that the open space on the property has been previously deeded to the Town. Chairman DeLorenzo stated that he would like to see new developers become more environmentally conscious. There are a lot of things that could be done to make these types of projects environmentally friendly, such as underground storage tanks for rainwater. Ms. Riggins will provide the commission with a copy of an article about the flooding in Nashville that relates to this issue. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. USE OF TOWN LANDS – Hatchery Brook Community Garden Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes -7/13/2010 - Page 3 Commissioner Bigelow reported that the Community Garden is going great and the new well is also working well. She noted that they are having a work day next Saturday, July 17 and they will be weeding and spreading bark mulch. th Sunflowers have been planted on the extra plot and some adjacent gardeners will be taking care of them. Commissioner Bigelow said that she has filed a purchase order request for $63.00 for signs for the well and to remind people to lock up the well. To date $650.00 has been collected from the lease of the plots and more is to come. She is looking for a donation of a picnic table and Commissioners suggested she contact the DEP in Portland. They have lumber and they build picnic tables. Education Program for Neighbors of Open Space/Karen Pierson: No discussion was held on this item. B. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION - C. OPEN SPACE PUBLICATION – KAREN L. PIERSON – OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT PLAN D. HATCHERY BROOK CONSERVATION AREA/LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Open Space Signs 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioners discussed the new POCD Commission that is being formed to review and study the last document and make either a new document or enhance the existing. They agreed that the last POCD was basically a good document with a lot of good things in it. Commissioner Bigelow noted that in Rocky Hill a new dog park is set to open. People got together and got private funding and made their own park. August Meeting – Commissioners were in agreement to cancel the August meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 10. Commissioner Matulis made a th motion to cancel the August meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ramsey and unanimously approved. 7. CORRESPONDENCE: 8. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Matulis moved to adjourn the meeting @8:05 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lewis & unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary