2009-10-08 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes - October 8, 2009 I Call to Order The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission held a Regular Meeting on October 8, 2009. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. In attendance Chairman Bruce Moore Commissioners Mark Kaczynski, Gary Marzi, Kevin Murphy, Robert Weiss Alternate Commissioner Frederick Sorbo (seated) Director of Development Services Hellyn Riggins Excused Commissioners Ronald Edelson, Bradford Parsons Alternate Commissioners Keith Bostrom, Steve Wollman Chairman Moore stated the agenda had been slightly revised with the addition of Items III d., IV b., IVc. and the deletion of IIIc. (the Special Permit application has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant). Commissioner Weiss moved to adopt the revised agenda. Commissioner Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. II Review/Acceptance of Minutes a. August 27, 2009 Regular Meeting Commissioner Murphy moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion. The motion carried with one abstention (Commissioner Kaczynski). b. September 24, 2009 Commissioner Murphy moved to table review of the minutes. Commissioner Kaczynski seconded the motion which carried unanimously. III Scheduling of Public Hearings a. Proposed Amendment of The Metro Realty Group, LTD to create a new section of the Berlin Zoning Regulations, Section XI.BB Mixed Income Housing Development ("MIHD") Suggested Date: November 19, 2009 Commissioner Weiss moved to schedule the public hearing for November 19, 2009. Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission - October 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Commissioner Murphy seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Zone Change Request of The Metro Realty Group, LTD to change the zone of Lots 10A and 10B, Block 83, Deming Road from General Commercial to MIHD (Mixed Income Housing Development) Suggested Date: November 19, 2009 Commissioner Kaczynski moved to schedule the public hearing for November 19, 2009. Commissioner Marzi seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Special Permit Use Application of The Metro Realty Group, LTD for multi-family affordable housing and Lots 10A and 10B, Block 83, 332 Deming Road Suggested Date: November 19, 2009 Withdrawn at the Applicant's request. d. Proposed subdivision of Bartkowicz Family LLC for a 2 Lot subdivision at Lot 2-F, Block 74, Longview Drive Suggested Date: November 19, 2009 Commissioner Murphy moved to schedule the public hearing for November 19, 2009. Commissioner Kaczynski seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV Other Business a. Revocation of the Performance Bond, Bank of America Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit Number 68015996, in the amount of $124,500, submitted by Patrick D. DiPinto, P.N. DiPinto Builders LLC, for the Kensington Valley Estates Subdivision, Lots 14 and 15, Block 12, Chamberlain Highway Commissioner Weiss moved to call the bond in favor of the Town. Commissioner Murphy seconded the motion. Discussion Director Riggins stated this agenda item was also discussed at the September 24, 2009 meeting. The Public Works Department has determined the work and its cost will exceed the amount of the bond. Both the applicant and the bank have been notified. The motion carried unanimously. b. In accordance with Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes, review and recommendation of the installation of an agricultural well at the Hatchery Brook Community Gardens Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission - October 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Director Riggins stated the community gardens were very successful. They were able to finance their operation by fund raising and grants and without town funds. The proposed well project received a favorable review from the Conservation Commission. The well will be constructed in the middle of the site and will have the ability to operate year round and during drought time. The water will be non-potable and a sign posted to indicate that. A lock will be attached and its combination will only be given to those who rent plots at the site. Commissioner Murphy moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the Town Council. Commissioner Marzi seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Interpretation of the zoning regulations for a jai alai club at 500 Four Road, as proposed by Matt Dimizio Director Riggins stated "racket courts" are an acceptable use for PI zone. She asked the commissioners to provide an interpretation if a jai alai club would meet that definition. Mr. Matt Dimizio, 2 Hollow Drive, Cromwell stated his proposed jai alai club would be recreational and an amateur game; the space at the location is ideal. He stated there had been an amateur facility in Milford for about twenty years, but that is now closed. He said his interest in opening the club is his passion for the game. He would finance the club by renting court time or perhaps by charging a monthly fee for a membership. As a former instructor, he taught children, as well families, to play jai alai. He read a descriptive paragraph of an explanation of the game, summarizing there are many versions of the game and stating jai alai is similarly played to racquetball. Commissioner Murphy stated the use fits in with the regulations. Commissioner Sorbo, Commissioner Weiss, and Commissioner Marzi agreed with that opinion. Director Riggins stated the commissioners' consensus is that the use is acceptable in the zone and that is all the commission needs to do. V Bond Reductions and Releases a. Request of Michael Lewchik for a bond reduction, Toll Meadow Estates, Meadow Lane & Toll Gate Road Director Riggins stated both she and Engineering staff agree the bond may be reduced to $6,870. Commissioner Weiss moved reduce the bond to that amount. Commissioner Marzi seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission - October 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes - Page 4 b. Bond Release, Walgreen's Pharmacy, Farmington Avenue Director Riggins stated the bank will not be renewing the Letter of Credit for this project. She stated Engineering, Police and all other staff are satisfied with the project and are in agreement that the bond may be released. Commissioner Murphy moved to release the bond. Commissioner Sorbo seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VI Public Hearings a. Proposed zoning regulations of Economic Development Commission to amend Berlin Zoning Regulations related to the Berlin Turnpike Corridor Chairman Moore read the Call of the Hearing. Commissioner Murphy moved to combine Item b. with Item a. Commissioner Marzi seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Proposal of the Economic Development Commission to amend the Berlin Zoning Map related to the Berlin Turnpike Corridor Chairman Moore stated letters of opinion had been received from: ? Capitol Region Council of Governments ? Midstate Regional Planning Agency ? Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency ? South Central Regional Council of Governments He noted that not one of the agencies reported the applications to be in conflict. Mr. James Mahoney, Director of Economic Development, stated he had worked on the regulations with Hellyn Riggins, and Consultants Valerie Ferro and the late Bruce Hoben. The proposed regulations had been reviewed by the Economic Development Commission and a public meeting had been held, as well. Mr. Mahoney provided a brief overview of the changes, stated the amendments are more restrictive in terms of uses, moving away from heavy commercial uses. He stated this effort to create more office/retail uses for the Berlin Turnpike began with efforts in 2003. He stated parking and landscaping were given consideration when the proposed regulations were developed. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Mahoney to communicate to the Economic Development Commission the Planning and Zoning Commission's appreciation for its time and effort in reviewing the proposed changes. There were no other speakers. Commissioner Murphy moved to continue the hearing to the October 22, 2009 meeting. Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission - October 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes - Page 5 Commissioner Sorbo seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VII Old Business a. Proposed zoning regulations of Economic Development Commission to amend Berlin Zoning Regulations related to the Berlin Turnpike Corridor b. Proposal of the Economic Development Commission to amend the Berlin Zoning Map related to the Berlin Turnpike Corridor The public hearings will continue at the October 22, 2009 meeting. VIIICommissioners’ Comments IX Director’s Comments X Communications XI Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Frances M. Semnoski Recording Secretary