2009-11-18 TOWN OF BERLIN CEMETERY COMMITTEE Wednesday November 18, 2009 Caucus Room A Berlin Town Hall 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Ronald Lindgren Chuck Warner Richard D. Poudrier Anthony DeGrandi Guest Present: Robert Nieman 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lindgren called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2.ROLL CALL All regular members present. OLD BUSINESS 3. Members explained to Mr. Nieman what we hope to accomplish with the Town Cemeteries. We all agreed Christian Lane Cemetery would be the first to be done. Mr. Nieman said he sets up the Eagle Scout project and he is looking to February to select a candidate. From that time forward the scout will be conducting research and planning for the actual work to be done during the summer months. Mr. Nieman will be back to us in February or March with an update. NEW BUSINESS 5. Mr. Warner suggested we request a line item in the 2010-2011 Town Budget of $1,000.00 to give us a foundation to work upon. Letters were mailed to funeral directors and churches in the general area but as yet we have not heard from anyone. Members agree to cancel our scheduled meeting for December 2009. ADJOURNMENT 6. MOTION was made by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. DeGrandi and VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman