1970/05/26.................................... I327 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, May 26, 1970 at 7'30 pm Members · present: Nunzio Rosso serving as Chairman, Peter Baccaro, and Roy Byrne. Aldo Castiglioni I attended at 9:30. Also, Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works. 2. Mr. Byrne was appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Robert Pollock of Brown, Donald & Donald, C.D.A.P. Consultants, reviewed Plan of Development - Scope of Service & Work Schedule. He will meet with the Commission as required. The next meeti~lg he will be attending will be on the 4th Tuesday in August. 4. Preliminary discussion of Hemlock Slope proposed Subdivision Map of Property owned by Mona P. Clark, Birch Lane, Berlin,Conn., dated April 10, 1970, Scale 1"=200', Edwin W. Scymanoski. This Commission cannot act upon due to non-conformance to Zoning. Recommended a discussion be held with Zoning Board of Appeals. 5. George S. Iarmolinski appeared on proposed Subdivision Revision of Smokey Hill, Lower Lane, Berlin, Conn. Subdivision Map property owned and developed by Earl H. Wicklund, 27 Oxyoke Drive, Berlin, Conn., revised May 8, 1970 - change of lot line. Eastern boundary of Lot 13E to include exisging well on Lot 13E. Approved revision providing for Lots 13B, C, and D to be served by Sanitary Sewer, subject to the approval of the Health Director, moved by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Byrne. 6. Preliminary discussion of proposed Subdivision of Property owned by Leonard L. Paul and Philip J. Sharasheff, Chamberlain Hwy. & Atwood St. Berlin,Conn. Map dated'May 25, 1970, Scale 1"=40', H.F. Kendrlck. Subdivision contains 7 residential lots. 7. Preliminary discussion of proposed Subdivision of Property owned by Marlo Masserio, Mill Street, Berlin,Conn., dated March 1970, Iames F. Kissane, Jr. 8. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 12, 1970 were approved on motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Byrne. , 9. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 . Next Meeting Iune 9 at 7:30 pm. 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission Iune 9, 1970 at 7:30 pm. Members present Aldo Castiglioni, Nunzio Rosso, Linc Conti, and Peter Baccaro. Also, Morgan Seelye, Dlr. of Public Works. 2. Agenda Item 1 - Hemlock Slope, Mona Clark prol~rty - this item was not discussed as the necessary information was not ready. 3. Agenda Item 2 - Venires Subdivision - was not discussed, information was not ready. 4. Ferndale Subdivision - Agenda Item 3 Messrs. Sharasheff and Paul presented the following map for discussion - "Map showing proposed subdivision of property owned by L. Paul and P.Sharasheff on Chamberlain Highway and Attwood St., Berlin, Conn., May 25, 1970, Scale I"--40', H.F. Kendrick, PE & LS, Rev. May 27, 1970." This subdivision contains 6 lots which are now in flood plain. The maps shows that the area will, have sanitary sewers but it does not show how the sanitary sew will be connected to any existing sanitary sewer. Mr. Seelye recommended that in addition to the 15" or 18" surface water drain pipe along the south border of lot 96, that surface water also be drained out via a pipe between lots 5C & SD. He also stated that a performance bond is required for the sanitary sewer connection to an existing sanitary sewer. Messrs. Sharasheff and Leonard were agreeable to do whatever is necessary to remove the are from the flood plain, and it Was t~oted on motion made by Mr. Rosso, seconded by Mr. Conti, to approve Mr. Sharasheff's proposal to remove the area from the flood plain by installation