1973/03/2710. Voted Lo pay the C.F.Z.P.A. Annual dues of $50.00 on motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Conti. 11. All members were reminded of the C.F.Z.P.A. Annual Meeting at the Lord Cromwell on Thursday, March 29. 12 · Request of John Trevethan to purchase 15' of Town property at the end of Wilcox Court A letter from the First Selectman to Trevethan,stating that when more information is received from the Planning Commission and the Engineering Dept. relative to their recommendations on this request he will be notified, was read and placed on file. 13. The Minutes of the Feb. 27 Meeting were approved on motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Stiano. 14. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 am. Res pectfull y submitted, Lino Conti, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission March 27, 1973 at 7:30 pm. Members present: Messrs. Rosso, Gonti, Baccaro, Hinchliffe, and Stiano. Also, Alternates, Messrs. Castiglioni and Quirk; and Mr. Seelye, Dir. of Public Wfrks 2. Agenda Item 4 - Baretta Provision, Commerce St. - see item 7, March 13 Mr. Baretta presented the following building and site plan '~ Baretta Provision, Commerce St. East Berlin, Conn. dated March 20, 1973. 1"=20', Design by G. P. Hermanowski for Design Review Committee." The plan presented was prepared by Mr. Hermanowski for the Design Review Committe and it also included a planting plan. A letter to the Commission from the Design Review Committee, dated March 20, 1973 was read. This included recommendations for structure and for the site. Mr Baretta has agreed to the recommendations contained in this although both he and the Commission questioned the use of Boston Ivy or other suitable vine growing on side wails, as they could become nesting places for rodents. Mr. Seelye recommended and the Commission agreed that any approval should incude that the parking lot, driveway, and side;walks should be paved with bituminous concrete. Mr. Baretta agreed to this recommendation. Mr. Baretta stated that he should be able tohave this project completed by June 30, 1973 Mr. Hinchliffe made a motion, seconded by Mr. Conti, to approve the structure, site, and planting plan as submitted, dated March 20, with the addition of paving the driveway, parking lot, and sidewalk with bituminous concrete. So voted. 3. Deerfield Manor -Agenda Item 1 - Preliminary Discussion of Section f:2 and ~3, Dalco,Inc. Mr. Landry, representing Dalco, presented the following maps for discussion "Deerfield Manor preliminary lot layout, subdivision of property owned and developed by Da[co, Inc., 1200 Farmin~ ton Ave., Berlin, Conn. on Lower Lane, Berlin, Conn., dated March 1972 l"=60',G.S.Jarmolinski. A 40 scale map showing a suggested lot layout for Section 2, which will contain 10 lots on Valley Drive, dated Feb. 1973; and a 40 scale map showing a suggested lot layout for Sect. 3 which will contain 11 lots on Deerffeld Lane, were presented. This subdivision will be served by public water and sewers, sidewalks, and underground electric power. Mr. Seelye stated that site plans are required, this is routine and their engineer has been advised; site plan for green belt is also required; also it should be determined if lawn drains will be required. Mr. Seelye presented a set of the plans which has been reviewed by the Engineering Dept. and their recommended changes are indicated on the maps. This setof plans was turned over to Mr. Landry and they were asked to work with the Engineering Dept. onpreparing preliminary plans 4.Agenda Item 2 - Banner Land Co. Orchard Road - see Item 2, March 13 Was not discussed, developer was not present. 5. Polymer Machine Corp. Agenda Item 3 - Site Plan Approval - see Item 6, March 13 Minutes. Mr. Jack Fuller, President of Polymer Machine appeared to discuss his plans with the Commission. A letter to the Commission from the Design Review Committee, dated March 20 was read and discussed. This referred~D their meeting of March 20 with Messrs. Borghese and Howe of Borghese Building Co. This letter contained structure and site recommendations agreed upon at the meeting. Mr. Fuller took exception to some of the recommendations as proposed as the result of this meeting, stating that as much as he agreed that the recommend~_~10.na themselves had merit his Company did not have the.necessary capital budgeted to provide for them. lie proposed the following (1) exterior material to be used on other than office wall, cement blocks covered with white stucco and divided by pilasters as shown on the plan submitted, (2) loading doors to be on front or south side of the building with entrance offset eastward and screened with plants, (trucks could come,into parking lot turn east and then back up to the loading doors as shown on the plan submitted, (3) parking lot as shown on their proposed plan submitted on the front and sides of the building as opposed to all parking on the west side with loading dock in the rear of the buidling as suggested by the D.R.C. These proposals were discussed and the following suggestions are made (1) treatment of exterior walls was accepted as set forth by Mr. Fuller; (2) location of loading doors and proposed screening were accepted as shown on plan presented by Mr. Fuller (3) parking lot - move 7-1/2" closer to the building, curve corners, add plants in the triangles created by curving the cornens, mounding for plants to be contained within limits of Polymer property; and (4) an effort should be made by Polymer to save the specimen trees on the property marked by the D.R.C. In addition to suggestions (1) and (2) above, Polymenr has agreed to suggestions (3) and (4). It was also agreed that all driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks will be constructed of bituminous concrete. The following was also agreed (1) Building will be sited on property as shown on the map presented by Mr. Fuller (2) any mechanical equipment such as air conditioners and/or dumpsters willhe screened, and (3) bituminous roiled curbing will be used around entire parking area and driveway area. Mr. Baccaro made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to approve the plans for the Polymer Mach. Corp. based on the above agreements. So voted. 6. Twin Spruce I~fotel - Mr. & Mrs. Dabkus, owner and mar~ers Mr. & Mrs. Dabkus presented a sketch plan of the Twin Spruce Mote[ site showing a house to be built in the rear, connected to the motel by the office and lobby, which will be used by them as their dwelling. Their original request was for the 'upper floor of the house to be used as the dwelling and the lower floor to be divided into two motel units. If they were to do this they would be in variance with the Zoning Regulations Section 11:85:01 relative to side yard requirements. They stated that the Building Inspector had also advised them of this problem. They agreed to withdraw the request for inclusion of the motel units and to request approval only on the house as shown on the plan. They also presented detailed4rawing of the house which is a one-story ranch type. Mr. Stiano made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to grant approval for the construction of a house to be used by the owner or manager as specified in par. 11.85.01 (a) of the Zoning Regulations. The proposed motel units will not be considered as part of this approval, as agreed to by the owners. This approval is contingent upon set backs for the proposed building being in compliance with zoning regulations. So voted. 7. Request of ~ohn Trevethan to purchase I5' of Town property at the end of Wilcox Court - see item 12, March 13 Minutes. On motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Conti, this subject was tabled until we have more information from lhe Park & Recreation Commission. 8. Agenda Item 6 - Zoning Referral Mr. Rosso presented a request for a zoning change from R43 to R15 on the west side of Savage Hill Road, dated ~une 24, 1972, 1"=200' 7ames F. Kissane, C.E. & It was agreed to defer action on the referral until we have more information from both the Conservation Coramission and the Water & Sewer Commission. Mr. Seelye will solicit their comments. 9. Proposed Shopping Center - Mill St. Geo. Psillas, owner - see Minutes of March 13,Item 5. A letter was received from the Design Review Committee, dated March 20 stating that they had met with Mr. Psillas but since a plan was not available a formal review was not held. The following was discussed. a. Mr. Psillas does not want to change the basic character of the present diner, believes it would result in the loss of many of his present customers. b. The Committe suggested he consider making the proposed shopping area completely separate from the diner, possibly with a connecting pedestrian walkway. A Committee member offered to prepare a plan showing such a solution. c. Parking in front of the diner should only be allowed if the parking area is separated by a sidewalk and planted buffer. 10. Hartford County Soil and Water Conservation District - Funding Request - Mr. Seelye presented a request he had received from.the above District for contributions to enable them to expand their services to the Towns. Mr. Seelye wrote to the Chairmen of the Planning Commission and Conservation Commission recommending that they and the Engineering Dept. each contribute $100., a total of $300. from the Town. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Stiano, to contribul~$100, and that a letter should be written to the Board of Finance advising them of our action and recommending that our contribution be included with any other contributions which might be voted by the Conservation Commission and/or Engineering Dept. So voted. 11. Agenda Item 7 - Discussion - Subdivision Regulations Revisions Mr.Seelye discussed briefly a number of suggested revisions to be made to the Subdivision Regulations. He will have these prepared in written form for our review before presenting them at a Public Hearing. April 24 was tentatively set for the Public Hearing. 12. The Minutes of the March 13 Meeting were approved on motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe. 13. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Line Conti, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Town Planning Commission April 10, 1973 at 7:30 pm Members present: Messrs. Rosso, Baccaro, Stiano, and Hinchliffe, Also Mr. Castiflioni, Alternate, sitting in for Mr. Conti. Also, Mr. Seelye, Dtr of Public Works. 2. Mr. Baccaro was appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Belle Vue Acres - see Item 8, Feb. 13 Minutes Mr. Roland Nadeau presented the following plan requesting final approval pending installation of sanitary sewers - "Final Plan - Belle Vue Acres - Section 5 - Subdivision of property owned and developed ~y Roland Nadeau 226 Middletwon Road, Berlin, Conn., Renee Drive, Berlin, Conn. dated October 1972, G.S. Jarmolinski 1"=40" Rev. Jan, 1973. This Section contains 8 lots on the eastern side of Renee Drive. Mr. Seelye recommended that a 50' strip should be reserved for a future road to connect to the rear property so that if this property is ever developed it would have more than one exit. This recommendation was discussed at great length. Three means to accomplish this were discussed (1) the proposed Lot ~-8Q to contain the r-o-w and any house built on 8Q to face on the proposed r-o-w. This would mean that Mr. Nadeau would have to devleop that portion of the r-o-w fronting on the building lot ~fSQ, (2) change the side lot line of 8R and give a "V" shape piece to 8Q. This would enlarge 8Q to accommodate a right of way to the property to the rear and be large enough so that a house could face on Renee Drive, (3) develop the lots as in (9) but face the house on the r-o-w in such a way that it has the correct set backs. Using this scheme Mr. Nadeau would not have to, at this time, develop the r-o-w, the driveway to the house on lot 8Q could be from Renee Drive, and he would not lose a building lot.