2010-02-08 TOWN OF BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2010 BERLIN TOWN HALL APPROVED 7:00 P.M. – ROOM 8 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: David Cyr, Chairman Edward Egazarian, Vice-Chairman Peter Campanelli Peter Rosso Thomas Veronesi ABSENT: Michael Bragulla Christine Fairwood, Treasurer STAFF: James Mahoney, Economic Development Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary GUEST: Kate Fuechsel, Executive Dir. Berlin Chamber of Commerce Chairman Cyr called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 1. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Kate Fuechsel, Executive Dir. Berlin Chamber of Commerce – Ms Fuechsel noted that the Berlin Chamber of Commerce 57 Annual Meeting & th Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, March 26, 2010 at the Hawthorne Inn, 5:30 social and 6:30 dinner. She asked for suggestions of possible award candidates and distributed a list of past award recipients of Berlin Chamber of Commerce Awards, Town of Berlin Awards & Celebrate Berlin Awards. She noted that the Chamber will be doing a new directory, which should be complete by December. Copies of the existing directory are still available at her office and at the Town Hall. The new Liberty Bank on Farmington Ave held a ribbon cutting ceremony on February 4. th 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2010: Commissioner Egazarian made a motion to accept the Minutes of Monday, January 11, 2010 as written. Commissioner Campanelli seconded the motion and they were unanimously approved. 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Page 2 Town of Berlin Economic Development Commission February 8, 2010 Chairman Cyr stated that the office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer are open to any member of the commission wishing to serve. Chairman - Commissioner Campanelli nominated David Cyr as Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Egazarian and unanimously approved. Vice-Chairman - Commissioner Campanelli nominated Edward Egazarian as Vice-Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Peter Rosso and unanimously approved. Treasurer – Commissioner Rosso nominated Christine Fairwood as Treasurer. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Campanelli and unanimously approved. 4. FINANCIAL REPORT: Dir. Mahoney noted that the financial statement that was in the agenda package was up to date and in order. He noted that monies have not yet been spent from the revolving fund. 5. DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION: None. 6. SHERWOOD TOOL PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: Dir. Mahoney stated that Phase I of the project is moving along and Building Permits have been issued for the first twenty-four units. 7. HOUSING INCENTIVE ZONE APPLICATION/TRAIN STATION AREA: Dir. Mahoney stated that Metro Realty has re-submitted proposals to Planning & Zoning for 76 apartments on Deming Rd and 16 apartments on Bacon Lane. 8. PROMOTION: ? Marketing vacant space - Dir. Mahoney has checked with CERC about listing properties in Berlin. ? Awards – Commissioners reviewed possible candidates for Economic Development Awards from the Town of Berlin. After discussion it was agreed that the following firms be recipients of awards. 2010 Business of the Year, B & F Machine; Developer of the Year, Metro Realty; Volunteer of the Year, Michael DeLorenzo; Regional Economic Assistance Award, Metro Hartford Alliance/CRCOG Capital Region Council of Government and Beautification Award be given to two recipients, ABC Supply and Liberty Bank. ? Commissioner Rosso also made a motion to have the Town of Berlin, as in the past, sponsor a Premiere Sponsorship with the Chamber of Page 3 Town of Berlin Economic Development Commission February 8, 2010 Commerce, at a cost of $1,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campanelli and unanimously approved. 9. INCENTIVE PROGRAMS (TAX ABATEMENT & FAÇADE ENHANCEMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE LOAN PROGRAM: 10. GRANTS: ? Berlin Veteran’s Memorial Park/Streetscape – Regarding the Streetscape, Dir. Mahoney discussed the determination of the Flood Management Certification that the project can be considered a minor application. He noted that 14 proposed trees and a street sign have to be removed from the plan because they are in the floodway. A final signoff is still needed from the Department of Transportation. He expects that the Town should be able to go out to bid in about a month. The Flood Management Certification for the Berlin Veteran’s Memorial Park cannot be considered as a minor application. This Flood Management Certification Application process will take about four months. ? Train Station – Dir Mahoney stated that he has not received the final report from the consultant, but he expects it in the near future. 11. DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION: ? Street Clocks 12. LEGISLATION: Nothing new on this item. 13. PUBLIC RELATIONS: ? Street Signs ? Gateway Signs ? A Periodic Column in the Citizen ? Photos for Display – 14. SPONSORS FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: 15. PLAN OF CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE: ? Discussion of TEDS sites – Dir. Mahoney discussed the Golden Triangle site, which is one of the targeted economic development sites. The site is approximately 136 acres and because the ownership is fragmented it has been difficult for a developer to get purchase agreements on all of the properties. Dir. Mahoney noted that challenges also exist because there are large yard zoning requirements in relation to the size and shape of the lots. For example, the front yard requirement is 200’. The Page 4 Town of Berlin Economic Development Commission February 8, 2010 area lends itself to a large scale development and would be difficult to develop on a lot by lot basis. Some of the other ideas discussed were: 1) Physical Conditions: ? Slopes ? Wetlands/Floodplain ? Point of access on Turnpike ? Median cut ? Point of access on Middletown Road? ? Utilities 2) Planning – What is our vision for the area? Has it changed sing 2007? 3) Zoning ? Large minimum lot size and large yard requirements make it difficult for existing odd shaped “narrow” or “shallow” existing lots. This comment is from a zoning hearing, “There are 7 frontage lots in this zone, 3 are developed and 4 are vacant. They range in size from 1.4 to 2.62 acres. The minimum lot size for the SPDD zone is 20 acres. The SPDD front yard setback is 200 feet and the side and rear yards are 100 feet. These distances are halved for existing non-conforming lots. Even with the setbacks halved, owners find it difficult to develop the lots because the development envelope is small and often narrow –some of the parcels are wide and shallow (example 405’ frontage and 150’ depth) and others narrow and deep (example 211’ frontage and 640’ deep).” ? Consider eliminating the overlays. With respect to the residential zone overlays – let it happen through a zone change. ? Consider eliminating the SPDD-2 Zone, make it BT-2. Now that we have updated design standards and landscaping standards, etc., SPDD-2 is no longer needed. ? Note – all uses are Special Permit. This can be cumbersome, especially for smaller developments. ? Consider reducing the required commercial development before residential, from 250,000 square feet to 150,000 square feet. ? Ask realtors for suggestions regarding changes to permitted uses in the zoning (based on development trends they observe elsewhere). ? Uses Do we want multifamily uses? Should they be limited in %? o Should they be limited to the eastern portion of the site? At what density? How about mixed use with retail on the first floor and residential o above? Should medical offices be permitted? o Should “Big Box” retail be excluded or just limited? o The way it stands, it is likely that a large scale development would o require zoning amendments. Should we “predict” the direction of the amendments and act preemptively or should we wait and respond to a proposed development scenario? Page 5 Town of Berlin Economic Development Commission February 8, 2010 Under the current zoning rules development of the small non- o conforming parcels is difficult. Is there a scenario involving development or redevelopment of the o small non-conforming parcels that we would view as desirable/that we should encourage? What if smaller parcels were combined but on a limited scale (say o clusters of 2 or 3)? Should the zoning be modified to encourage limited assemblage? Dir. Mahoney also noted that Planning & Zoning will be setting up a new POC&D Commission to put together a new Plan of Conservation & Development. 16. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Dir. Mahoney noted that the Town has given approval to file for a Brownfield’s Grant for the property at 889 Farmington Ave. He will be working on the grant application, which is due on March 1. st 17. OTHER MATTERS: 18. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Veronesi made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campanelli & unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary