2010-08-11 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2010 Members Present: Frank Steele, Chairman Elizabeth Bennett, Vice Chairman Donna Moore Sharon Powell Elaine Borselle Carol Welz Jane Sorbo John Day Juliet Benjamin, Recording Secretary Absent: Dawn Stepensky Staff in Attendance: Cathy Nelson, Interim Library Director 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Steele called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES, Wednesday, July 14, 2010: Interim Dir. Nelson added “and children’s CD ROMS” to Page 2, Policy & Bylaws Committee, last paragraph. Carol Welz made a motion to accept the Minutes of July 14, 2010 as amended. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Bennett and unanimously approved. 4. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT – DIRECTOR/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Directors Report – Interim Dir. Nelson distributed a flier on “Berlin Connecticut in the Civil War”, an index to soldier’s monuments. Go to www.berlinpeck.lib.ct.us click on Local History and for information on Berlin in the Civil War click: http://berlincivilwar.pbworks.com/ All Civil War soldiers associated with Berlin have been entered into this database. Circulation of items at the Library was discussed and Chairman Steel asked whether electronic books have had an effect on library circulation. Interim Dir. Nelson did not think so, but she noted that the library does not yet keep track of database downloads. This might be something that the future director might request. Interim Dir. Nelson reviewed the Five Year Capital Request Plan with the Library Board and discussed each item. The request will be submitted in September. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 8/11/2010 - Page 2 Interim Dir. Nelson submitted a draft copy of changes to the Study Room Policy. She noted that additions are shown in red and items to be removed in blue. After review by the Library Board, Elizabeth Bennett made a motion to accept the changes to the Study Room Policy. Donna Moore seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Interim Dir. Nelson will distribute final copies to the Board at the next meeting. Interim Dir. Nelson also distributed revised pages for Fines and Loan Periods, along with a new Table of Contents for Library Board member’s books. She noted that if anyone is missing any pages they can contact her at her email address cnelson@libraryconnection.info and she will send out copies. Interim Dir. Nelson reviewed the budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 noting that some accounts show that large percentages have been used up. This is deceiving because the amounts are actually only encumbered to suppliers for books, etc., and the amounts have not yet been spent. 5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Steele stated that he will not be at the September meeting. Interviews for a new Library Director will be held starting tomorrow at 1:00 PM for five applicants and three applicants on Friday. Chairman Steele, Elizabeth Bennett, Denise Bard, Dir. Human Resources and Rob Simon Director of the Canton Library will be on the interview committee. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: ? Budget Committee Current Budget FY2009-2010 – See Director’s Report ? Friends Committee Interim Dir. Nelson stated that the Friends do not meet during the summer, so she did not have an update on the group. ? Personnel Committee ? Policy and Bylaws Committee ? First Floor Expansion Committee 7. COMMUNICATIONS: 8. OLD BUSINESS: 9. NEW BUSINESS: Sharon Powell said that a patron had expressed a concern that she sometimes has trouble getting the second volume of a trilogy set of books. Interim Dir. Nelson stated that the library really has no control over this because some trilogies have lapses of a year or more between books. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes – 8/11/2010 - Page 3 10. ADJOURNMENT: Elizabeth Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM. The motion was seconded by Sharon Powell and unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Recording Secretary