1995/03/28PAGE BUDGET HEARING MARCH 28, 1995 The Board of Finance held a Town Hearing at McGee,MiddlefSchool on Tuesday, March 28, 1995 for the proposed budget for the" fiscal year ending June 30, 1996. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. John P. McIntosh, Chairman Mrs. Ida Ragazzi, Vice chairman Mr. Joseph Bajorski Mrs. Audrey Bertagna Mr. Fred Jortner Mr. Sam Lomaglio OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director Mrs. Gail Erickson, Accountant Mayor Robert J- peters Elected officials Department Heads Board of Education Members Town Residents The Hearing was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mrs. Ida Ragazzi, Vice Chairman of the Board of }Finance. Mrs. Ragazzi stated that the purpose of this hearing was to review the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1996. Mrs. Ragazzi as]zed Mr. Gary Clinton, Finance Director to comment on the revenue section of the budget. Mr. Clinton stated that the current levy represents a 1.4 mill increase. He noted that the present mill rate is 33.2 mills and that with a 1.4 mill increase it would bring it up to 34.6 mills. Mr. Clinton noted that in the education budget, due to Governor Rowland's proposal, four (4) grants are now rolled into one (I) grant, the Education Equalization Grant for a total of $3,224,004. He noted that this is a reduction from what the Town is presently receiving from the State. Mr. Clinton also noted that due to Governor Rowland's proposal, several other grants have been rolled in a block grant. He noted the elimination of the Elderly Property Tax Relief Grant, the Disability for social Security Grant, and the Additional Veterans Exemption Grant. Mr. clinton noted that Governor Rowland's proposal is that grants will no longer go directly to a Town, but to a consortium. Berlin is now in a seven(7) Town consortium- The seven (7) towns include Bristol, Plainville, New Britain, Southington, Plymouth, Burlington and Berlin. The chief executive officer from each of the seven (7) Page 2 towns will meet and determine a new method to allocate these funds. He noted that voting will be done by population, therefore, Bristol and New Britain, will outpoll the other smaller towns. He noted that Berlin will have no control on the outcome of these funds. Mr. Clinton noted a federal grant for a new police officer which will offset the salary for a new officer. Mr. Clinton sa±~ the fund balance going into this year is a little over 1.7 million dollars. He noted that the Town is anticipating using $275,000 from the fund balance next year. Mr. Clinton noted that 1,7 million dollars equals 4.28% of the operating budget. He also noted that Moody's recommends that the Town have between 5% and 10% set aside. He also noted that Standard and Poor's recommends 8%. Mr. Clinton noted a large law suit of $10,000,000 against the Town for an assessment and it could impact the Town significantly, and the fund balance would help soften this blow. Mr. Clinton noted that the fund balance is important for bonding purposes. It also helps with interest costs. Question from Dr. Mark Russak - West Lane. Dr. Russak asked if the Town has been drawing down the fund balance in lieu of raising taxes Mr. Clinton replied that the Town has in past years pumped in one million dollars and gradually lesser. He noted that last year it $350,000 and this year it will be $275,000. He noted that the Town does have a healthy bond rating - an A1 which places the Town in the upper 40%. Statement from Mayor Robert J. Peters. Mayor Peters noted that the Town of Newington is better off than Berlin and they are taking one million dollars from their Fund Balance and pumping into their Town Budget to keep their tax rate from going up. He noted that Berlin is flnanically stable. Question from Mr. Len Pryqoda - Ridqewood Lane. Mr. Prygoda asked what percentage of the mill rate is due to cut backs by Governor Rowland's budget proposals. Mr. Clinton stated that the Town is losing $84,000 on the educational side and another $300,000 in the property tax relief. He noted that this is about 4/10th of a mill. Mrs. Ragazzi noted that the hearing will next proceed with the education portion of the budget. She noted that the Board will take questions on this budget for the next hour. Statement from Mr. Robert Weiss - Whispering Brook Road. Mr. Weiss stated that he is asking for a clarification of line item - 101/0107 Nurses - School Health Program (school Expenses Account). Mr. Weiss PAG~ 3 asked if budget includes underwear for elementary school students and a step stool. He stated that recently in an elementary school the need arose for these items and there were no funds available purchase them. He noted that outside source needed to be used. He stated that he is asking the Board to add an additional line item, $50.00 for each elementary school, for a supply account to purchase small items such as these. Mr. Clinton noted that the line item Mr. Weiss referenced was a salary item. He noted that the only supply account in this budget is for dental supplies. Question from Ms. Chris Mothersele - New Britain Road. Ms. Mothersele asked what is 121/0270 - contractual services and why is there such disparity between the department request and the estimated 95/96. Mr. Clinton noted that fire alarms update was shown in two (2) places in this budget. He noted that it originally appeared in the contractual services account and in a separate account for fire alarms. The funds were then taken from the contractual services because they were already in a separate line item in the same budget. Question from Mrs. Eileen Greene - Worthlnqton Ridqe. Mrs. Greene asked about the analysis of total board of education expenditures and cost per pupil shown on Page 114. She noted the Connecticut Expenditures Council does not compute statistics this way. Statement from Mr. Richard Paskiewicz - Ellwood Road. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that at McGee School there are sixty (60) classes w~th 26 or more youngsters in them. EIe noted a language arts class with 29 pupils, and another one with 32 students. He noted a math class with 27 pupils and another one with 3] students. He noted a science lab with 27, 27, 29 and 31 students. He also noted a Social studies class with 27, 27, 29 and 30 students. He noted the foreign language class with 26 students. He also noted that the physical education classes all have over 27 students. Mr. Paskiewiec also noted that next year's budge% won't help the class size because the budget expenditures do not take into consideratio~ enrollment. He noted that it was out of control. Statement from Mrs. Terry Padelli -Carriaqe Drive. Mrs. Padelli stated that her daughter, Myka, wanted to present a petition to the Board of Finance. Myka Padelli stated that she has oollected over 150 student signatures on a petition against budget cuts to the Board of Education. Statement from Mr. Jeffrey Russo - Toll Gate Road. Mr. Russo stated that the student to teacher rate shown (14-1) is urroneous information. He noted that it includes special education teacher, the speech therapist, and the school psychologist and this information is misleading. Statement from Mr. John Richards - South Slope Drive. Mr. Richards stated that he wanted to read letter to the Board oL Finance. In it, Page Mr. Richards said he was disappointed in the planned outlay for the education budget. He noted the education budget is 94% contracts, be they salaries, fringe benefits, or transportation costs. He asked that the Board of Finance reconsider their recommendation for education spending. He suggested a three (3) year plan by which the Board of Finance reduces the Board of Education's shortfall by at least $300,000 a year for the next three (3) years. Statement from Mr. Jim Day - Kenwood St~ Mr. Day stated that he is a teacher and a coach in Town. He noted that under current conditions in special educatiOn at the high school, there are certain conditions that are unacceptable. He noted this year at the high school there were eight (8) suicidal situations. He said there is only one (1) social worker who is responsible for pPT's and crisis intervention- He noted that some students need and deserve the one on one participation and funds are not there to do that. Statement from Mr. Richard Zaccardo - Brooke Meadow Road. Mr. Zaccardo noted that he was opposed to the proposed idea of "pay for play" where middle school and high school students would have to pay fees to participate in sports activities. He noted that this would change the focus of school athletics. S__tatement from__Mrs. Martine Query - Old Wood Road. Mrs. Query stated class size is a problem. She noted that in the past, teachers were borrowed from the high school and transferred to McGee School. She asked that the Board of Finance be creative and find funds to increase the school budget. Statement from Mrs. Anthony Farone - Farminqton Avenue. Mrs. Farone said that she is--the mother o~three (3) students- She said that she knows that the economy is in a sad state of affairs. She also said that it is a question of priorities and that children should be the first priority. She stated that class size should be kept down and that technology should be kept up. Statment from Mr. Dan Wai__dda - Mildrum Road. Mr. waida stated that the Boar~of Finance should visit or video tape classrooms to see how crowded they are. He noted that it is only getting worse. Statement from Mr. Len Pryqoda _ Rid~wood Lane. Mr. Prygoda stated that both sides should band together to fight at the state level. He suggested lobbying for a property tax credit on homeowners who pay a certain amount of income tax. He noted that this program is in effect in some other towns already- Mrs. Ida Ragazzi called a ten (10) minute recess at this time. The Hearing will reconvene at 8:25 ?M at which time the town side of the budget will be heard. Mrs. Ragazzi also noted that if there are any other commentS on the school budget, they will be heard after the town portion of the hearing. 2101 - Mayor's offic__e No discussion. pAGE 5 2102- Finance De artment No discussion- ~ Ms. Mothersel tion ~ls M. ot. her~l~e~i~New Britain Road_ · asked $io,uuu Mr. Clinton replied that new systems are being put in the payroll office, the assessor's office, the building inspector's office and the tax collector'S office- He noted that this system is complex and that training is needed for the employees who will be using the systems. Mr. clinton also stated that under computer equipment - the lowest bid received - was $9,000 more that projected. He noted that the equipment being purchased is for the emergency response system - the firefighters, police and dispatchers- 2104 - Tax Collector No discussion. 2105 - Treasurer No discussion. 2106 - Cot oration Counsel No discussion- 2107 - Em lo ee Benefits Mrs. Picard asked  lcard - Kensinton Road about pay raises for management- Mr. Clinton stated that department heads received a 2½% increase and mid managers a 4% increase. He noted that the blue collar has not yet been formalized and that the white collar is just beginning to negotiate- Mr. clinton also noted that the department heads do get a step increase. Mrs. Picard replied that there seems to be no belt tightening at the Hall level. Town .Mrs~ - ~Pari~-~i~ Mrs. parish asked ~'-~nd longevity that is now being distributed  sa~lon ~ ~'~- ~ the board of education by departments- she asked if this includes budget. Mr. clinton replied that these expenses are taken from the school expenses account - ~2861 and distributed to the school budget PAGE 6 Statement from Mr. Richard Rutkowski Ridgewood Lane. Mr. Rutkowski stated that he felt that the salary in lieu of vacation account is ridiculous and he recommended that this be deleted in the future. ~uestion from Mr. Robert weiss - Whisperinq Brook Road. Mr. Weiss asked if layoffs are ant~clpated because of the increase in the Unemployment Compensation account. Mr. Clinton stated that this is just a guessimate. He did note that there is one position where the Town will be paying UC for six (6) months. 2108 - Personnel No discussion. 2109 - Assessors Statement from Mr. Robert Weiss - Chairman of the Board of Assessors Mr. Weiss referred to a letter he sent to the Board of Finance requesting that the part time clerical position now at 14 hours per week, be increased to 24 hours per week. He noted that with the revaluation beginning - it means more work for every one in that office. Mr. Weiss also stated that for the record - the assessor does not answer to the Mayor, but to the Board of Assessors. 2110 - Reqistrar of Voters Mr. Clinton noted several increases in this account. He stated that the part time account has been deleted. He also stated that the supplies account is increased to $4000 to print mailers (canvassing will now be done by mail.) He also noted an increase in the postage account to $7000. 2111 - Town Clerk Statement from Mrs. Eileen Greene Worthinqton Ridqe. Mrs. Greene stated that she was concerned with the substantial i~crease in salary for the town clerk position- Mrs. Joanne Ward, Town Clerk, responded by saying that because of the charter change on November 15th, her position will go from an elected position to a management position. She noted that she has been working for the Town for 31 years. ~uestion from Dr. Mark Russak - West Lane. Dr. Russak asked why if Mrs. Ward deserve a raise, did the ExecuLive Board wait until this year to give it to her. Statement by Mrs. Connie Marshall - Cider Mill Road. Mrs. Marshall stated that she wanted the people to read the newly ~assed Charter. She stated that it says nothing in it about the town clerk's position being a full time job. PAGE 7 2112 - Board of Tax Review No discussion. 2114 - Planninq & Buildinq Department Question from Concerned Resident. Why is there such an increase in the cooperative education assistant account. Mr. clinton replied there is no increase in salary for thisaccount which is used to employ a college student in a work study program. He noted there is only an increase in hours for this student. 2115 - Zoninq Commission. No discussion. 2116 - Zoninq Board of Appeals NO discussion. 2117 - Economic Development No discussion. 2118 - Conservation Commission. No discussion. 2119 - Inlands/Wetlands Commission. No discussion. 2121 - Veterans Advisory Committee No discussion. 2122 - Desiqn Review Committee No discussion. 2124 - Berlin Historic District. No discussion. 2125 - Charter Revision Committee Mr. Clinton noted that if the referendum passes, $4500 will need to added to this account. 2126 - Commission for the Disabled. No discussion. 2127 - Public Buildlnq Commission- PAGE 8 No discussion. 2129 - Indirect Expenses Question from Mrs. Connie Marshall - Cider Mill Road. Mrs. Marshall asked for an explanation of the advertising account. Mr. Clinton stated that this account is used to pay for publishing all public hearing notices, for ads for personnel and for purchasing/ bids. 2228 - Ambulance No discussion. 2230 - Animal Control No discussion. 2231 - Fire Department Question from Mrs. Olqa Plcard - Kensinqton Road. Mrs. Picard asked where the funds used to purchase the fire truck are showm. Mr. Clinton explained the funds were taken from the Capital & NonRecurring Fund. They are shown in the Annual Report. Mayor Robert J. Peters also noted that this purchase of the fire truck had to go to a town meeting to be approved. 2232 - Police Department ~uestion from Mr. William Norton - Grove Hill. Mr. Norton asked for an explanation of the overtime account. Mr. Clinton explained this account is used to pay for any overtime and for holiday coverage and for coverage for vacations and illness. 2234 - Fire Marshall No discussion. 2335 - Municipal Garaqe No discussion. 2336 - Public Works No discussion. 2337 - Hiqhwa¥ Department No discussion. 2338 - Public Buildinqs No discussion. PAGE 9 2542 - Rec___reation Question fro~leau - Fox Hill Lane. Mr. Pepleau asked about ~ Sagerk Lighting accOunt~ why [-[ ~ o. Mr. clinton replied that funds are being transferred from the Par]cs & Recreation Commission's Capital & NonRecurring Fund to purchase and install lights at the baseball field in Sage Park. 2543 - Golf Cours~ee Question from Mr. Ro~bber% Weiss - Whispering Brook Roa~dd. Mr. Weiss asked about the additional blue collar employee being added to this department. Mr. A1 Hawkins, Director at the Golf Course, replied that this position will be fully funded by raising fees at the golf course. He also noted that in the winter months, this employee will be helping out in the Highway Department at no extra charge to the Town. 254_____44- Libraries Statement from Mr. David BorthwicK - Ellwood Road. Mr. Borthwick, Chaxrman of t e Library Board a~k~ the Boar~inance to fund the additional hours for .reference sLaffin~ 18 hours per week and to fund circulat±on staffing - 12 additional hours per week. 254___~5 - Public Ground__s ~uestion from Mr. William Norton - Grove Hill. Mr. Norton asked why the increase in the Labor ServTces account- Mr. clinton replied that this department did not receive any new employees, but did receive an additional $12,000 in the labor account for outside contractual services- 2752 - Health Department Mr. clinton noted that the flu vaccine clinic account has now been transferred to the nursing department. 2753 - Nu~rsing Department Mrs. Jean Conway, Director of Nursing spoke requesting that her administrative assistant be given five (5) additional hours per week because her duties and responsibilies have grown. Mrs. Conway also spoke in favor of nurses salaries. She stated that her office gives service seven (7) days a week, weekends and holidays. She is requestinc[ an additional 750 hours in this account. Mrs. Conway also spoke in favor of increasing her dues and conferences account. She noted that her staff is mandated to take twelve (12) hours of staff education yearly. Mrs. Conway also spoke in favor of increasing the mileage account to $4000 because of increase case load. Question from Mrs. Ol_~a p~card - Kensint~[~q~ Road. Mrs. Picard asked about the increase in the home health aide account. P~GE 10 Mrs.=Conway explained that she has a new employee hired this year, She stated that because of the case load, she also needs to contract out for at least 7-10 extra aides at any given time. 2754 - Social Services No discussion. 2755 - Senior Center No discussion. 2859 - St. Paul's No discussion. 3063 - Princlpal, Payments - Town No discussion. 3064 - Principal Payments - Schools No discussion. 3165 -Interest p~yments - Town No discussion. 3166 - Interest Payments -Schcols No discussion. 3267 - Transfers - Town No discussion. 3268 - Transfers - School No discussion. Water/Sewer Funds No discussion. At this time, Mayor Peters stated that he wished to hand out to each Board member a list of reductions in different departments that he wanted the Finance Board to review. He noted that he was concerned about citizens on fixed incomes, the unemployed and those underemployed.. Mrs. Ragazzi now stated that if any one else wanted to speak about the school budget, she would take comments at this time. Statement from Mr. Darry] Johnson - Berlin Street, EastBerlin. Page 11 Mr. Johnson stated that he was the newest member of the Board of Education. He stated that he was here to ask the Board of Finance to look at the enrollment figures before they make any decision regarding the school budget. He noted that he felt that the Board of Finance was very unfair in presenting their figures to the public without looking at the ~hole picture. Statement from Mr. Tom Galvin - Principal at Berlin Hiqh School. Mr. Galvin stated that until last year, classes at the high school were on the decline. He noted that since 1988 his staff of teachers has been reduced by eight. He also noted that enrollment is starting to increase again and that no increase in staff is being given to the high school. He asked that the Board not forget the needs at the high school, Mr. Galvin stated that he has three (3) worries - the increase in large class size, the special ed services - because the population is changing and lastly the pay to play. He stated that pay to play does not belong in Berlin. Statement from Mr. Alex Drachenberq -Ronal Drive. Mr. Drachenberg stated that he is living on a fixed income and he is asking that the mill rate be kept down. He then commended the Board of Finance for the excellent job they are doing for the Town. Statement from Mrs. Connine Caunt - Primrose Lane. Mrs. Caunt stated that children are our future, and that everyone needs to support educatien for the children of Berlin. Statement from Mr. Peter DeMichele - Bittersweet Lane. Mr. DeMichele stated that he is president of the Booster Club at Berlin High School. He stated that by paying taxes, every parent is entitled to have their children compete in sports if they wish. He stated that he is totally against the "pay to play" proposal. Mrs. Ragazzi thanked everyone for coming to the hearing to this evening. The Hearing was adjourned at 10:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, JoAnn Budzinsk~; Recording Secretary APPROVED March 28, 1995 . .,' ,~. '.. Mayor Robert Peters called the meeting to order at M, eC~ School' at 10:45 p.m. following the Annual Budget Hearing. Present were Deputy Mayor Thcmas Veronesi, Joanne Ward-Town Clerk, James D'Errico-Director of Personnel/Purchasing, Attorney Joseph Fasi-Bonding Counsel, Kelley Beaucar-Herald reporter, Mary Ellen Wazorko-Hartford Courant reporter, and Janice Serafino, secretary. Deputy Mayor Arthur Powers was not present, as he was on vacation. Additions to Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add a resolution regarding bonding regulations to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The TownClerk stated that Attorney Fasiwas in attendance to explain to the EXecutive Board new federal regulations regarding bonding. Attorney Fasi stated that the Securites and Exchange Cc~ssion has adopted new regulations which will require the Town to enter into an agreement with those who purchase the Town's bonds to provide financial information each year to electronic depositories throughout the country. The Bonding Counsel presented a resolution that would allow for the Town to enter into such agresments with those who presently hold Townb~nds. He said that the resolutions passed for future bond sales will give that authorization. Mayor Peters asked if this requires Town Meeting action, to which Attorney Fasi responded affirmatively. Deputy Mayor Veronesi motioned to accept the resolution and place it on the agenda of the April 4th Special Town Meeting, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add the Town Clerk to the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mrs. Ward presented a letter to the Executive Board in which she stated that, in accordance withSection 7-188(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes, she has certified 1,488 names on a petition filed with her on March 23, 1995, which requests the appointment of a Charter Revision Cc~ssion that would call for a referendum to vote on retaining the present form of government. Mayor Peters moved to place this item on the agenda of the next Executive Board meeting, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Attorney Fasi and Joanne Ward left the meeting at this time. Personnei/PurchasinqMatters Request for Re-Classification of_Library Position-Tabled To r~nain on the Table. Blue Collar Work Schedule-Tabled/Executive Session Mayor Peters asked that this remain on the Table and, as the change in the work schedule would only affect the employees of the Municipal Garage, that the Chief Mechanic be asked to the next meeting to discuss the proposal. Discussion of Ambulance Contract-Tabled/Executive Session Retirees' Pension and Insurance Matter-Tabled Had been Tabled to April 4th meeting. Mr. D'Errico reported that the Town has a tentative contract with the Blue Collar Union on which the members will vote Thursday. If ratified by the Union, Mr. D'Errico said he will present it to the Executive Board at the next meeting. Mayor Peters said he believes it is a good contract and this was the last attempt to come to a settlement before going to Artibration. 5~. D'Errico left the meeting at this time. Corporation Counsel Discussion of Timberlin concession Mayor Peters reported that Mr. Chirico has signed the contract for the concession and it is being returned to Corporation Counsel at this time. The Mayor said that upon receipt of the contract he would sign it, as the Board reviewed and approved the draft changes. Deputy Mayor Veronesi agreed with the Mayor. The Mayor said that work on the facility is nearly completed and the concessionaire is planning to open next week. Update on Hunqerford Park Court Case The Mayor stated the Judge has ruled that Berlin be taken out of the suit filed by the Friends of Hungerford Park against the City of New Britain. Letter from Cedar Acre Residents Association Regardin9 Silver Lake Re--st Site-Tabled To remain on the Table. The Mayor said that to his knowledge no odor complaints have been reported since receipt of the letter. Certificate of Discontinuance: Stantack Road-Tabled To remain on the Table. Mayor Peters said he is still researching the Planning Cc~mission minutes. -2- Economic DeveloDment Matters Nothing to report. Approval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of March 21, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. 1995 as written, New Business Acceptance of Donation to D.A.R.E. Program Mayor Peters moved to accept a $1000 donation to the Police Department's D.A.R.E. program by the Hartford Lodge 88 A.F. & A.M., seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Schedule a Special Town Meetinq and Set Agenda Mayor Peters moved to schedule a Special Town Meeting for April 4, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Rocm and to place the following items on the agenda of that meeting: 1. Transfer a s~n not to exceed $25,000 from account 650-1393-930-941 (General Insurance Fund) to account 650-3267-121-134 (Catastrophe Fund) to establish a catastrophe fund to meet ~nergencies. 2. Transfer a sum not to exceed $11,000 frc~ account 101-2129-121-0299 (Contingency) to account 101-2861-131-400 (School Expenses/Capital Purchases) to purchase equipment for the B.H.S. Track Program. 3. Transfer a sum not to exceed $27,000 from account 101-2129-121-0299 (Contingency) to account 101-2861-121-270 (School Expenses/Contractual Expenses) to replenish this account. 4. Transfer a sum not to exceed $5000 from account 643-1393-216-0000 (Retained Earnings) to account 644-131-000-0000 (Sanitary Sewer/Capital Expenditure) to fabricate and install water assembly at Route 5 & 15 sanitary sewer pump station. 5. Transfer a sum not to exceed $15,000 frcrn account 644-1393-216-0000 (Retained Earnings) to account 644-131-000-0000 (sanitary Sewer/Pumping Expenses) for the electrification of Lamentation Water Storage Facility. 6. Transfer a sum not to exceed $90,000 frc~ account 644-1393-216-0000 (Retained Earnings) to account 644-189-000-0000 (Sewer Fund/New Construction) for the Project Northbrook Trunk sanitary Sewer Extension. 7. Transfer a sum not to exceed $145,165.00 from account 319-1393-930-0944 (Parks and Recreation Field Capital & Non-Recurring Fund) to 319-2542-131-0429 (Lighting-Sage Park Baseball Field) to purchase and install lighting for the baseball field at Sage Park. -3- 8. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN OFFICIALS TO COVENANT AND AGREE ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN TO CC~PLY WITH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ACT RULE 15c-12. Board and Cc~ssion Matters No action taken. Financial Matters Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations Mayor Peters moved to approve a request sutxmitted by Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Building Maintenance, to appropriate an additional $2000 to account 101-2338-101-121 (Overtime) to replenish the account to end of this fiscal year due to unanticipated overtime, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi. In the discussion, the Mayor noted that the Executive Board had cut $5000 from Mr. Russell's original budget request for this line item. The motion passed unanimously. Tax Refunds Mayor Peters moved to approve the following Tax Refunds, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously: -$174.97 to Mildrum-Bruno Insurance Associates, change in assessment by Board of Tax Review -$29.12 to William T. or June Duksa, motor vehicle sold-$52.81 to Robert N. Brown, corrected assessment by Board of Tax Review-$242.36 to David R. and Susan L. Yorski, Real Estate, asses~nent reduced, construction not complete Additions to Agenda Mayor Peters moved to add a letter from Jean Conway, Director of Public Health Nursing, asking that 160 hours be restored to the budget for weekend and holiday hours worked. Mrs. Conway stated that for budgeting purposes 750 hours are needed and funding for only 590 hours was provided in the 1995-96 budget. Following a brief discussion, Mayor Peters moved to approve the request to add funding for 160 hours to the NursingDepartment budget for weekend and holiday hours, on the condition that the Finance Director verifies that it was not included in the original figures, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add a letter drafted by AttorneyAnderson regarding the State's Affordable Housing Act to the agenda, seconded by DeputyMayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that this letter is to be sent to our State Legislators from the Executive Board asking that they look to either clarify or repeal the Act. After a discussion of the recent Appellate Court decision of Wisniowski v. Berlin Planning Cc~nission, which favored the developer, Mayor Peters moved to approve the draft and prepare a final -4- copy for signing by the Executive Board, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. Unfinished Business Set Priorities for Capital Improvements-Tabled ~--r-l~ Land Trust: Land Use Proposal-Tabled To remain on the Table. Potential Land Purchase-Tabled/Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to remove this item from the Table, seconded by Deputy Mayor Veronesi, passed unanimously. The Mayor said that although he wanted to wait until all members were present before taking any action, he wanted to discuss a budget request he he prepared in the amount of $400,000, to be funded through Bonds and Notes. The Mayor said he believed this amount would cover the purchase of the land in question, preparation of it for future use, possibly for soccer, and renovations to the present fields at Percival Heights for Little League fields. To be addressed at the next meeting. adj~t The meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m.. -5-